Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

I understand that. I'm not trying to minimize or erase it.

My perspective is:

Christians should not accuse Jews of "killing Jesus" for the reason that Jesus said "let him without sin cast the first stone". People take that to mean we shouldn't even recognize sin/misdeeds in others. No, but we shouldn't condemn them for their sins (or "throw stones") because WE are also sinners.
I prefer to "emulate" Jesus the Christ as instructed in the Holy Scriptures (John 13:15). What did Jesus have to say about the Jews of His generation, the leaders of the faith that eventually killed the only begotten of the Father, Jesus Himself? Jesus charged them to their faces of having the blood of God's prophets on their hands, and presents a prophecy to them...that they will be punished by God for their hypocrisy and that very same generation.

"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Therefore I sent you prophets, and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify (Himself), and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of the righteous Abel to the blood of Zehariah, the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. TRULY I SAY TO YOU, THESE THINGS WILL COME UPON THIS GENERATION." -- Matthew 23:33-36

Jesus was not "tolerant" of anyone that would break the law of the prophets. Christianity is based upon TRUTH and living by that truth........not false appeasement to men, but rather the worship of the Father in Spirit and Truth.

Truth? Scriptural Truth? Jesus was correct...........God punished Biblical Israel for their sins, Biblical Isarel was wiped from the face of the earth in the late 1st century with only a remenet of the faithful finding salvation through the blood that Christ shed. Christianity was reserved expressly for the Jews of Biblical Israel for the 1st 10 years of its existence (Acts 10), but only a rement was saved, the rest fell to their own reprobate mentality. (Romans 11) Today there is only one path to the Father and it goes through Christ Jesus, "I am the truth, the way, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me." -- John 14:6

Can the modern Jew be saved? Of course.........just like everyone else, for today there is neither Jew nor Greek/Gentile (Gal. 3:28-29).......everyone once baptized into Jesus are joint heirs to the promise made to Father Abraham.
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I prefer to "emulate" Jesus the Christ as instructed in the Holy Scriptures (John 13:15). What did Jesus have to say about the Jews of His generation, the leaders of the faith that eventually killed the only begotten of the Father, Jesus Himself? Jesus charged them to their faces of having the blood of God's prophets on their hands, and presents a prophecy to them...that they will be punished by God for their hypocrisy and that very same generation.

"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Therefore I sent you prophets, and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify (Himself), and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of the righteous Abel to the blood of Zehariah, the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. TRULY I SAY TO YOU, THESE THINGS WILL COME UPON THIS GENERATION." -- Matthew 23:33-36

Jesus was not "tolerant" of anyone that would break the law of the prophets. Christianity is based upon TRUTH and living by that truth........not false appeasement to men, but rather the worship of the Father in Spirit and Truth.
The only reason the Jews didn't kill Jesus themselves is that as vassals they were prohibited by Roman law. They could beat a person nearly to death but weren't allowed to finish the job.
The only reason the Jews didn't kill Jesus themselves is that as vassals they were prohibited by Roman law. They could beat a person nearly to death but weren't allowed to finish the job.
Guilt is guilt........does it matter if someone pulls the trigger if they hire an assassian to kill for them? Biblical Israel paid for its crimes against the Law and prophets just as the Prophet Jeremiah predicted........God invoked a new covenant unlike the one written on stone, but written on the hearts of those who would worship Him in Spirit and Truth. (Jer. 31:31-34). Even in the days of Jeremiah.......the Jews were constantly breaking the righteous laws of God., ".......MY COVENANT THAT THEY (Jews) BROKE EVEN THOUGH I WAS A HUSBAND UNTO THEM........." -- Jer. 31:32

God made promises to Biblical promise was they, Israel, would be destroyed if it continued breaking the covenant of Moses (Lev. 26:27-39). Their Land would be taken from them (Deut. 4:25-28). They would cease being a nation (Deut. 8:19-20)

Killing the only begotten of the Father was the last straw. God allowed the Roman Empire to destroy Biblical Israel in the 1st century. The nation calling itself Israel nothing but a shallow copy, an imitation ruled and governed by the doctrine of men instead of God. No king appointed by God, no royal priesthood (Lev. tribe), no tribal identities at all.....
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His death will eventually save most everyone. His main purpose was to establish his church, called largely from the 'lost sheep'. Even today his church is mostly the descendants of the northern kingdom.
Ok, if you say so
His death will eventually save most everyone. His main purpose was to establish his church, called largely from the 'lost sheep'. Even today his church is mostly the descendants of the northern kingdom.

Your tribalism Christianity is rejected. No.

First mistake, "His death will eventually save most everyone"...directly at odds with most of the NT, including Jesus' own claim that the way is narrow and few find it.
The only reason the Jews didn't kill Jesus themselves is that as vassals they were prohibited by Roman law. They could beat a person nearly to death but weren't allowed to finish the job.

Oh wow. Hey, nutz and Clyde 154 all of Jesus' disciples were JEWS.

What is even going on here?
Oh wow. Hey, nutz and Clyde 154 all of Jesus' disciples were JEWS.

What is even going on here?
Do you know that until fairly recently that many Christians did not believe Jesus was Jewish? I remember as a child in elementary school telling kids that - the ones who said anti-Jewish things - and they insisted, with a sneer, that no way was Jesus a Jew.

Nowadays, Christians all seem to have accepted that Jesus was Jewish.
Your tribalism Christianity is rejected. No.

First mistake, "His death will eventually save most everyone"...directly at odds with most of the NT, including Jesus' own claim that the way is narrow and few find it.
Few are chosen in this the church age. Most of mankind will be judged in the second resurrection, the 'fall harvest', which takes place during Christs' millennial rule.
Few are chosen in this the church age. Most of mankind will be judged in the second resurrection, the 'fall harvest', which takes place during Christs' millennial rule.
This isn’t the church age. And there won’t be any second resurrection because there never was a first.

G-d will judge according to how each individual, Jew or Gentile, behaved during their lifetime.
Oh wow. Hey, nutz and Clyde 154 all of Jesus' disciples were JEWS.

What is even going on here?
Paul was a Benjamite but called himself "a Jew of the Jews", in the extreme religious sense. When Jesus spoke of the Jews that sought to kill him he was referring to the Jewish religious leaders. Anyone who lived in Judea and kept Jewish law was considered a Jew regardless of their nationality.
Paul was a Benjamite but called himself "a Jew of the Jews", in the extreme religious sense. When Jesus spoke of the Jews that sought to kill him he was referring to the Jewish religious leaders. Anyone who lived in Judea and kept Jewish law was considered a Jew regardless of their nationality.
No, a person born of a gentile mother is NOT a Jew, even if he keeps Jewish law. But Jesus’ disciples were all Jewish, whether you like it or not.

And someone’s nationality has nothing to do with whether they’re a Jew.
This isn’t the church age. And there won’t be any second resurrection because there never was a first.

G-d will judge according to how each individual, Jew or Gentile, behaved during their lifetime.
The Jewish and Christian beliefs are different.
No, a person born of a gentile mother is NOT a Jew, even if he keeps Jewish law. But Jesus’ disciples were all Jewish, whether you like it or not.

And someone’s nationality has nothing to do with whether they’re a Jew.
Paul was a Benjamite, raised as a Jew, whether you like it or not. ;)
No, a person born of a gentile mother is NOT a Jew, even if he keeps Jewish law. But Jesus’ disciples were all Jewish, whether you like it or not.

And someone’s nationality has nothing to do with whether they’re a Jew.

Was that true before the Babylonian exile?

I'm thinking of Ruth the Moabite.

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