Legalize it!

How many people have EVER gotten lung cancer from pot? How many people have EVER died from smoking pot? Are you always that ignorant?

Weed smoke has tar and carcinogens just like any other smoke. I don't know the numbers, but neither do you. Use your brain. Go inhale a million packets of koolaid powder, it's only bad for you if a study says so.
I don't have a problem with adults that want to smoke it in their own home, but there are so many down sides to legalizing it. If we think DUIs are a problem now it would only get much worse with so many more people smoking pot. MJ use in high schools is already pretty bad and legalizing it would turn many more kids into stupified potheads. 90% of the people that use MJ are complete morons, so I have very little sympathy for anyone that goes to jail for using it. You can complain all you want about people being locked up for using or dealing, but when its already illegal they have no one but themselves to blame for it.

Not to mention the shit smells so fucking horrible, if it were legalized we'd have to smell that shit just about everywhere you go in public.
MYTH: MARIJUANA'S HARMS HAVE BEEN PROVED SCIENTIFICALLY. In the 1960s and 1970s, many people believed that marijuana was harmless. Today we know that marijuana is much more dangerous than previously believed.

FACT: In 1972, after reviewing the scientific evidence, the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse concluded that while marijuana was not entirely safe, its dangers had been grossly overstated. Since then, researchers have conducted thousands of studies of humans, animals, and cell cultures. None reveal any findings dramatically different from those described by the National Commission in 1972. In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research editors of the British medical journal Lancet concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health."

MYTH: MARIJUANA IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. Long term marijuana users experience physical dependence and withdrawal, and often need professional drug treatment to break their marijuana habits.

FACT: Most people who smoke marijuana smoke it only occasionally. A small minority of Americans - less than 1 percent - smoke marijuana on a daily basis. An even smaller minority develop a dependence on marijuana. Some people who smoke marijuana heavily and frequently stop without difficulty. Others seek help from drug treatment professionals. Marijuana does not cause physical dependence. If people experience withdrawal symptoms at all, they are remarkably mild.
I know a guy that smoked every day from age 14-50. He quit without any problem. He still can't stop smoking cigarettes.

MYTH: MARIJUANA IMPAIRS MEMORY AND COGNITION. Under the influence of marijuana, people are unable to think rationally and intelligently. Chronic marijuana use causes permanent mental impairment.

FACT: Marijuana produces immediate, temporary changes in thoughts, perceptions, and information processing. The cognitive process most clearly affected by marijuana is short-term memory. In laboratory studies, subjects under the influence of marijuana have no trouble remembering things they learned previously. However, they display diminished capacity to learn and recall new information. This diminishment only lasts for the duration of the intoxication. There is no convincing evidence that heavy long-term marijuana use permanently impairs memory or other cognitive functions.

Much more Myth/Fact here.....
If we think DUIs are a problem now it would only get much worse with so many more people smoking pot.

Yeah, there would be way more people going really slow. If we could replace alcohol w/ pot, deaths on the roads would go down.

MJ use in high schools is already pretty bad and legalizing it would turn many more kids into stupified potheads. 90% of the people that use MJ are complete morons, so I have very little sympathy for anyone that goes to jail for using it.

Those stupid college kids, getting their dumb phd's, mba's, and ms's. At least half the people I know in college smoke grass. I only knew a handful of people in highschool.

"little sympathy for anyone"? I thought you didn't care about adults smoking it in their own homes.

You can complain all you want about people being locked up for using or dealing, but when its already illegal they have no one but themselves to blame for it.


Not to mention the shit smells so fucking horrible, if it were legalized we'd have to smell that shit just about everywhere you go in public.

That's really funny. Have you ever smoked weed?
I don't have a problem with adults that want to smoke it in their own home, but there are so many down sides to legalizing it. If we think DUIs are a problem now it would only get much worse with so many more people smoking pot. MJ use in high schools is already pretty bad and legalizing it would turn many more kids into stupified potheads. 90% of the people that use MJ are complete morons, so I have very little sympathy for anyone that goes to jail for using it. You can complain all you want about people being locked up for using or dealing, but when its already illegal they have no one but themselves to blame for it.

Not to mention the shit smells so fucking horrible, if it were legalized we'd have to smell that shit just about everywhere you go in public.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to theHawk again.
I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

We already have some legal drugs that people can't deal with responsibly. Don't you think that's enough?

