Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

You’ve called me a liar - about what I have no clue - and have quoted New Testament verses to me, a Jew…..and then you say I am condescending because I called you a fool.

So I’m supposed to sit here and listen to your lies and verbal abuse and utter contempt for Jews, but if I say something back that is much more mild, THAT is the problem?

You are making Christians look HORRIBLE with all the venom you spew.

And stop quoting Gospel verses to a Jewish person! How obnoxious are you trying to be?

I thought verbal abuse was your specialty, Rosie.
Whatever. Your hatred toward Jews is so extreme that you’re sounding insane. Find another Jew to whom to spew your venom.
You can't help yourself can you? Again...........I have presented Book, Chapter and Verse to confirm everything that I have stated. Its a sad day when Truth is considered hate speech. You don't have a problem with me..........your problem is with the simple truth.
Projecting again? Who is actually making what religion look bad? And stop quoting scriptures because the Christian is inferior to a Jew? Really? The Chrisitan has no religious freedom on an open board? My retorts are not limited to the N.T., I present the whole truth. Look through the posts along this thread.........I have quoted many passages from the O.T. that confirm what is written in the N.T.

FYI: You are free to stop anytime you wish......but.....simply because you don't enjoy hearing my speech does not limit my same rights as you hold.......freedom of both speech and religion. Simply stop playing the victim.
Whatever. I’m simply telling you that throwing New Testament versus in a Jew’s face is disrespectful and arrogant. But you already knew that.
You can't help yourself can you? Again...........I have presented Book, Chapter and Verse to confirm everything that I have stated. Its a sad day when Truth is considered hate speech. You don't have a problem with me..........your problem is with the simple truth.
It’s not “Truth.” It’s what Christians believe is the truth. Jews believe differently. We each have our opinions.
Whatever. I’m simply telling you that throwing New Testament versus in a Jew’s face is disrespectful and arrogant. But you already knew that.
Yes, the way the OP did it... it was disrespectful. The question is was it done so intentionally. Maybe. Maybe not. He doesn't seem to have a filter and he does seem to be fairly clueless. With that said he does seem to want to be like everyone else here and seek conflict. So who knows?
Yes, the way the OP did it... it was disrespectful. The question is was it done so intentionally. Maybe. Maybe not. He doesn't seem to have a filter and he does seem to be fairly clueless. With that said he does seem to want to be like everyone else here and seek conflict. So who knows?
Well, he does put words in my mouth. He said that I said a Christian shouldn’t quote NT verses to a Jew because Christians are inferior, and I never said or thought any such thing. I’ve asked repeatedly that he not keep quoting NT to me, because it is rude when it is done to a Jew, and he keeps doing it.

Beyond that, he has revealed some pretty disdainful ideas about Jews and twisted my words there as well. When Christians act so obnoxious to Jews, it makes them even less inclined - if they ever were - to join them.

I liken them to leftists. They spew venom at us and call us morons, white supremacists, racists, threats to democracy, etc., etc. Now bearing in mind how vicious they are to people who disagree with them, who would ever want to become an angry, intolerant leftist?
Whatever. I’m simply telling you that throwing New Testament versus in a Jew’s face is disrespectful and arrogant. But you already knew that.
And telling a Christian they are not allowed to quote from the scriptures because of your feigned "disrespect" is not arrogant? If you do not want to know the answers.......don't ask the questions. I simply present the truth as it is recorded in both the O.T. and N.T. Again with "playing the victim card"........defend your faith as would any Orthodox Jew, this I have respect for, but I refuse to pretend quoting from the Holy Bible disrespects anyone simply not to offend those who refuse even practice Judaism even through they claim that faith by Heritage.....which is nonsense. No religion is based upon biology or geographical location.

