Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown: Clinton Negotiated

You fucking MORONS...The Democrats have done nothing but compromise each time the GOP has taken hostages. When they took hostages in 2010 Democrats agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts (despite running and WINNING on repealing them). In 2011 the GOP again took hostage the debt ceiling and demanded HUGE spending cuts. Remember the $4 Trillion "Grand Bargain"? No, of course you don't. Well, it included cuts to SS, Medicare and domestic spending (that we desperately need). Did those compromises satisfy the Teatards? Nope...and we ended up with Sequestration.

Fuck you and your fucking "compromise". No more goddamn caving to hostage taker demands.

Try decaff. And tell your therapist to up the voltage on your next session.

If you actually believe a request to prevent fraud with Obamacare by requiring individuals to prove that they should get a subsidy is "hostage taking" you are the moron.

If you actually believe that requesting the medical device tax to be removed from the Obamacare bill is "hostage taking" you are are the moron.
Whoa geeze. Finally a lib that will speak the truth no matter the consequences.
Of course he still criticizes the R's; that's to be expected BUT he lays it on the line over Obama's failures and how Clinton "did the right thing".

Two quotes that stand out.

First this killer. If you can't negotiate, get someone who can. Smack!:eusa_whistle:

Panetta said even if the president believes Republicans have been impossible to negotiate with, he should still stay at it, including appointing someone to negotiate in his place, if that’s what it takes.

“You can’t, just because you’ve engaged in some set of negotiations and they haven’t gone anywhere, for one reason or another there’s been a breakdown, [that] is no reason to walk away from the table,” Panetta said.

“If the president, for whatever reason, feels he can’t do it because the Republicans don’t want to confront him, then he ought to be willing to delegate that responsibility to someone who can do it.”

And then on President Clinton. :eusa_whistle:

Panetta, who served as OMB director and chief of staff to former President Bill Clinton, said during the 1995-1996 shutdown, Clinton handled the situation differently.

“We were negotiating up to the last minute in the Oval Office,” Panetta said, describing a scene with all the congressional leaders huddled with the president and vice president, according to The Washington Post.

“Some of us were nervous that Bill Clinton was bending over backwards to try to see if he could get a deal.”

Leon Panetta hits Obama on shutdown - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

Clinton only had his head between Monica's legs. Obama keeps his head firmly planted up his own ass.
You fucking MORONS...The Democrats have done nothing but compromise each time the GOP has taken hostages. When they took hostages in 2010 Democrats agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts (despite running and WINNING on repealing them). In 2011 the GOP again took hostage the debt ceiling and demanded HUGE spending cuts. Remember the $4 Trillion "Grand Bargain"? No, of course you don't. Well, it included cuts to SS, Medicare and domestic spending (that we desperately need). Did those compromises satisfy the Teatards? Nope...and we ended up with Sequestration.

Fuck you and your fucking "compromise". No more goddamn caving to hostage taker demands.

Hey Scooter, you may want to check for polyps while you're doing your self-colonoscopy.

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