If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Yes the Bible and Suicide rates
The bible is a fairy tale.

'The suicide rates are the result of historic and systematic discrimination, and marginalization by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You people are willing to use children as pawns in your failed crusade against LGBT people. You don't really give a fuck about children and know little or nothing about what they need. You are truly despicable
So me shutting down gay life styles has caused harm to gays, so now shut down straight whites voices so they commit suicide is the answer,

Why not let free people say what they want to say and if gays can’t win they can leave
What the fuck are you blathering about ?. You can say what ever the fuck you want but just know that there are consequences . So your piggy backing on the "go back to your country" mem and telling gays that they can leave? YOU can leave!
Sue me homo
Thank you for confirming your utter stupidity by making an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics.
Yes, another important measure introduced in the Democratic controlled House of Representatives, and most likely-after passage by the house-will go to die in Mitch McConnell 's graveyard known as the Senet . This one is of vital importance to children who do not have a permanent home. I know how important this is because I worked in a CPS, Foster Care and Adoption agency for many years . Yes there must be high standards for those willing and able to provide foster care or to adopt children, but there are not nearly enough such people and we cant afford to arbitrarily eliminate people based on irrational fear, prejudices, or religious beliefs.

Every Child Deserves a Family Act Introduced in Congress

Eliminating discrimination against relatives and those seeking to foster and adopt will allow more children to have loving homes while in foster care.

Today, the Every Child Deserves a Family (ECDF) Act of 2019 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman John Lewis (D-GA). The companion Senate bill, led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) will follow soon. The ECDF Act promotes the best interests of children by prohibiting discrimination by federally-funded child welfare agencies against children, families, and individuals on the basis of religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), and marital status. Eliminating discrimination against relatives and those seeking to foster and adopt will allow more children to have loving homes while in foster care.

Our nation is currently experiencing a shortage of homes available for young people who need them. There are more than 440,000 children in foster care across the country, and each year 20,000 children age out of the system without a permanent family. This crisis is exacerbated by laws or policies in eight states which allow taxpayer-funded, state-contracted foster and adoption agencies to turn away qualified families who do not meet the agency’s religious litmus test, denying foster children the loving homes they desperately need.

In related news:

Same-Sex Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents to Get Their Day in Court

Late yesterday, a federal district court denied motions by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to dismiss Lambda Legal’s lawsuit challenging discrimination in a federal foster care program. Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit on behalf of a married same-sex Texas couple, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because the couple did not “mirror the Holy Family.”
a family can only be formed from a man and a women, anything else is a lie,,,

the problem is the system itself and the cost of adoption,,,not to mention how its more expensive for a white couple,,,
Really? These are not families:

More expensive for white couples?? What are you talking about. ?
those are lesbians and gays that purchased a child because they couldnt make one themselves,,,a family starts with a man and a women,,,

sorry I have been inside the gay community and they should never be allowed to adopt,,,EVER

so take your homophobic bullshit and shove it up,,,never mind,,,

What the fuck are you talking about? You have been "inside the gay community"? There are people who are being parents to children. Many of those children had beed abused, neglected , abandoned by their straight parents.

save it for someone that cares,,,

these people should not be allowed around children,,

If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Yes the Bible and Suicide rates
The bible is a fairy tale.

'The suicide rates are the result of historic and systematic discrimination, and marginalization by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You people are willing to use children as pawns in your failed crusade against LGBT people. You don't really give a fuck about children and know little or nothing about what they need. You are truly despicable
And you are a fairy.
....I know if you adopt a foreigner you get/got a $10,000 deduction!!!!!!!!! SOB!!!
that does not make sense at all--that shit needs to stop--that takes away from American kids
If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.

All you have to do is look at surveys and statistics of convicted child molesters. Gays only make up about 2% to 4% of the population, yet account for a third to one half of child molesters in most studies.

Family Research Institute » Blog Archive » Child Molestation and Homosexuality

Everyone knows this, but leftwing idiots have to pretend they don’t know in order to maintain faith in their twisted Agenda.
If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.

All you have to do is look at surveys and statistics of convicted child molesters. Gays only make up about 2% to 4% of the population, yet account for a third to one half of child molesters in most studies.

Family Research Institute » Blog Archive » Child Molestation and Homosexuality

Everyone knows this, but leftwing idiots have to pretend they don’t know in order to maintain faith in their twisted Agenda.
They know, but it's what they want. Little kids to fuck.
If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, >>> they are homosexuals.
You people are willing to use children as pawns in your failed crusade against LGBT people. You don't really give a fuck about children and know little or nothing about what they need. You are truly despicable

That's a hypocritical accusation, coming from someone who openly advocates the abuse and exploitation of children, to promote the immoral, insane, and outright evil homosexual/transsexual agenda. You calling anyone else “despicable” is like the massive black hole at the center of a huge galaxy, calling a kettle “black”.
Many of those children had beed [sic] abused, neglected , abandoned by their straight parents.