What part of the O.T. prophecy have you failed to comprehend? Such as the prophecy from Jeremiah, "Behold the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, NOT LIKE THE COVENANT I (God) MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS (ancestors) ON THE DAY I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND AND TO BRING THEMOUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT, MY COVENANT THEY BROKE EVEN THOUGH I WAS THEIR HUSBAND, declares the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord; I WILL PUT MY LAW WITHIN THEM, AND I WILL WRITE ON THEIR HEARTS (as opposed to writing it on stone), and I will be their God and they shall be My people." -- Jer. 31:31-34

Another fact that you are failing to comprehend. The Law of Moses was never intended to last forever it was for one nation on earth, Biblical Israel.......the Law of Moses does not apply to any gentile nor has it ever applied to any gentile. The laws presented by Moses was espresslly for Biblical Israel (not the fake Israel of today) nor for any of the ancestors that preceded the days before Moses brought the law down from Mt. Sinai. (Deut. 5:1-3). The Law of Moses was temporary until the SEED of Abraham comes, Jesus was that seed of prophecy.
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Jesus was not very "tolerate" of liars and fakes. There is no "compromise" when it comes to TRUTH. Truth is what sets one free. (John 8:32). We are commanded to worship in Spirit and in TRUTH. (John 16:13) What is Christian Truth and were is it found? Certaintly not by YOUR OPINION. Truth is located in the Word of God, a word that we are to be sanctified in (John 17:17-23).

OK. John 16:13, “I have much more to say to you, but the burden would be too great for you now. But when he comes who is the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority but he will tell you only what he hears, and he will make known to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me because everything that he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine. All that the Father has is mine. That is why I said to you, "Everything that he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine."

I assume you think that the Sprit of truth is in you but Jesus here is speaking about God sending another person who like Jesus bears witness to the truth. He is not you or in you.

It is not about God sending an entity to inhabit believers making them perjure themselves in the name of God and squeak and gibber like a monkey. That's a sign of demonic possession.

Jesus was very intolerant of sin and and anyone who promoted it. (Matt.16:6-12). The language used by Jesus in Matthew 23 is the strongest language used in the Holy Scriptures in describing His disdain for the doctrine being taught in His day by the Leaders of the faith of Moses. He used words like Hypocrites!, Serpents, Brood of Vipers!. He described these leaders as being "full of extortion and self indulgence", "full of hypocrisy and lawlessness (pretending to follow the laws of Moses but making them null by their established traditions of serving the world instead of the faith they professed"

OK. Then Jesus would be intolerant of you, a hypocrite, an actor and lying fraud who violates the Law of God as an expression of your hatred for God and devotion to perpetuate evil.

Read be enlightened: "You serperents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?

Exactly. Jesus said, in Matthew 5:17-20

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "will be called least".... see Genesis 3:14

You defy the law of God by worshipping a trinity in the form of a Jewish man, you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people by professing that he claimed to be God which would make him insane, you desecrate his teaching which is the Actual Body of Christ, every day, which is a demonstration of pure hatred for God and contempt for Jesus, and you mislead others to do the same which amounts to murder in the sight of God.

You have your reward already! See Genesis 3:14

How are you going to escape the condemnation of hell? Psst! Its not by defying the Law of God, lying about being 'saved', lying about Jesus' teaching, or hating Jewish people stupid.
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And telling a Christian they are not allowed to quote from the scriptures because of your feigned "disrespect" is not arrogant? If you do not want to know the answers.......don't ask the questions. I simply present the truth as it is recorded in both the O.T. and N.T. Again with "playing the victim card"........defend your faith as would any Orthodox Jew, this I have respect for, but I refuse to pretend quoting from the Holy Bible disrespects anyone simply not to offend those who refuse even practice Judaism even through they claim that faith by Heritage.....which is nonsense. No religion is based upon biology or geographical location.

What part of the O.T. prophecy have you failed to comprehend? Such as the prophecy from Jeremiah, "Behold the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, NOT LIKE THE COVENANT I (God) MADE WITH THEIR FATHERS (ancestors) ON THE DAY I TOOK THEM BY THE HAND AND TO BRING THEMOUT OF THE LAND OF EGYPT, MY COVENANT THEY BROKE EVEN THOUGH I WAS THEIR HUSBAND, declares the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord; I WILL PUT MY LAW WITHIN THEM, AND I WILL WRITE ON THEIR HEARTS (as opposed to writing it on stone), and I will be their God and they shall be My people." -- Jer. 31:31-34

Another fact that you are failing to comprehend. The Law of Moses was never intended to last forever it was for one nation on earth, Biblical Israel.......the Law of Moses does not apply to any gentile nor has it ever applied to any gentile. The laws presented by Moses was espresslly for Biblical Israel (not the fake Israel of today) nor for any of the ancestors that preceded the days before Moses brought the law down from Mt. Sinai. (Deut. 5:1-3). The Law of Moses was temporary until the SEED of Abraham comes, Jesus was that seed of prophecy.
I didn’t tell you that you can’t quote from the Christian scriptures. I asked you NOT to quote from the NT to a Jew after she has repeatedly told you it’s rude and disrespectful.

