Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

That is an EXCELLENT point! How do we know that the Jewish leaders actually said that?

I think an even better point, from my perspective, is that this is a litmus test of sorts for those who are really Christian and those who have "Christianity" as rather a trojan horse for all kinds of other belief systems, like anti-Semitism.

As I said

Anyone who follows Christ and reads the Scriptures should understand what put Jesus on the Cross--and why He came.

It wasn't the Jews that put Him there. Look in the mirror, people.
But the Jews don't think they did anything wrong by wanting Jesus dead. Jesus was turning their world 'upside down'.

Except the Sermon on the Mount is teaching the Jews how to survive the Roman occupation and Roman laws. .. you know... shame the enemy.
You should be thanking "the Jews" for having the faith and courage through the centuries to reject, even unto death, your ignorant superstitious and perverted beliefs about a mangod and daily desecration of the body and blood of Jesus, his teaching on the Law and actions.
Strange position concerning a religion that endorses the "mutilation" of infant sexual organs, the sacrifice of animals at a firey altar, and had its its beginnings grounded in a Human Sacrifice (Abraham's son) attempt. Speaking of ignorant and superstititous.......can the blowing of a horn actually bring down stone walls? And does stoning of an adulterer really a fit the crime? How about using the blood of animals to protect infants from death by using the blood as paint on your front door? Is that the LAW you are speaking of? :dunno:

I suspect that those who defend killing the only begotten of the Father.......are those who have not entered a temple since Moses was a baby floating down the Nile, just as are the majority of those who claim Judaism as a RACE of PEOPLES and are in actuality.....more secular than the Christians they are constantly attacking.....with money as their real "god". Could be why those who profess Judaism vote liberal and refuse to defend their supposed home land in the middle east, but follow the free handouts of the democrat party over their supposed "Heritage" of Judaism.
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I think an even better point, from my perspective, is that this is a litmus test of sorts for those who are really Christian and those who have "Christianity" as rather a trojan horse for all kinds of other belief systems, like anti-Semitism.

As I said

Anyone who follows Christ and reads the Scriptures should understand what put Jesus on the Cross--and why He came.

It wasn't the Jews that put Him there. Look in the mirror, people.
I like your answer. Anything that removes the blame from all generations of Jews, for time immemorial, and located throughout the world is good by me.
We are all sinners and culpable for our own sin.
I atone for my sins on Yom Kippur particularly, but throughout the year as well. If I’ve sinned against G-d, I ask his forgiveness and if I’ve sinned against a person, I ask his or her forgiveness. In all cases, I vow not to repeat it and do my best to follow through on that.
I atone for my sins on Yom Kippur particularly, but throughout the year as well. If I’ve sinned against G-d, I ask his forgiveness and if I’ve sinned against a person, I ask his or her forgiveness. In all cases, I vow not to repeat it and do my best to follow through on that.

I understand that. I'm not trying to minimize or erase it.

My perspective is:

Christians should not accuse Jews of "killing Jesus" for the reason that Jesus said "let him without sin cast the first stone". People take that to mean we shouldn't even recognize sin/misdeeds in others. No, but we shouldn't condemn them for their sins (or "throw stones") because WE are also sinners.
I understand that. I'm not trying to minimize or erase it.

My perspective is:

Christians should not accuse Jews of "killing Jesus" for the reason that Jesus said "let him without sin cast the first stone". People take that to mean we shouldn't even recognize sin/misdeeds in others. No, but we shouldn't condemn them for their sins (or "throw stones") because WE are also sinners.
The Jews are under a curse that predates the time of Jesus. However, it is their hatred of Jesus that may contribute to the curse not being lifted.
All Israelites are God's chosen, not just the Jews. The Jews believe that they are the only Israelites left.
We are really getting down in the weeds now

But the 10 northern tribes of Israel were absorbed by the Assyrians and only the Kingdom of Judah remained to carry on the faith
Except the Sermon on the Mount is teaching the Jews how to survive the Roman occupation and Roman laws. .. you know... shame the enemy.
The sermon on the mount was spoken mainly to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" and to the disciples, not the Jews.
We are really getting down in the weeds now

But the 10 northern tribes of Israel were absorbed by the Assyrians and only the Kingdom of Judah remained to carry on the faith
Not the weeds but the meat. Jesus was "sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel", the ragged remnants still living in Samaria and Syria.
Not the weeds but the meat. Jesus was "sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel", the ragged remnants still living in Samaria and Syria.
I believe Jesus was sent to save everyone who wanted to be saved
I believe Jesus was sent to save everyone who wanted to be saved
His death will eventually save most everyone. His main purpose was to establish his church, called largely from the 'lost sheep'. Even today his church is mostly the descendants of the northern kingdom.
Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria.


Sargon took 29,290 prisoners, the chief people of the northern kingdom. The poor and inconsequential were left. It is to them that Jesus was sent.

The 'Canaanite woman' was an Israelite (as was the 'woman at the well'), that is why Jesus said what he said.

The Law was handed down through the Levites, not the Jews. Lots wrong with that article.
Sargon took 29,290 prisoners, the chief people of the northern kingdom. The poor and inconsequential were left. It is to them that Jesus was sent.

The 'Canaanite woman' was an Israelite (as was the 'woman at the well'), that why Jesus said what he said.

The Law was handed down through the Levites, not the Jews. Lots wrong with that article.


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