Legalize Grass?

IMHO, no "Grass Commissions", no special taxes, licenses or regulatory boards, no special "dispensaries". Allow the weed to be sold in Walmart, Family Dollar, Giant Eagle, Sheetz and Target, as well any mom and pops that want to push the herbs.

You obviously do not understand the commonwealth of Pa at all. What you suggest is simply not in their nature! If they legalize it, they will make the residents there sit up and beg for it like a dog while controlling every aspect of it.

When you are in a recreational state the prices are competitive I get texts from my favorite vegas dispensary offering me 2 for one deal and sales on ounces etc. In Utah, even with a medical card, the State is out of their freaking minds. They want $60.00 for 3.5 grams Robbery!

The Grass Cartels can deliver high quality dope for a lot lower prices.

Even if you have a medical card, why wouldn't you stop by at the local pusher's crib and save money?
Here in Oregon we have dispensaries all over. Each one carries a large variety of weed strains, all lab tested for THC and CBD. Good quality stuff. Why go to a black market dealer like the old days and pay for whatever he happens to have when you can go to a legal store and get a variety of choices at known quality and quantity? Prices are very reasonable too. About the same price but without the risks.
When you are in a recreational state the prices are competitive
Even if you have a medical card, why wouldn't you stop by at the local pusher's crib and save money?
Here in Oregon we have dispensaries all over. Each one carries a large variety of weed strains, all lab tested for THC and CBD. Good quality stuff. Why go to a black market dealer like the old days and pay for whatever he happens to have when you can go to a legal store and get a variety of choices at known quality and quantity? Prices are very reasonable too. About the same price but without the risks.

My only two thoughts on that:
  1. Why does weed need to be "lab tested" adding to the overhead? I can look at a bud, give it a sniff and tell you if its good. Still not sure? One toke of a 5mm crumb and I'll tell you all you want to know about the quality and content. Even the strain and type of THC.
  2. What is this about a "legal" store---- if pot's legalized for sale and use in a state how can a street dealer be "illegal" or unsafe. Again, anyone worth his salt knows what they are buying just by a look and a sniff. I just don't see what risks there are buying off a street guy especially if what he has is good and cheaper. I'd much prefer to buy real weed grown under the actual Sun, wind and rain outdoors than something grown indoors artificially needing a stick to hold it up.
IMHO, no "Grass Commissions", no special taxes, licenses or regulatory boards, no special "dispensaries". Allow the weed to be sold in Walmart, Family Dollar, Giant Eagle, Sheetz and Target, as well any mom and pops that want to push the herbs.

You obviously do not understand the commonwealth of Pa at all. What you suggest is simply not in their nature! If they legalize it, they will make the residents there sit up and beg for it like a dog while controlling every aspect of it.

When you are in a recreational state the prices are competitive I get texts from my favorite vegas dispensary offering me 2 for one deal and sales on ounces etc. In Utah, even with a medical card, the State is out of their freaking minds. They want $60.00 for 3.5 grams Robbery!

The Grass Cartels can deliver high quality dope for a lot lower prices.

Even if you have a medical card, why wouldn't you stop by at the local pusher's crib and save money?
Here in Oregon we have dispensaries all over. Each one carries a large variety of weed strains, all lab tested for THC and CBD. Good quality stuff. Why go to a black market dealer like the old days and pay for whatever he happens to have when you can go to a legal store and get a variety of choices at known quality and quantity? Prices are very reasonable too. About the same price but without the risks.

Its my understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) but the price of legal grass is more expensive than the product sold by the local pushers.

As far as the issue of "quality assurance", I suspect that most of your future black market cannabis will be product that "fell off the back of the truck" instead of smuggled from Columbia and will have familiar brand names that legal potheads will recognize.
Its my understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) but the price of legal grass is more expensive than the product sold by the local pushers.
I'm the wrong one to ask as I've never had "legal grass" as an option and haven't seen nor looked for any weed in 13 years.

will have familiar brand names that legal potheads will recognize
Its all sensimillia these days. THC is THC and the only differences are the concentrations and whether 8 or 9. Both have their advantages. Want more high? Just puff more.
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
They are talking this shit here in Pennsylvania.

I think its a good idea, but it has to be done right.

IMHO, no "Grass Commissions", no special taxes, licenses or regulatory boards, no special "dispensaries".

Allow the weed to be sold in Walmart, Family Dollar, Giant Eagle, Sheetz and Target, as well any mom and pops that want to push the herbs. It would be subject to state sales tax, but nothing outside what someone buying a case of Coke or Pabst.

Eliminate the political plums and patronage out of the Grass Industry, don't let the politicians have a taste.

