Less spending, not more taxes


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2011
The discussions about taxes, who should pay, how much, etc, seem to get a lot of play here. In the long run, though, (and it has been said by many), isn't a problem of taxation, the biggest problem we face as a nation is out-of-control government spending. Again, discussions concerning what we spend money on also generate a lot of commentary. But programs that utilize government funding span a wide range of "interests" and cost tons of money. If we could just persuade our elected representatives responsible for deciding where our tax dollars are expended, we might have a better chance of preserving both Constitutionally mandated government services (like maintaining a standing military) and government programs that serve the people (like SS and Medicare/Medicaid).

Senator Tom Coburn of OK publishes a "Wastebook" that describes some of the most egregiously wasteful, government-funded projects, programs, studies, etc.

How did Steve stop the BLOB ??!! while it was consuming everything in its path,people, things,energy!
Yes, the Socialists/Progressives have decided to make the American Taxpayer the scapegoat in this awful mess. They are wrong. The American Taxpayers paid their tab as required by Law. They had absolutely no control over how the Government spent the revenue. So they are not to blame. The Government is to blame.

They spent us into this horrific $16 Trillion Debt, yet they have the nerve to demand more Tax Dollars? Let them get their House in order first and then maybe we can talk Taxes. But as for right now, i see no reason American Taxpayers should send them more of their hard-earned income. That just aint gonna happen.
It seems like "government" just cannot find anything they can cut. (I almost said "in the budget", but we haven't had a budget for over three years now.) Then you find lists like this "Wastelist". There are tons of things Congress and government agencies could cut funding for. Alas, it is more politically expedient to ensure that we stay at each other's throats over who pays what in taxes. It is up to We the People to start the discussion about profligate, out-of-control spending and how to gain control of such waste.
The discussions about taxes, who should pay, how much, etc, seem to get a lot of play here. In the long run, though, (and it has been said by many), isn't a problem of taxation, the biggest problem we face as a nation is out-of-control government spending. Again, discussions concerning what we spend money on also generate a lot of commentary. But programs that utilize government funding span a wide range of "interests" and cost tons of money. If we could just persuade our elected representatives responsible for deciding where our tax dollars are expended, we might have a better chance of preserving both Constitutionally mandated government services (like maintaining a standing military) and government programs that serve the people (like SS and Medicare/Medicaid).

Senator Tom Coburn of OK publishes a "Wastebook" that describes some of the most egregiously wasteful, government-funded projects, programs, studies, etc.


Tom Coburn is so far to the right the man has no vision except give it all to big business
and too hell with fiscal responsibility. Tom Coburn is a reliable source of misinformation.
The discussions about taxes, who should pay, how much, etc, seem to get a lot of play here. In the long run, though, (and it has been said by many), isn't a problem of taxation, the biggest problem we face as a nation is out-of-control government spending. Again, discussions concerning what we spend money on also generate a lot of commentary. But programs that utilize government funding span a wide range of "interests" and cost tons of money. If we could just persuade our elected representatives responsible for deciding where our tax dollars are expended, we might have a better chance of preserving both Constitutionally mandated government services (like maintaining a standing military) and government programs that serve the people (like SS and Medicare/Medicaid).

Senator Tom Coburn of OK publishes a "Wastebook" that describes some of the most egregiously wasteful, government-funded projects, programs, studies, etc.


Tom Coburn is so far to the right the man has no vision except give it all to big business
and too hell with fiscal responsibility. Tom Coburn is a reliable source of misinformation.

Did you even read the list? No. Didn't think so, you can't even get past the name of the guy who authorized it, can you. So post a list published by someone you can read....I'll be waiting.
If Bush/Cheney had not started the immoral war, put 11 million out of work with home their loan fraud scam there would no need for new taxes. THEY are the tax dollar money hole kings. Dumb is the word and should be in jail!!
The discussions about taxes, who should pay, how much, etc, seem to get a lot of play here. In the long run, though, (and it has been said by many), isn't a problem of taxation, the biggest problem we face as a nation is out-of-control government spending. Again, discussions concerning what we spend money on also generate a lot of commentary. But programs that utilize government funding span a wide range of "interests" and cost tons of money. If we could just persuade our elected representatives responsible for deciding where our tax dollars are expended, we might have a better chance of preserving both Constitutionally mandated government services (like maintaining a standing military) and government programs that serve the people (like SS and Medicare/Medicaid).

Senator Tom Coburn of OK publishes a "Wastebook" that describes some of the most egregiously wasteful, government-funded projects, programs, studies, etc.


Tom Coburn is so far to the right the man has no vision except give it all to big business
and too hell with fiscal responsibility. Tom Coburn is a reliable source of misinformation.

Did you even read the list? No. Didn't think so, you can't even get past the name of the guy who authorized it, can you. So post a list published by someone you can read....I'll be waiting.

I know how this clown thinks. I've heard too much from him and read too much of him.
He is a right wing fundamentalist thinker and radical.
It is difficult to convince members of self-sustaining group of elite rulers to pass legislation that will decrease their number, their power and their ability to spend other people's money.

Term limits for everyone including the SCOTUS should be implemented. Congressmen should get NOTHING that Joe the Plumber is not equally deserving of. We pay their salaries, pay for their lunches, pay for their staffs, pay for their travel, pay for their everything, give them lifetime pensions that rival their paychecks, allow them to vote themselves raises, allow them to funnel OUR money to THEIR contributors, exempt them from the laws they write for the little people. What should we expect other than a corrupt, inefficient, ever-growing governing body made up of professional politicians (liars) and moochers?

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