Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

If there is only one Testament why do you call it Old?
To distinguish it from the New when speaking with Gentiles. Jews themselves never refer to it as the Old when speaking among themselves. It’s just the Bible.
You've never studied Deuteronomy 23:3???
Not really. My Jewish education was primarily focused on history, traditions, the law, and learning to read and write Ivrit.

I am just now delving into the Bible in depth, via classes. We analyze every verse in such depth that it takes forever. We are on Genesis, which will take YEARS. We can talk again when we get to Deuteronomy, which will be around 2035! Hope you’re not senile by then!!
Not really. My Jewish education was primarily focused on history, traditions, the law, and learning to read and write Ivrit.

I am just now delving into the Bible in depth, via classes. We analyze every verse in such depth that it takes forever. We are on Genesis, which will take YEARS. We can talk again when we get to Deuteronomy, which will be around 2035! Hope you’re not senile by then!!

I'm already pretty old!
Liars end up in Hell.. u may want to consider that

Now I will make use of Ignore because you are a liar

I hate to break the news to you sparkie but if scripture is true and God is God you died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, in the very day that you first set aside Divine instruction and got down on your knees in the deranged adoration and worship of a froward first century Jewish man as if he was one equal part of an imaginary triune god.

You have your reward already! You are already in hell. On the road that ends in destruction.
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Nope. There's a verse about how no Moabite can enter the temple for 10 generations.

Moab was one of Lot's sons by his daughters.

I think Moabites were denied entry into the temple for other offenses, not for their genealogy.
I was thinking of Deuteronomy 23. Apparently, the Moabites failed to assist the Israelites (their cousins?) when they fled Egypt, and they paid a false prophet to curse them.

You're right. My typo.
You’re the one quoting lies from the NT cursing the Jews. And you don’t think that’s horrific? Haven‘t enough millions of Jews be slaughtered as a result of the anti-Jew hatred brought on by those versus enough for you?
Are you aware of the curses God placed on the Jews? Apparently, they haven't been rescinded.

WW2 deaths
6 million Jews
40-50 million others.
Are you aware of the curses God placed on the Jews?

Are you aware of the curse that Jesus put on the nations?

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."
Are you aware of the curses God placed on the Jews? Apparently, they haven't been rescinded.

WW2 deaths
6 million Jews
40-50 million others.
That’s not G-d. That’s from antisemites who, like you, have learned to hate and have unjustified contempt for innocent Jews.

Now the fact that Jews have not only survived, but THRIVED, despite the attempts of antisemites to get rid of them? THAT is thanks to G-d.
That’s not G-d. That’s from antisemites who, like you, have learned to hate and have unjustified contempt for innocent Jews.

Now the fact that Jews have not only survived, but THRIVED, despite the attempts of antisemites to get rid of them? THAT is thanks to G-d.
Why do you keep calling me an antisemite?
Anyone who says G-d curses Jews is an antisemite.
So, God himself is an antisemite? He issued the curses. How about Bible scholars, or anyone that reads them in the Bible.

Do you think the Jewish people as a whole have been blessed, or cursed over the centuries?

We are all subject to blessings and curses established by God. However, he does issue curses at specific peoples. The Jews are noteworthy in this regard as those curses can be observed throughout history.
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