Why wouldn’t it be taxed like alcohol?
Stupid idea, pushed by stupid, selfish potheads who don't give a second thought to the lives, families, and communities destroyed by that trash.

I know of no one whose life was destroyed by pot. I know a lot of people whose lives have been helped by the medicinal benefits of the herb, myself included.

I have seen too many bright energetic kids with great futures and unlimited potential, turn in just a few months into unmotivated slugs barely able to keep their blood shot eyes open, and devoid of any ambition or concern for their own welfare, let alone for the outcome of their future. Old hippies and assorted other adult scumbags who just want to indulge their own feel good moment don’t pause to think about what this shit does to children, children, children. Read that carefully, I said children. Their families their communities all of it gets destroyed by this shit and I have seen it far too many times. All this crap about medicinal uses when there are other medicines that perform the same task, or distractions about banning alcohol instead, miss the entire point that careless and irresponsible pieces of shit are all too willing to avoid just so they can sit there and have their little smoky smoky and get a little buzz on for a second. Nothing else matters in the world or for the sake of the entire country except that they can sit and have a little fucking smoke for their little two fucking minutes and their little fucking pointless lives while others lives are ruined by it.

Legalizing weed will not have an effect on the number of children who smoke it.

Legal weed dispensaries only allow people 21 and over to walk in.

Underage kids drink too so are you for making alcohol illegal ?

Legal weed will increase the number of children who smoke it, as they will be able to go into their parents stash when they ain't looking, as well as go to the local bodega with a note purportedly signed by mom to allow them to buy grass.
you can't buy weed at the bodega.
Depends on which Bodega you go too!
.... Pot is the only thing I have ever taken for my insomnia that didn't leave me a zombie the next morning. .....

Absolute bullshit. There are tons of drugs - over the counter drugs at that - that are gentle and effective for insomnia. You are just an old pothead making excuses to yourself.
Dragonlady??? Can you Say Melatonin!! If not Alcohol works , But you probably already know that. Meditate, Clear your mind put today away and hope you wake up tomorrow to deal with all the shit we all complain about
.... Pot is the only thing I have ever taken for my insomnia that didn't leave me a zombie the next morning. .....

Absolute bullshit. There are tons of drugs - over the counter drugs at that - that are gentle and effective for insomnia. You are just an old pothead making excuses to yourself.

Thank you for your condescending judgement asshat.

I started smoking pot when I was in my early 20's, and I've been a high achieving, high producing person throughout my entire life. It is to be noted that Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and some of the highest achieving people in the USA are also "potheads".

I'm 71 and I am in excellent health. I don't own a car and ride my bike everywhere. I take no pills - for anything. I had a stress related heart attack 6 1/2 years old and that's it. My PCP says my test results are excellent. My cardiologist says the same, and that I don't need medication. I hated they way I felt when I was on them.

I am smoking legal pot, that I either grow myself or purchase from the local dispensary. I didn't ask for your approval or your permission.
.... Pot is the only thing I have ever taken for my insomnia that didn't leave me a zombie the next morning. .....

Absolute bullshit. There are tons of drugs - over the counter drugs at that - that are gentle and effective for insomnia. You are just an old pothead making excuses to yourself.
Dragonlady??? Can you Say Melatonin!! If not Alcohol works , But you probably already know that. Meditate, Clear your mind put today away and hope you wake up tomorrow to deal with all the shit we all complain about

I tried Melatonin. I fell asleep right away, and then woke up 4 hours later and couldn't get back to sleep.

Alcohol is the worst way of getting to sleep. There are numberous articles about why you don't sleep properly after drinking. Plus alcohol, unlike pot, is very bad for the body. I certainly don't want to drink myself to sleep every night. That's a recipe for disaster.

I have a system that works for me. That does me no harm. That is cheap, legal, and means I'm not putting chemicals into my body that God never made. Why would I want to change what I'm currently doing?
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
You MUST be a democrat. Start facing reality.
Alcohol is the worst way of getting to sleep. There are numberous articles about why you don't sleep properly after drinking. Plus alcohol, unlike pot, is very bad for the body. I certainly don't want to drink myself to sleep every night. That's a recipe for disaster.

Depends on the alcohol. Beer is a high fluid alcohol which cause the drinker to get up multiple times during the night to urinate. However, drinking gin or vodka, it isn't a problem
.... Pot is the only thing I have ever taken for my insomnia that didn't leave me a zombie the next morning. .....

Absolute bullshit. There are tons of drugs - over the counter drugs at that - that are gentle and effective for insomnia. You are just an old pothead making excuses to yourself.

Thank you for your condescending judgement asshat.