Things Marijuana Legalization
Has Already Taught Us

1. Pot is politically relevant .

2. Ending prohibition is good for racial justice .

3. Legalizing marijuana could bring Peace to the US-Mexico border.

4. The rest of the world is into legalization, too.


"The landlords of the nation’s largest medical marijuana dispensary cannot be evicted just yet, thanks to a judge’s determination that the business is operating legally in accordance with state and local laws.

Chief Federal Magistrate Maria-Elena James ruled Monday that Harborside Health Center’s locations in Oakland and San Jose may keep their doors open because it was not up to the landlord to determine whether the business was operating legally.

“We are grateful that Judge James carefully considered the facts and arguments in the Harborside case, and decided to grant us our day in court,” Harborside Health Center Executive Director Steve DeAngelo said in an advisory. “We have always believed that a Bay Area jury will recognize the value that Harborside brings to the community, and refuse to allow the federal government to seize the properties where we are located."


Traditional Landlord-Salute!!!
So it seems to be the majority opinion that pot should be legalized. I could almost jump on the wagon IF I could hear people speaking of the possible down sides to it. Y'all are making it sound like we're legalizing candy.

What down sides do you see dillo?

The word "DUUUUUUUUUUUDE!" will see overuse? :)

[ame=]A dude.mpeg - YouTube[/ame]​
I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

Prison Industrial Complex makes more money then making it legal does.
January 9, 2013

PA; ON DECK!!!!!!

"Last week, state Senator from Montgomery County Daylin Leach announced his intentions to file legislation that would legalize the adult use of marijuana, in a way similar to the laws recently approved in Colorado and Washington.

“I acknowledge that it may take a while, but like same-sex marriage,” stated Sen. Leach, “this will inevitably happen. Demographics and exposure will in time defeat irrational fears, old wives tales and bad science. This bill furthers the discussion, which hastens the day.”

This legislation, if approved, would help halt the arrest of thousands of Pennsylvanians annually. Since 2006, 24,685 arrests were made for just marijuana possession at a cost of over 300 million dollars to the state’s taxpayers.

“It is time for Pennsylvania to be a leader in jettisoning this modern-day prohibition, and ending a policy that has been so destructive, costly, and anti-scientific,” Sen. Leach declared.

Pennsylvania has long been considered a bellwether state, so to see the issue at least being entertained in the state legislature can only be a positive sign of things to come."




:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

"People across our Commonwealth have spent time in prison, lost time at work, been forced to hire lawyers and had their lives disrupted and sometimes destroyed because they used a product less dangerous than beer, less risky than children’s cough syrup, less addictive than chocolate and whose societal harm comes from its prohibition rather than its use.

Yet despite all of this, you can drink and smoke tobacco freely. But if you smoke marijuana, you are a criminal and can go to jail. This horrific policy must end. People around the nation are realizing that. And it is a moral imperative that Pennsylvania wake up and end prohibition now."

The phone rings at FBI headquarters. "Hello? I'm calling to report my neighbor, Clifford. He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood!"

"Thank you very much for the call, sir."

The next day, FBI agents descend on the neighbor's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They swear at the neighbors and leave.

The phone rings at the neighbors house. "Hey, Clifford, did the FBI come?"


"Did they chop your firewood?"


"Great, now it's your turn to call. I need my garden plowed."

[ame=]Rimshot - YouTube[/ame]​
Drugs and the lack of accountability they foster got us where we are today.

We need to increase the penalties.
I'm completely pro-legalization of marijuana. The gov. could step in and sell pot making huge amounts of rev. in taxes, which can help pay off our debt. We'll also save millions by not having to fight the drug dealers and lock up men and women who sell the drug. Pot is medically useful and much less dangerous than alcohol.

Why haven't we legalized this drug yet?

The Money would not go to debt.
Drugs and the lack of accountability they foster got us where we are today.

We need to increase the penalties.

"At a forum hosted by CNN, former President Jimmy Carter came out in support of legalizing marijuana. “I’m in favor of it. I think it’s OK,” he said. He also voiced support for the measures passed in Colorado and Washington decriminalizing the drug and believes the country should see how the new policies work before passing judgment. “That’s the way our country has developed over the last 200 years,” Carter said. “It’s about a few states being kind of experiment states. So on that basis I am in favor of it.”

There's no room, in this Country for "conservatives"/Chickenhawks;
i.e. Chickenshits!!!

There is no better way of subverting a people than by addicting a major portion of those individuals to drugs. Addict the populace, debase the currency and you don't even need to make war. Legalization of drugs is a weapon of subversion.

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