Jews do not believe in the NT. Continuing to ram it in their faces after being asked not to is obnoxious, and makes Christians look arrogant, disrespectful, and intolerant.

You have your opinion as to who Jesus was, and Jews have another opinion. Who’s to say which has it right? Just let people believe as they wish, and be man enough to acknowledge there can be a difference in religious opinions.
What is Christian Truth and were is it found? Certaintly not by YOUR OPINION. Truth is located in the Word of God, a word that we are to be sanctified in (John 17:17-23).

"Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will reprove the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment: about sin, because they refused to believe in me; about righteousness, by convincing them that I go to the Father when I pass from your sight; and about judgment, by showing that the prince of this world stands condemned." John 16:7-11

You do not know the truth, you do not understand what Jesus taught, and you and every single Christian who ever lived has not done even one single thing that Jesus said that the Spirit of truth would do when he came. You all do and have done the exact opposite.

What then?

You should worry about yourself and yourself alone and ask "What would Hezekiah do"?
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You’ve called me a liar - about what I have no clue - and have quoted New Testament verses to me, a Jew…..and then you say I am condescending because I called you a fool.

So I’m supposed to sit here and listen to your lies and verbal abuse and utter contempt for Jews, but if I say something back that is much more mild, THAT is the problem?

You are making Christians look HORRIBLE with all the venom you spew.

And stop quoting Gospel verses to a Jewish person! How obnoxious are you trying to be?

Is the only path to God through Judaism?
OK. John 16:13, “I have much more to say to you, but the burden would be too great for you now. But when he comes who is the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority but he will tell you only what he hears, and he will make known to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me because everything that he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine. All that the Father has is mine. That is why I said to you, "Everything that he makes known to you he will draw from what is mine."

I assume you think that the Sprit of truth is in you but Jesus here is speaking about God sending another person who like Jesus bears witness to the truth. He is not you or in you.

It is not about God sending an entity to inhabit believers making them perjure themselves in the name of God and squeak and gibber like a monkey. That's a sign of demonic possession.

OK. Then Jesus would be intolerant of you, a hypocrite, an actor and lying fraud who violates the Law of God as an expression of your hatred for God and devotion to perpetuate evil.

Exactly. Jesus said, in Matthew 5:17-20

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "will be called least".... see Genesis 3:14

You defy the law of God by worshipping a trinity in the form of a Jewish man, you bring the name of Jesus into disrepute among intelligent people by professing that he claimed to be God which would make him insane, you desecrate his teaching which is the Actual Body of Christ, every day, which is a demonstration of pure hatred for God and contempt for Jesus, and you mislead others to do the same which amounts to murder in the sight of God.

You have your reward already! See Genesis 3:14

How are you going to escape the condemnation of hell? Psst! Its not by defying the Law of God, lying about being 'saved', lying about Jesus' teaching, or hating Jewish people stupid.
Burden would be to great? LMAO :abgg2q.jpg: Can we spell.........DEFLECTION? No, the truth was delivered by the Apostles of Christ in the 1st century. The faith was once delivered(Jude 3). I was not promised any supernatural power, Jesus made that promise to His Apostles in order to establish doctrine for the infant church.........What? Can't read? ".....which THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE HIM (the Spirit of Truth). -- John 14:7

Of course the Spirit of Truth "lives" in all that would read and comprehend His message of truth by the words of truth He delivered, Words that were recorded for future generations by the Apostles of Christ.......just as Peter stated, when He died He would leave a record of the things he witnessed. (2 Peter 1:12-31)

First you must HEAR THE WORDS OF CHRIST and BELIEVE THEM, ACCEPT THEM AS TRUTH.......for the Spirit to live in you. (John 18:37). You cannot be a sheep to the Shepherd that is Christ if you refuse to hear and obey His voice. (John 10:27)

The Spirit lives in those who "Study to present yourself approved unto God..........Rightly dividing the word of Truth." (2 Tim. 2:15)

If you live by those words of Truth.........what Spirit other than the Spirit who delivered these words of truth lives in your spirit/mind?