I started smoking pot when I was in my early 20's, and I've been a high achieving, high producing person throughout my entire life. It is to be noted that Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and some of the highest achieving people in the USA are also "potheads".

I'm 71 and I am in excellent health. I don't own a car and ride my bike everywhere. I take no pills - for anything. I had a stress related heart attack 6 1/2 years old and that's it. My PCP says my test results are excellent. My cardiologist says the same, and that I don't need medication. I hated they way I felt when I was on them.

I am smoking legal pot, that I either grow myself or purchase from the local dispensary. I didn't ask for your approval or your permission.

I gave up on smoking grass in my early 20's, just when you was starting up. But as a teen, taking hits off of a bong, dropping acid, huffing paint and glue, really didn't damage me.
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
You MUST be a democrat. Start facing reality.
No I'm not a democrat and I'm not republican either but you are a 2 dimensional thinker.

The reality is that people have always used drugs and always will use drugs.

and FYI alcohol is a drug that is responsible for more damage that marijuana
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
You MUST be a democrat. Start facing reality.
No I'm not a democrat and I'm not republican either but you are a 2 dimensional thinker.

The reality is that people have always used drugs and always will use drugs.

and FYI alcohol is a drug that is responsible for more damage that marijuana
Yes people will always use drugs and civilization will always have its failures. The difference between the use of drugs now and the use of drugs in the past is that now we make it easy. If you read the article you would have learned that the size of the mentally ill drug addicted skid row quickly increased when the city adopted a no harm policy. Clean needles, tents, food, all contributed to increasing the number of sick.

Legalize drugs then treat them the same as they were treated back when there were no drug laws at all.
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
You MUST be a democrat. Start facing reality.
No I'm not a democrat and I'm not republican either but you are a 2 dimensional thinker.

The reality is that people have always used drugs and always will use drugs.

and FYI alcohol is a drug that is responsible for more damage that marijuana
Yes people will always use drugs and civilization will always have its failures. The difference between the use of drugs now and the use of drugs in the past is that now we make it easy. If you read the article you would have learned that the size of the mentally ill drug addicted skid row quickly increased when the city adopted a no harm policy. Clean needles, tents, food, all contributed to increasing the number of sick.

Legalize drugs then treat them the same as they were treated back when there were no drug laws at all.
we should legalize all drugs at least in small quantities.

We would free up the courts and the cops so they could actually concentrate on real crimes and not worry about the guy with a joint in his pocket.

We could cut our prison population in half and be able to keep the violent criminals in jail.

We would save billions of dollars a year by abandoning the failed war on drugs
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
You MUST be a democrat. Start facing reality.
No I'm not a democrat and I'm not republican either but you are a 2 dimensional thinker.

The reality is that people have always used drugs and always will use drugs.

and FYI alcohol is a drug that is responsible for more damage that marijuana
Yes people will always use drugs and civilization will always have its failures. The difference between the use of drugs now and the use of drugs in the past is that now we make it easy. If you read the article you would have learned that the size of the mentally ill drug addicted skid row quickly increased when the city adopted a no harm policy. Clean needles, tents, food, all contributed to increasing the number of sick.

Legalize drugs then treat them the same as they were treated back when there were no drug laws at all.
we should legalize all drugs at least in small quantities.

We would free up the courts and the cops so they could actually concentrate on real crimes and not worry about the guy with a joint in his pocket.

We could cut our prison population in half and be able to keep the violent criminals in jail.

We would save billions of dollars a year by abandoning the failed war on drugs
This is the way basically honest people think. In reality it doesn't work that way. The street encampments are microcosims of the results of legalized drugs. There is no enforcement in these areas. No police, no drug laws, just assistance. Clean needles, medical care, what they need is given to them. The drugs are so cheap a half day of panhandling will pay. There are still people who are working to make the drugs free.

It hasn't helped. The problem gets bigger and the drug addicted more numerous. Most of these drug users slip into mental illness as the drugs leach their ability to think clearly.

This is not happening by accident. Where are the drugs coming from? Who is the primary financial winner?
Quite amusing. Have you ever been to a homeless take over area? Do you know how large they are? Have you made the connection between drug use and mental illness yet? Why are the solutions for dealing with this issue specifically designed to increase the size and scope of the occupied area?

This isn't by accident.
you'll be OK as long as you have your tin foil hat
You aren't part of the problem you ARE the problem.
and you are an idiot
You MUST be a democrat. Start facing reality.
No I'm not a democrat and I'm not republican either but you are a 2 dimensional thinker.

The reality is that people have always used drugs and always will use drugs.

and FYI alcohol is a drug that is responsible for more damage that marijuana
Yes people will always use drugs and civilization will always have its failures. The difference between the use of drugs now and the use of drugs in the past is that now we make it easy. If you read the article you would have learned that the size of the mentally ill drug addicted skid row quickly increased when the city adopted a no harm policy. Clean needles, tents, food, all contributed to increasing the number of sick.

