Legendary musician attacked after dedicating song to Trayvon Martin

Crazy woman attacked singer for dedicating song to Trayvon. <My comment

Legendary musician attacked after dedicating song to Trayvon... | www.ktvu.com

Hayward Police arrested a Barstow woman Saturday night for reportedly attacking music legend Lester Chambers after he dedicated a song to Trayvon Martin.
Chambers, the 73-year-old singer of the legendary 1960's music group The Chambers Brothers, was assailed around 5 p.m. Saturday while on stage at Hayward Russell City Blues Festival.
According to police and witnesses, the singer had dedicated Curtis Mayfield’s “People Get Ready” to Martin when 43-year-old Dinalynn Andrews Potter jumped up and shoved Chambers to the ground after allegedly yelling “It’s all your fault!”
“Dylan Here.... Lester was just assaulted on stage at The Russell City Hayward Blues Festival by a crazed woman after dad dedicated People Get Ready to Trayvon Martin. He is on the way to the hospital now,” wrote Dylan Chambers, Lester’s son, on the musician’s official Facebook page.
Chambers was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he was treated and released.
Andrews Potter was subdued soon after the incident and detained by police. She was charged with suspicion of battery, cited and then released, according to Lt. Ruben Pola of the Hayward Police.

Not the wisest thing in the world to do, but you don't see Zimmerman supporters starting riots all over the country either, do you? So many people are mourning this "kid" when because of his own foolishness he decided to attack an armed man. Somehow that isn't getting across to many people, including you. Yes, yes, free speech and all that. But just imagine what would have happened had this singer dedicated his song to George Zimmerman?

Think about it.

He was chased down and shot. For all you know, he swung at Zimmerman after Zimmerman grabbed him. No where in the constitution does one American have the right to chase after another for no reason.

These punks. They always get away.

so if you were there......why were you not on the witness stand?.....your testimony may have put this guy away....
Crazy woman attacked singer for dedicating song to Trayvon. <My comment

Legendary musician attacked after dedicating song to Trayvon... | www.ktvu.com

Hayward Police arrested a Barstow woman Saturday night for reportedly attacking music legend Lester Chambers after he dedicated a song to Trayvon Martin.
Chambers, the 73-year-old singer of the legendary 1960's music group The Chambers Brothers, was assailed around 5 p.m. Saturday while on stage at Hayward Russell City Blues Festival.
According to police and witnesses, the singer had dedicated Curtis Mayfield’s “People Get Ready” to Martin when 43-year-old Dinalynn Andrews Potter jumped up and shoved Chambers to the ground after allegedly yelling “It’s all your fault!”
“Dylan Here.... Lester was just assaulted on stage at The Russell City Hayward Blues Festival by a crazed woman after dad dedicated People Get Ready to Trayvon Martin. He is on the way to the hospital now,” wrote Dylan Chambers, Lester’s son, on the musician’s official Facebook page.
Chambers was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he was treated and released.
Andrews Potter was subdued soon after the incident and detained by police. She was charged with suspicion of battery, cited and then released, according to Lt. Ruben Pola of the Hayward Police.

Not the wisest thing in the world to do, but you don't see Zimmerman supporters starting riots all over the country either, do you? So many people are mourning this "kid" when because of his own foolishness he decided to attack an armed man. Somehow that isn't getting across to many people, including you. Yes, yes, free speech and all that. But just imagine what would have happened had this singer dedicated his song to George Zimmerman?

Think about it.

He was chased down and shot. For all you know, he swung at Zimmerman after Zimmerman grabbed him. No where in the constitution does one American have the right to chase after another for no reason.

These punks. They always get away.

Chased down and shot :lmao:

Keep em coming, Deano
poor Rdean and Lakhota...they have to show their asses they are such attention whore trolls

yeah sure, we see you posting that for every other person killed no matter the color their skin...

you sicko people have sympathy when it is convenient and they have to have a certain COLOR SKIN...I hope the Hispanics in this country see who it is that cares nothing about them from this case..
Luddly's blood flows better when he yells inanities through his hat. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The sad thing is, it's about time there was some white rage. This idea that white people are supposed to be some kind of Eloi, waiting around until the black Morlocks decide to kill them may have come to an end.

