Legalize it!

In the early 20th century we made propaganda films that depicted black people as becoming savage white women rapers when they had the drug and soon it became teens becoming savage murdering rapists and then it got banned.

The alcohol industry led the campaign to criminalize pot.
True---guess I maybe have seen too many people waste thier lives using the stuff. My opinion may be a bit jaded

Pot and lethargy go hand in hand. The question is, does pot make people lethargic, or do lethargic people gravitate towards pot? I think more the latter than the former, therefore legalize it. Smart people won't burn themselves out on the stuff and losers are losers whether or not their drug of choice is legal.
Pot and lethargy go hand in hand. The question is, does pot make people lethargic, or do lethargic people gravitate towards pot? I think more the latter than the former, therefore legalize it. Smart people won't burn themselves out on the stuff and losers are losers whether or not their drug of choice is legal.

And the criminals who deal in pot ? Are they all going to get a day job or continue to try to shove stuff on our weak and ignorant ?
And the criminals who deal in pot ? Are they all going to get a day job or continue to try to shove stuff on our weak and ignorant ?

If it's legal, guys like Phillip Morris and Seagram's can make the dough. Or people can grow their own (it is a plant by the way) and take the dealers out of the loop.
drink one drunk are you?

smoke one joint....... how stoned are you?
drink one drunk are you?

smoke one joint....... how stoned are you?

Let's face reality. This is the USMessageboard. In America is pot a bigger health risk, or obesity, or alcohol? Pot doesn't cause nearly as many problems as cigarettes, fatty food or alcohol. And that's not because of availablity. Pot is readily available. Choose your poison. And we should be able to.
It is relatively difficult to grow your own quality tobacco or distill your own alcohol, compared to marijuana. Any high-school dropout can grow their own pot. This limits government's ability to tax it--if a pack of joints were taxed as high as cigarettes, people would just grow their own. People ask "well if the war on drugs is just about government getting big budgets, why don't they legalize it and tax the hell out of it?" may be because they can't.
Let's face reality. This is the USMessageboard. In America is pot a bigger health risk, or obesity, or alcohol? Pot doesn't cause nearly as many problems as cigarettes, fatty food or alcohol. And that's not because of availablity. Pot is readily available. Choose your poison. And we should be able to.

so because others can get fat, drunk and smoke a say that justifies legalizing dope....weak

so one drunk are you?

one stoned are you?
Here's the thing. Tobacco, by the standards we have set, should be illegal. Alcohol is borderline. The main problem with alcohol and tobacco is that they have the momentum of tradition. They do such big business that wiping them out would tank the economy and cause a lot of unrest. We have to draw the line somewhere. Besides, bad behavior cannot be justified by more bad behavior.
so one drunk are you?

one stoned are you?

Poor example. Pot isn't about sitting around by yourself and smoking a whole joint. You share the joint, ie: puff puff pass. Smoking a joint by yourself is like taking shots of Vodka by yourself, it's usually only done when you're a habitual user.

Also, which takes longer; one beer or one joint? I can chug a beer in seconds, a joint or bowl of bud(weed) last a lot longer.
Here's the thing. Tobacco, by the standards we have set, should be illegal. Alcohol is borderline. The main problem with alcohol and tobacco is that they have the momentum of tradition. They do such big business that wiping them out would tank the economy and cause a lot of unrest. We have to draw the line somewhere. Besides, bad behavior cannot be justified by more bad behavior.


Anyway, legalizing pot will not get rid of the dealers. They will just deal in something else. And if we legalize pot, why not legalize all the other drugs in an attempt to eliminate drug dealers and reduce the prison population.

Instead of looking at ways to increase tax revenue, let's look for ways to reduce spending. Hey, while we are at it, let's legalize all criminal activity. That way we can get rid of law enforcement, lawyers, judges, court systems, prisons, and so on. What a huge tax savings that would be.

Anyway, legalizing pot will not get rid of the dealers. They will just deal in something else. And if we legalize pot, why not legalize all the other drugs in an attempt to eliminate drug dealers and reduce the prison population.

Instead of looking at ways to increase tax revenue, let's look for ways to reduce spending. Hey, while we are at it, let's legalize all criminal activity. That way we can get rid of law enforcement, lawyers, judges, court systems, prisons, and so on. What a huge tax savings that would be.

Now why do YOU think we shouldn't legalize pot?
so because others can get fat, drunk and smoke a say that justifies legalizing dope....weak

so one drunk are you?

one stoned are you?

Actually I don't think this is a fair analogy. A joint is not the equivalent of a beer. One hit and one beer would be a better comparison. Either way not very high or drunk.

I'd rather be in a car with a high driver than with a drunk driver. How about you?
The real reason pot isnt legal: Pot is too easy to grow on your own, thus, if it were legal, the illuminati drug pushing machine wouldn't be able to profit from it.
The real reason pot isnt legal: Pot is too easy to grow on your own, thus, if it were legal, the illuminati drug pushing machine wouldn't be able to profit from it.

But tobacco is easy to grow, beer is easy to brew wine is easy to make..

You don't have a case.:laugh:
Actually I don't think this is a fair analogy. A joint is not the equivalent of a beer. One hit and one beer would be a better comparison. Either way not very high or drunk.

I'd rather be in a car with a high driver than with a drunk driver. How about you?

Neither...they are both idiots...dead is dead... drunk or high!
Prohibition just doesn't work. I haven't touched mj in over 30 years, no intention of doing so. With that said, in all likelihood, it is every bit of the carcenogenic that tobacco is, so what? As for poisoining oneself with it, all I can say is either you don't know anyone that does a lot of it, or you ignore it for some reason.

Collect the taxes, take it off the black market.

I used to smoke a ton of it in highschool and all my friends did too and many still do. I meant it's impossible to o.d. on pot. It is impossible. As far as I know, there is no (known) deadly level of THC.
Government - "Hey mister dope seller. We have just made marijuana a legal substance. We are now going to require you to give us 30% of your profits and fill out a ton of paper work that will be a complete pain in the ass. You will also be subject to commerce and trade laws and any other regulations with your product we see fit."

Dope seller - "Yeah right!, I will continue to take my chances and sell illegally."

The idea that any significant amount of tax revenue would be inccurred is absurd. Not to mention that the bureaucratic apparatus put in place for such activity would soon require even more funding, without realizing any spending cuts in law inforcement of continued illegal drug selling.
Government - "Hey mister dope seller. We have just made marijuana a legal substance. We are now going to require you to give us 30% of your profits and fill out a ton of paper work that will be a complete pain in the ass. You will also be subject to commerce and trade laws and any other regulations with your product we see fit."

Dope seller - "Yeah right!, I will continue to take my chances and sell illegally."

The idea that any significant amount of tax revenue would be inccurred is absurd. Not to mention that the bureaucratic apparatus put in place for such activity would soon require even more funding, without realizing any spending cuts in law inforcement of continued illegal drug selling.

Yeah, and everyone I know still has a still on their back 40. Not.

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