Legalize drugs then treat them the same as they were treated back when there were no drug laws at all.
we should legalize all drugs at least in small quantities.

We would free up the courts and the cops so they could actually concentrate on real crimes and not worry about the guy with a joint in his pocket.

We could cut our prison population in half and be able to keep the violent criminals in jail.

We would save billions of dollars a year by abandoning the failed war on drugs
This is the way basically honest people think. In reality it doesn't work that way. The street encampments are microcosims of the results of legalized drugs. There is no enforcement in these areas. No police, no drug laws, just assistance. Clean needles, medical care, what they need is given to them. The drugs are so cheap a half day of panhandling will pay. There are still people who are working to make the drugs free.

It hasn't helped. The problem gets bigger and the drug addicted more numerous. Most of these drug users slip into mental illness as the drugs leach their ability to think clearly.

This is not happening by accident. Where are the drugs coming from? Who is the primary financial winner?

The evidence garnered from other countries says you're wrong.

Portugal decriminalized all drugs and overdoses decreased, overall drug use decreased and crime decreased because they started treating addiction like the medical problem that it is rather than a crime.
I wonder when the tight asses here in NY are going to legalize recreational.
When you are in a recreational state the prices are competitive
Even if you have a medical card, why wouldn't you stop by at the local pusher's crib and save money?
Here in Oregon we have dispensaries all over. Each one carries a large variety of weed strains, all lab tested for THC and CBD. Good quality stuff. Why go to a black market dealer like the old days and pay for whatever he happens to have when you can go to a legal store and get a variety of choices at known quality and quantity? Prices are very reasonable too. About the same price but without the risks.

My only two thoughts on that:
  1. Why does weed need to be "lab tested" adding to the overhead? I can look at a bud, give it a sniff and tell you if its good. Still not sure? One toke of a 5mm crumb and I'll tell you all you want to know about the quality and content. Even the strain and type of THC.
  2. What is this about a "legal" store---- if pot's legalized for sale and use in a state how can a street dealer be "illegal" or unsafe. Again, anyone worth his salt knows what they are buying just by a look and a sniff. I just don't see what risks there are buying off a street guy especially if what he has is good and cheaper. I'd much prefer to buy real weed grown under the actual Sun, wind and rain outdoors than something grown indoors artificially needing a stick to hold it up.

I'm not opposed to quality standards. I know that sounds ridiculous considering I've spent the past 50 years buying uncertified weed from street dealers, but I consider this a benefit of legalization. And quite frankly, dispensarys don't even let you see their weed, much less sniff it. It's all wrapped, boxed, bottled, and sealed up in "stink proof" wrappings.

The legalization of pot means that the sale is taxed, and that the vendor has paid government sales and income taxes on the sale, just as the seals on liquor bottles also certify. I'm happy with an underground economy being taxed.

Legalization hasn't really reduced pot prices in the City. When I walked into our favourite big city dispensary in Hamilton, it was in a major retail mall with big rents, in an upscale neighbourhood with other mall tenants including a major grocery store, and and directly across the parking lot roadway street from the government owned liquor store.

The interior was bright and glossy, designer look, and there was a lot of staff to assist you. Minimum wage in the province is $14 /hr. My first thought was "overhead through the roof"!!! The pot was so overpackaged. Mine came in a plastic bottle - like a large, open mouth asprin container, which was then placed in a cardboard box by the grower, and the stored placed this in a paper bag, all of which ended up in the recycling. Their prices were no different from the expensive street dealer I bought from in Toronto, except for the same price, he delivered it to my house. I didn't have to drive 40 miles to pick it up.

Our small town dispensary - also located directly across the road from our local, government owned liquor store, is much lower rents. It features a more rustic interior, with refurbished, not brand new, furnishings, and never more than 4 staffers, including the greeter/ID checker at the front door. Their pot is packaged in printed white plastic bags, by the grower - cheapest packaging available. Their prices are half that of the fancy, big city store. My favourite Pink Kush sells for $130/ounce as opposed to $300 from my Toronto Dealer, or the $224 from the big city dispensary.

But best of all, I can now legally grow up to 4 plants for my personal use. What this means, is that if the little neighbourhood shits sneaks into my yard at night and steals my plants, I can call the police and have the little wastes of skin, arrested. Our town FaceBook page was filled with videos of the young local assholes stealing plants out of backyards, taken by their neighbours' surveillance cameras. Young local assholes are no longer breaking into cars or backyards. Win/Win

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