Today.....there are no supernatural gifts of the Spirit.......there remains only 3. ", hope and charity/love", with love being the greatest of these gifts. (2 Cor. 13:1-13). All the gifts were only temporary......and would soon end as detailed by the Apostle of Christ when the need for them no longer existed. Today, no Christian is promised anything extra in this journey called life...........the rain falls on the just and the unjust, the sinner and the saint. The Prize comes after the race is over......until that time, you can fall from grace just as the Apostle declared, when he stated even he could fall from the grace. (1 Cor. 9:24-27)

Delivering TRUTH is the greatest love a man can show toward his fellowman, in the hope that they might come to the knowledge of the truth and find the gift of salvation. (1 Tim. 2:4) If God would hope All MEN come to the knowledge of the truth....what is a servant of the Christ to do? Appease those who promote a false doctrine? :dunno:

"It is a fearful thing, to fall into the hands of the Living God." -- Heb. 10:31
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I didn’t tell you that you can’t quote from the Christian scriptures. I asked you NOT to quote from the NT to a Jew after she has repeatedly told you it’s rude and disrespectful.

Jews do not believe in the NT. Continuing to ram it in their faces after being asked not to is obnoxious, and makes Christians look arrogant, disrespectful, and intolerant.

You have your opinion as to who Jesus was, and Jews have another opinion. Who’s to say which has it right? Just let people believe as they wish, and be man enough to acknowledge there can be a difference in religious opinions.
So............what? She has no exist function on her keyboard? Thus, her dislike rescends my freedom of speech and religion? Again.......if you do not want to hear the truth, stop asking the questions.
So............what? She has no exist function on her keyboard? Thus, her dislike rescends my freedom of speech and religion? Again.......if you do not want to hear the truth, stop asking the questions.
I’m not asking questions. I am telling you it is RUDE to keep quoting NT verses to a Jewish person. But you feel so superior to the inferior Jews that you keep shoving it in their faces. (And news flash: And your “truth” is not everyone’s truth. You don’t know more than everyone else.)

And you gave away, once again, your contempt for Jews with your holier-than-thou remark about the “fake Israel.” People like you are what turns people off Christians - the superior attitude that your way is the only way and everyone else can goes to hell.
First you must HEAR THE WORDS OF CHRIST and BELIEVE THEM, ACCEPT THEM AS TRUTH.......for the Spirit to live in you.

Right. It follows then that if the Spirit of truth was in you you would accept the truth in what Jesus said and comply with Divine Law, the only way that leads to life, but you don't. Mat. 5:17-20

You perjure yourself in the name of God as an expression of 'faith' and desecrate the teachings of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ, as a matter of religious devotion.

"This, he told me, is the curse that I am sending out over all the land. For by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away, and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, says the Lord, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones, and all." Zechariah 5:3

"As soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him" John 13:27
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Right. It follows then that if the Spirit of truth was in you you would accept the truth in what Jesus said and comply with Divine Law, the only way that leads to life, but you don't. Mat. 5:17-20

You perjure yourself in the name of God as an expression of 'faith' and desecrate the teachings of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ, as a matter of religious devotion.

"This, he told me, is the curse that I am sending out over all the land. For by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away, and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, says the Lord, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones, and all." Zechariah 5:3

"As soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him" John 13:27
I’d like to address this to you, since you are a kind, decent person. In fact, I can’t even tell if you are a good Christian, or Jewish!

When Clyde upthread, who has been badgering me by continuing to throw NT verses is my face, said that “Delivering the truth is the best love a man can show to his fellow man,“ it reminded me of an incident with my Dad, at least 30 years ago.

There was this Christian man Dad was friendly with, and my dad tried to overlook the constant pokes about “saving him,” and it’s not to late to find Jesus, and blah, blah, blah. My father always replied politely, something along the lines of “I understand your religion teaches that, but Jews have different teachings” and so forth.

The guy, over the course of months, became more insistent. Finally, he said in exasperation “I only do this because I love the Jews”, to which my dad answered “Love us a little less, and RESPECT us a little more.” The guy stopped after that.

RIP, Dad.

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