Legislation is the answer. America needs an immigration bill.


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
It's not complicated. The response to Obama's EO strategy for immigration reform should be less whining and more legislating. Congress needs to pass a strong immigration bill, and they should stick to their guns on it if Obama vetos it the first time around. The continual problem with our immigration policy is that much of it is difficult to enforce, and those enforceable provisions are poorly enforced. That needs to change. Congress needs to make a few concessions in order to force the issue.

Force the issue:
-Criminalize illegal entry and presence as felonies
-Militarize the southern border, including the creation of military facilities at the border designed to hold, process, incarcerate, and deport illegal aliens (shovel ready jobs)
-Redefine human trafficking to include parents who bring children into the US illegally.
-Renew focus on employers of illegal labor and establish substantial and crippling penalties for knowingly hiring illegal labor, and use penalties to help offset the costs of federal welfare spending.

-Amnesty for current minors brought into the US by others, and for adults who entered as minors during the 21st century AND who successfully completed high school, or can demonstrate high school level competency in US history, civics, and English.
-Restructure immigration visa system to expand number of visas available each year in good economic times, but also link the number available to the unemployment rate.

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