Lesbians more likely to have mental health issues...

Send a person out to look for something and pay them to find it, and chances are they'll find it. The piece above on city versus rural nuts I've heard before, but knowing both they're both nuts.

Why does another person's sexuality concern Allie or anyone for that matter? Is she so concerned she wants to help? Or is she afraid her real self isn't stable enough to allow people to be different?

Do lesbians worry about heterosexuals who are worried about lesbians who worry about heterosexuals? What a confused world we live in when this is the topic at the top of one's usually empty head?

Since Homosexuality is a mental health issue, people should be worried for them.
Of course Homos will have more mental issues when most of society shuns them and such.

Homophobia is also a mental issue.

No one want's to be homosexual, I feel sorry for them.

some have a good life at it, many are conflictred becuase of pressures from the homophobics.
And some are just nuts anyway just like some hetros.
Nobody hopes their children become homosexual.
I find the fact that they lie about suicide attempts pretty telling.

Alice Ballast, this all sounds boringly familiar. I think you just C&Ped your phony data about women who have abortions and substituted" lesbian ".
The issue is whether you have the right to interject your perception of what is natural or right into someone elses life.

It seems like conservatives equate support of gay marriage with thinking homosexuality is natural. Most people dont think homosexuality is "natural" in a general sense, thats why most people arent gay. Those of us that support gay marriage just realize that our perception of what is natural shouldnt be forced on to someone else. If someone wants to do something personal the least you can do is allow them the privacy to do it. You dont have to actively support it, but you need to at least allow them to live their life.

BTW, marriage isnt a religious issue...its a civil issue. The city issues the marriage license, without that the religious ceremony has no legal meaning. Two atheists could get married by a justice of the peace, so why couldnt two gay people get married in the same fashion? Doesnt the constitution have several amendments that prevent any government institution from choosing who receives a service or good, or who as a right, based on their membership in a specific group?

How can you possibly think its legal for a city to refuse to allow two people to participate in some activity based on biblical scripture. Thats unconstitutional under probably about 3 amendments and like 5 different Supreme Court decisions.
Well everyone's attitude won't help with this.
They have to deal with guys who usually cause them to be this way.

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