Legendary musician attacked after dedicating song to Trayvon Martin


Dear Mr and Mrs Martin

You should have taught your son manners and respect. Your failure as parents put your son in an early grave and ruined the life of an innocent man.

Hold your heads in deep shame.

Sincerely; every parent that cares about their kids on the planet.

I gotta say, this is probably the most classless statement I've ever seen on this message board - which is a great feat.

Blaming the parents of a dead kid for the shooting of their son?

Vile and disgusting don't go far enough. You should be fucking ashamed.


So trayvon was like he was in spite of how his parents raised him?

oh man, that's a riot.

One of the things my Dad taught me was to NOT get into a fight with a grown man.

If trayvon had been respectful or just walked away, he'd be alive, but he wasn't, b/c he wasn't taught to do so.
You don't know what Trayvon was taught by his parents, or even what actually happened that night.

My parents taught me to be respectful and empathetic, and not to shit on the memories of the recently deceased - or as you did, shit on the still-living parents of a dead kid.

Even if the altercation was entirely Martin's fault, it's still a disgusting and vile thing to say. You can't begin to understand the pain Martin's parents are in, and throughout this whole situation they've presented themselves with dignity and respect.

My dad would have kicked my ass if I'd ever said anything as disrespectful as what you said.
You don't know what Trayvon was taught by his parents, or even what actually happened that night.

My parents taught me to be respectful and empathetic, and not to shit on the memories of the recently deceased - or as you did, shit on the still-living parents of a dead kid.

Even if the altercation was entirely Martin's fault, it's still a disgusting and vile thing to say. You can't begin to understand the pain Martin's parents are in, and throughout this whole situation they've presented themselves with dignity and respect.

My dad would have kicked my ass if I'd ever said anything as disrespectful as what you said.

Dr. Porkchop, here is what we DO know about his upbringing. We know Trayvon was from a broken home. We know that. We know his mother was educated as well. She said on the stand she had a bachelor's in English, so she was probably a teacher. That's just a guess, I haven't looked it up, but there's not much else you can do with a degree in English. We know she didn't raise him. We know his father was 'engaged.' We also know that 'child' was out at night all alone in a crime infested neighborhood. I'll grant you that I don't know how they 'feel.' But I do know, after years of experience working in psych, and after raising two of my own, that teenagers need their parents more than they do at any other age. And if they have already been in trouble, as Trayvon had been, they need their parents even more. When you have a 'child' you sign on for the long haul. So where were they while their 'child' was out alone at night in the dark in a crime infested neighborhood?

The evidence was NOT there to convict Zimmerman. The one witness who could have swayed the court was disrespectful and basically nullified her own testimony with her hostile, negative attitude. Most of the rest of the prosecution witnesses corroborated Zimmerman's story, even the 'brother' who was his prof. That doesn't stop you Hispanic haters from throwing around the 'woulda, coulda, shouldas' about Zimmerman. Well, go ahead. But I can tell you as a parent and as a professional the 'woulda, coulda, shouldas' don't stop with Zimmerman, they go much farther back. And crucifying an innocent man doesn't bring back your 'child'. Moreover, if the media, and you, continue to vilify a man after he has been found not guilty by a jury of HIS peers (as the law states is the process), then there should be some fairness about the whole thing which would include holding the parents of a minor 'child' responsible for him.
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I gotta say, this is probably the most classless statement I've ever seen on this message board - which is a great feat.

Blaming the parents of a dead kid for the shooting of their son?

Vile and disgusting don't go far enough. You should be fucking ashamed.


So trayvon was like he was in spite of how his parents raised him?

oh man, that's a riot.

One of the things my Dad taught me was to NOT get into a fight with a grown man.

If trayvon had been respectful or just walked away, he'd be alive, but he wasn't, b/c he wasn't taught to do so.
You don't know what Trayvon was taught by his parents, or even what actually happened that night.

My parents taught me to be respectful and empathetic, and not to shit on the memories of the recently deceased - or as you did, shit on the still-living parents of a dead kid.

Even if the altercation was entirely Martin's fault, it's still a disgusting and vile thing to say. You can't begin to understand the pain Martin's parents are in, and throughout this whole situation they've presented themselves with dignity and respect.

My dad would have kicked my ass if I'd ever said anything as disrespectful as what you said.

So your idea is to do nothing and let the status quo keep sinking.

Your thinking got us to this point, my thinking will force people to learn and teach so this may not happen again.

Is it harsh? yea, but the truth hurts.
Doesn't surprise me in the least, and for those defending this radical reaction, aren't you the ones that were also defending "Free Speech" - doesn't a singer have the right to dedicate a song to whomever he pleases?

This type of action can only come from some radical extremist and racist person, hope they throw her ass in jail.

So trayvon was like he was in spite of how his parents raised him?

oh man, that's a riot.

One of the things my Dad taught me was to NOT get into a fight with a grown man.

If trayvon had been respectful or just walked away, he'd be alive, but he wasn't, b/c he wasn't taught to do so.
You don't know what Trayvon was taught by his parents, or even what actually happened that night.

My parents taught me to be respectful and empathetic, and not to shit on the memories of the recently deceased - or as you did, shit on the still-living parents of a dead kid.

Even if the altercation was entirely Martin's fault, it's still a disgusting and vile thing to say. You can't begin to understand the pain Martin's parents are in, and throughout this whole situation they've presented themselves with dignity and respect.

My dad would have kicked my ass if I'd ever said anything as disrespectful as what you said.

So your idea is to do nothing and let the status quo keep sinking.

Your thinking got us to this point, my thinking will force people to learn and teach so this may not happen again.

Is it harsh? yea, but the truth hurts.

Seriously dude, get the fuck over yourself.

Being an asshole on the Internet isn't going to change anyone's mindset, or save the world. It just makes you look like an asshole, nothing more.

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