(My bold)

You might want to change that metaphor. The Eloi in Wells' book were degenerate & useless, although graceful (it's been a long time since I read the book). They depended upon the Morlocks to do the work, provide the food. The problem there is that the Eloi were kind of Soylent Green on the hoof.

I don't recall the particulars, if there were no food animals available. But being an Eloi was a tough career choice, to the extent that there was any choice involved.

Wells didn't specify race - @ least, I don't recall any. So the Morlocks could just as easily have been soccer hooligans.
This country is divided more than ever, thanks obama. Thiz is what liberal hope and changs looks like.


Dear Mr and Mrs Martin

You should have taught your son manners and respect. Your failure as parents put your son in an early grave and ruined the life of an innocent man.

Hold your heads in deep shame.

Sincerely; every parent that cares about their kids on the planet.
If that woman did not like what that man had the right to do, she should have just got up and left and decided to never throw down money to hear the man again.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I guess going up to who you are mad at and verbally letting them know how you feel just isn't enough anymore. :( :( :(
This is precisely why both sides need to forgive and reconcile so we can heal and move on.

I don't usually have an issue with the main stream media, but in this case, they were the direct cause of much of this consternation and racial tension as they were not honest about the case in any way.

After Martin was killed, and we were hearing different reports from the media, I was pretty certain that Zimmerman was the aggressor and had really sought this kid out and murdered him. Because I researched it as much as I could myself, by the time the trial began I knew at best Zimmerman should be acquitted because there just was no substantive evidence against him. By the end of the trial and now, I am pretty much convinced that not only should Zimmerman have been acquitted as he was, but that he was actually completely innocent and that Martin was the aggressor and would have done much more harm to Zimmerman had Zimmerman not defended himself.

The problem with all of this is that the media gave us a story that suggested that Zimmerman was some racist wanna be cop who was looking to get this black kid. Most people out there are not diligent enough to do the research and/or to figure things out logically for themselves, so we have this very large percentage of people who actually think the verdict was a bad verdict. At this point, the media needs to do more to help people understand that Zimmerman is not the monster they made him out to be. I don't think it will happen, but then they only want what sells. It reminds me a bit of "The Running Man".
According to the media nowadays...

It's not "Innocent until proven guilty..."

It's "Innocent until proven guilty or unless the alleged perp is White and unless the victim is a member of one of the minority populations we like to pander-to..."

Screw that...

The Lamestream Media has lost the Trust of a sizable percentage of The People...

If you can't think for yourself, with the way things are going in the Media Industry, you're truly fukked... destined to become another amongst the hordes of Manipulated Sheeple...
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oh oh......Dudley has spoken.....everyone who criticized Lakooty is now considered Anti-American....now how do you feel?.....:eusa_eh:

I feel that you are a stalking crazy nut job.

Oh shut the fuck up you whining little ninny. No one has any need of stalking you. You are like a dog with your nose in all of our asses all the time. No one can get away from you. Now take your meds. You are paranoid.


Dear Mr and Mrs Martin

You should have taught your son manners and respect. Your failure as parents put your son in an early grave and ruined the life of an innocent man.

Hold your heads in deep shame.

Sincerely; every parent that cares about their kids on the planet.

I gotta say, this is probably the most classless statement I've ever seen on this message board - which is a great feat.

Blaming the parents of a dead kid for the shooting of their son?

Vile and disgusting don't go far enough. You should be fucking ashamed.
Got his ass kicked by a woman. What a wimp.
I wouldn't be so quick to call him a wimp when fighting back only would have given the woman the ability to say that he instigated to whole thing and that all that she did was defend herself the best that she could. :( :( :(

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. What is worse is that the woman could have said that he started it and the law would've believed her every word if there were no witnesses to what really happened. :( :( :(


Dear Mr and Mrs Martin

You should have taught your son manners and respect. Your failure as parents put your son in an early grave and ruined the life of an innocent man.

Hold your heads in deep shame.

Sincerely; every parent that cares about their kids on the planet.

I gotta say, this is probably the most classless statement I've ever seen on this message board - which is a great feat.

Blaming the parents of a dead kid for the shooting of their son?

Vile and disgusting don't go far enough. You should be fucking ashamed.


So trayvon was like he was in spite of how his parents raised him?

oh man, that's a riot.

One of the things my Dad taught me was to NOT get into a fight with a grown man.

If trayvon had been respectful or just walked away, he'd be alive, but he wasn't, b/c he wasn't taught to do so.

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