Lefty antisemites are now BDSing American conpanies in the USA

for the Lebanese guy-----lots of Lebanese Christian businessmen in the USA do Israel stuff. Muslims tend to hate them. Its been going on since my childhood----
LONG LONG ago (for lingo--- lots of the Lebanese Christians are something like
MARONITES -----sorta eastern orthodox----and early on Christians---before islam
invaded) USA muslim violence against them AIN't Nuthin' new but I believe that
it will increase with every developing CRISIS
Is that really surprising? Islam is the most praised-by-Hitler, Nazis-collaborating, mass-Jew-exterminating hate ideology in the recorded history of mankind. In their convulsion to sell out America to Islam, liberals are the ultimate neo-Nazis who happen to be too far up their own assholes to realize it.

Yes, I've read the Quran book of bloodthirsty hate and studied that rape-epidemic, bloodthirsty hate ideology for the past several fucking years. It is an ideology of pure, primitive destruction which has NOT ONE redeeming quality of any kind. That's why Islam is impossible to reform; it has zero altruistic qualities on which to base a reformation.

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