Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

I’m in my 60s, and maybe those ten years made a difference. And I lived in Washington, DC - so not some backward Bible Belt. Even so, lots of kids back then objected to the idea Jesus was Jewish.

DC is a sewer frankly, and full of rot and corruption. I'd much rather live in a "backward Bible belt".

I grew up in a very small town and never heard that about Jews from anyone.
I’m in my 60s, and maybe those ten years made a difference. And I lived in Washington, DC - so not some backward Bible Belt. Even so, lots of kids back then objected to the idea Jesus was Jewish.

I'm older than both of you and always knew Jesus was a Jew.. he was in the temple at an early age in the stories.
DC is a sewer frankly, and full of rot and corruption. I'd much rather live in a "backward Bible belt".

I grew up in a very small town and never heard that about Jews from anyone.
I met a girl in high school who was surprised to learn I was Jewish. She said she thought all Jews had horns. She had just moved up from a rural Southern state.

These things happen when children have no exposure to Jews and learn ridiculous myths. Believe me, nobody in NYC where my parents grew up thought Jews had horns.
Yeah I'm not discounting Lisa558 's story but I never heard it growing up.
Thank you for not discounting my story. It was quite common around here in the 60s - we, as Jews, were still informing people that Jesus was a Jew, and were often met with an objection.

By the 70s, everyone seemed to accept it.
Thank you for not discounting my story. It was quite common around here in the 60s - we, as Jews, were still informing people that Jesus was a Jew, and were often met with an objection.

By the 70s, everyone seemed to accept it.

How old were you in the 1970s?
How old were you in the 1970s?
Early teens to early 20s.

Heres why I think this happened: Children were NOT taught that Jesus was Jewish, and they were taught he was the Messiah. At the same time, there was plenty of antisemitism, and they couldn’t process the fact that their Savior was one of those nasty Jew people.
Early teens to early 20s.

Heres why I think this happened: Children were NOT taught that Jesus was Jewish, and they were taught he was the Messiah. At the same time, there was plenty of antisemitism, and they couldn’t process the fact that their Savior was one of those nasty Jew people.

How can you say that if you didn't go to church and Sunday school? You're operating on an assumption born of ignorance.
How can you say that if you didn't go to church and Sunday school? You're operating on an assumption born of ignorance.
Well do you have any other explanation as to why children would snipe, “NO! Jesus was NOT Jewish!” It had to be borne of antisemitism.
Well do you have any other explanation as to why children would snipe, “NO! Jesus was NOT Jewish!” It had to be borne of antisemitism.

I have never heard that in my life. I did have an odd experience 10 years ago. I joined a group of older Jewish women for coffee and one woman who is otherwise intelligent said to me, "Why was Jesus so mean to the Jews?" I was flummoxed. Took a second before I said, "Jesus was a Jew." The group basically laughed..

I still see these women regularly and count friends among them.

Maybe we shouldn't operate on assumptions. These days when my Jewish friends reference something I don't understand, I ASK.. and they explain.
I have never heard that in my life. I did have an odd experience 10 years ago. I joined a group of older Jewish women for coffee and one woman who is otherwise intelligent said to me, "Why was Jesus so mean to the Jews?" I was flummoxed. Took a second before I said, "Jesus was a Jew." The group basically laughed..
Weren't you able to explain the difference between the Jewish leadership and common Jews?
Of course He was Jewish--I have always been taught that, and I'm in my 50s. One of the first things He did in His ministry was read in the synagogue. Geeeeez
Jesus was Jew but is not identified with Judaism, more with Protestant Christianity. "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Not to the Jews, nor to the Romans (ancient or modern).
The sword is the truth in Jesus' mouth.

No, the truth does not smite the nations, smiting being a curse. "he who lives by the sword (truth) will die by the sword (truth). This makes no sense at all. The truth will set you free.

The sword is a curse under the appearance of a fiery cup of wine. Jeremiah 25:15

Remember when Jesus said repeatedly to his disciples to stay awake and pray to be spared 'the test" when praying to God for 'this cup' to pass him by and he found them sleeping?

This shows that Jesus didn't want to curse the nations but did anyway because God willed it.

"Just art Thou, in these Thy judgments, Thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and Thou hast given them blood to drink"
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True. We're all a bit like Paul was.

What? Full of shit?

The disciples must have found it hard to not burst out laughing when Paul, a rabid anti-christian, fumbled around pretending to be visually impaired and then miraculously cured by Jesus when they already knew that Jesus cured a blindness of perception and not sight.
Actually, their focus is education, along with hard work. They also average a high IQ. Prosperity tends to follow those traits and values.
Anyone can prosper, if their goal is prosperity.

Any high school dropout that works at McDonalds and lives at home should be able to save $10-12,000 per year. In four years he can pay for a good trade school education in cash. From there the sky's the limit.

A HS classmate of mine, with his brother as partner, bought two apartment buildings just a couple of years after graduating. A girl classmate and her husband had four income properties within a few years out of HS. Lots of stories like these.

Meanwhile I had a good paying job and squandered every penny on wine, women, and song (I sang and played the guitar). ;) It was only when I 'got religion' and changed my life that I was able to save money. :bowdown:
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Yeah, uh-huh. The highest-achieving, most educated and affluent group sure is being punished: nice homes, exciting foreign travel, season tickets to the opera and ballet, strong and loving families, wonderful holiday celebrations, and a tight-knit community.
Strange that you would define "success" by quoting.........things that can be purchased with money instead of the quality of life that comes from serving the Lord. This is exactly what was defined by the Spirit of Truth who inspired the Apostle to record, FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL KINDS OF EVIL. (1 Tim. 6:10).

Who are the "real bigots"...........the one's telling the truth as recorded in scripture, or those who continually look down on Christianity as if the New Covenant of Grace is beneath them? You can't serve 2 masters.........the world and God. (Matthew 6:24)

Truth Bomb: Claiming to be a Jew does not entitle you to self identify as a RACE OF PEOPLES...........religion does not identify race, only religious culture. The majorty of those who claim to be Jewish are no where close to being "Orthodox" whatsoever.......they never go to temple, yet they wish to be identified by their faith as some sort of badge that must be respected because of the sins of the fathers, promoting a continued culture of victimhood.

As Dr. King declared, you judge someone by the content of their heart, not by their espoused faith, their culture, or the color of their skin..........I can respect a message of truth such as this..........but anyone that strives to please the God of Creation should pray for unity, not division based upon cultural bigotries.
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Strange that you would define "success" by quoting.........things that can be purchased with money instead of the quality of life that comes from serving the Lord. This is exactly what was defined by the Spirit of Truth who inspired the Apostle to record, FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL KINDS OF EVIL. (1 Tim. 6:10).

Who are the "real bigots"...........the one's telling the truth as recorded in scripture, or those who continually look down on Christianity as if the New Covenant of Grace is beneath them? You can't serve 2 masters.........the world and God. (Matthew 6:24)
Interesting that you would THINK a Jew girl would define “success” monetarily - your disdain for Jews is showing - when I did not so that. I also included strong and loving families, wonderful holiday celebrations, and a tight-knit community - all things that please HaShem.

And why in the world are you quoting New Testament to a Jewish woman? That is both rude, arrogant, and ignorant.

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