Right. And your solution is to hand these children over to sick, disgusting, dangerous perverts, who you know damn well will f••• them up even worse.

You are truly a sick, evil, child-hating piece of shit.
If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Yes the Bible and Suicide rates

Well, the bible says you should kill a kid if he doesn't mind you, and says that it's all right if your daughter is raped, as long as the rapist agrees to marry her, so we'll just stick a pin in that one, but I would like to hear more about how suicide rates show same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children. You got a credible link?
If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Yes the Bible and Suicide rates

Well, the bible says you should kill a kid if he doesn't mind you, and says that it's all right if your daughter is raped, as long as the rapist agrees to marry her, so we'll just stick a pin in that one, but I would like to hear more about how suicide rates show same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children. You got a credible link?
Yes google
If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Yes the Bible and Suicide rates

Well, the bible says you should kill a kid if he doesn't mind you, and says that it's all right if your daughter is raped, as long as the rapist agrees to marry her, so we'll just stick a pin in that one, but I would like to hear more about how suicide rates show same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children. You got a credible link?
Well, the bible says you should kill a kid if he doesn't mind you, and says that it's all right if your daughter is raped, as long as the rapist agrees to marry her, so we'll just stick a pin in that one, but I would like to hear more about how suicide rates show same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children. You got a credible link?

I love Jesus haters and their lies about what the Bible says.
Sue me homo
Thank you for confirming your utter stupidity by making an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics.

Your denials notwithstanding, you've made your sexual inclinations pretty obvious.

If the insufficiently-massive item of slip-on footwear is the correct size, put it on.

And that's not even the worst of it, though the rules of this forum prohibit us from mentioning what else you have made quite obvious about your sexual proclivities, but just about everyone who has read your rants on the subject knows what you are.
Yes, another important measure introduced in the Democratic controlled House of Representatives, and most likely-after passage by the house-will go to die in Mitch McConnell 's graveyard known as the Senet . This one is of vital importance to children who do not have a permanent home. I know how important this is because I worked in a CPS, Foster Care and Adoption agency for many years . Yes there must be high standards for those willing and able to provide foster care or to adopt children, but there are not nearly enough such people and we cant afford to arbitrarily eliminate people based on irrational fear, prejudices, or religious beliefs.

Every Child Deserves a Family Act Introduced in Congress

Eliminating discrimination against relatives and those seeking to foster and adopt will allow more children to have loving homes while in foster care.

Today, the Every Child Deserves a Family (ECDF) Act of 2019 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congressman John Lewis (D-GA). The companion Senate bill, led by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) will follow soon. The ECDF Act promotes the best interests of children by prohibiting discrimination by federally-funded child welfare agencies against children, families, and individuals on the basis of religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), and marital status. Eliminating discrimination against relatives and those seeking to foster and adopt will allow more children to have loving homes while in foster care.

Our nation is currently experiencing a shortage of homes available for young people who need them. There are more than 440,000 children in foster care across the country, and each year 20,000 children age out of the system without a permanent family. This crisis is exacerbated by laws or policies in eight states which allow taxpayer-funded, state-contracted foster and adoption agencies to turn away qualified families who do not meet the agency’s religious litmus test, denying foster children the loving homes they desperately need.

In related news:

Same-Sex Couple Blocked from Serving as Foster Parents to Get Their Day in Court

Late yesterday, a federal district court denied motions by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to dismiss Lambda Legal’s lawsuit challenging discrimination in a federal foster care program. Lambda Legal filed the lawsuit on behalf of a married same-sex Texas couple, Fatma Marouf and Bryn Esplin, who were denied the opportunity even to apply to serve as foster parents for refugee children by a USCCB affiliate because the couple did not “mirror the Holy Family.”
Good to know that your political agenda is more important than the welfare of children.
This "Family Act" must involve some weird perversion or homosexuality or TPP would not have posted the thread.
If it involves sodomites and butt bandits and turning kids over the be molested, i'm sure the left and the "progressives" are all for it.
I see that it didn't take long for the homophobes, bigots and ignoramuses to jump on this one.

It’s not a “phobia” when homos present a clear and present danger to children.

If you can present credible proof that same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children, you might have a point worth considering.
Yes the Bible and Suicide rates

Well, the bible says you should kill a kid if he doesn't mind you, and says that it's all right if your daughter is raped, as long as the rapist agrees to marry her, so we'll just stick a pin in that one, but I would like to hear more about how suicide rates show same sex couples are a clear and present danger to children. You got a credible link?

oh for fucks sake shut the fuck up,,,

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