Should private agencies contracted with the government and receive tax $ be allowed to discriminate

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And this is where your own bias comes in, and basically render intelligent conversation impossible. You are asking me to accept your prejudice against the Catholic faith as factual, and not simply your own emotions and opinions.
I am not prjudice against Catholics or any other religion. I am however, intollerent of anyone who weaponized their religion and imposes it on others.

They have adopted a draconian interpretation of what is required of Catholics that is not shared by all Catholics Again, I wonder what the Pope’s view on this would be. Even if they believe that Homosexuality is wrong, they could, if they chose to take the position that allowing Lesbians to foster children is not contributing to or condoning homosexuality, but benefiting the children
It is very strange when progressives, who are nearly always hostile to religion, start explaining to religious people what their religion means.
I am not hostile to religion. People have a right to believe what they will and live accordingly I myself do not need a crutch to assuage the fear of the unknown, and a sense that they can control their fate, but I understand that some do have that need. I do however think that religion is rather silly and historically has done more harm than good in the world
What you may not be aware of is that many progressives have decided that Christianity is not the evil that you think it is. Many of them believe that Jesus loves transgenders as much as he loves anyone else. In that of course, I completely agree with them.
I understand all of that perfectly well . While not a religious Christian, I often refer to myself as a philosophical Christian. Christianity has been molded into an evil thing by conservatives and is in fact unrecognizable when compared to the teachings of Jesus- who may or may not have existed
Post one single piece of scientific evidence that shows that kids do better with opposite sex parents and I will dstroy it. I have seen and head it all
Common sense and decades of experience working with kids and their families inform my opinion much more than research. But I’ll find the research for you to nitpick.
Does not mean that I think children should be poisoned with opposite sex, hormones, and surgical used to satisfy an adult idea of what it takes to be a real girl or a real boy. it is observed to say that we would protect a child’s rights by mutilating that child.
You need to do some reading on the issue. It is clear that there is a profound information gap here . I just do not feel like taking the time to try to educate you. I will just say that gender dysphoria is real, children experiencing need support and appropriate intervention –not ridicule and rejection, and when not taken seriously, kids die. We liberals, as well as medical professionals understand that gender affirming care, especially surgery is a very serious matter and must be approached with great caution
Common sense and decades of experience working with kids and their families inform my opinion much more than research. But I’ll find the research for you to nitpick.
How many children of same sex parents have you known? Never mind, the information would be anecdotal at best
I understand all of that perfectly well . While not a religious Christian, I often refer to myself as a philosophical Christian. Christianity has been molded into an evil thing by conservatives and is in fact unrecognizable when compared to the teachings of Jesus- who may or may not have existed
“Evil,” “bigoted,” “discriminatory,” are words intended to inflame rather than discuss. You set the ground rule about not discussing parenting and I tried to follow it.

My ground rule is use logic, not invective.

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I am not hostile to religion. People have a right to believe what they will and live accordingly I myself do not need a crutch to assuage the fear of the unknown, and a sense that they can control their fate, but I understand that some do have that need. I do however think that religion is rather silly and historically has done more harm than good in the world
So you think that religion is a crutch that is rather silly and has done more harm than good. But you’re not hostile.

It is discrimination. Plain and simple. It is also a violation of the first amendment that dictates that the government may not act in a way that imposes relion ofn anyone, as was done to those women
Connect the dots for me there. Exactly how was religion imposed on “those women?”

Be precise.
You need to do some reading on the issue. It is clear that there is a profound information gap here . I just do not feel like taking the time to try to educate you. I will just say that gender dysphoria is real, children experiencing need support and appropriate intervention –not ridicule and rejection, and when not taken seriously, kids die. We liberals, as well as medical professionals understand that gender affirming care, especially surgery is a very serious matter and must be approached with great caution
You’re not going to educate me about how it is fine to cut healthy body parts off of children as a “treatment” for an often temporary mental disorder?

I agree it would take a long time alright.
“Evil,” “bigoted,” “discriminatory,” are words intended to inflame rather than discuss. You set the ground rule about not discussing parenting and I tried to follow it.

My ground rule is use logic, not invective.

I am just telling it like it is Bro. It does not preclude discussion
You’re not going to educate me about how it is fine to cut healthy body parts off of children as a “treatment” for an often temporary mental disorder?
I said nothing about cutting healthy body parts off of children Now who is using inflamatory language ? In addition, you are just dumbing down a complex issue.
I am just telling it like it is Bro. It does not preclude discussion
It does with intelligent people.

Are you serious!! They were forced to deal with the agencies religous beliefs which denied them the ability to care for those kids!!
How were they forced to deal with those agencies in the first place? You’re leaving too much out.

I said nothing about cutting healthy body parts off of children Now who is using inflamatory language ? In addition, you are just dumbing down a complex issue.
So you oppose gender affirming surgery for minors?
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