Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

Right. It follows then that if the Spirit of truth was in you you would accept the truth in what Jesus said and comply with Divine Law, the only way that leads to life, but you don't. Mat. 5:17-20

You perjure yourself in the name of God as an expression of 'faith' and desecrate the teachings of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ, as a matter of religious devotion.

"This, he told me, is the curse that I am sending out over all the land. For by the writing on one side every thief shall be swept clean away, and by the writing on the other side every perjurer shall be swept clean away. I have sent it out, says the Lord, and it shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the man who has perjured himself in my name. It shall stay inside that house and demolish it, timbers and stones, and all." Zechariah 5:3

"As soon as Judas received the bread, Satan entered him" John 13:27

The real question is IF YOU PROMOTE FOLLOWING the Law of Moses.........why don't you observe the entire Law? If you read Exoodus Chapters 21-24 you will see there were penalties for breaking the law....the penalty for Idoltry, Murder, Adultery, profaning the Sabath was DEATH. If someone from your cult decides to comitt you enforce that Law? What about the law concerning Circumcision? Burnt Offerings? Why cherry pick parts of the Old Law? The Holy Spirit of Truth declares if you serve any part or partial of the Old Law you are obligated to serve its entirety, if you break even 1 oracle you are guilty of breaking it all and the pentalty is death (James 2:10).

Paul states that the curse of the law was it exposed or identified sin in his life, yet could do nothing take away his guilt for sinning. (Romans 7)

Truth: The O.T. law was to exist until the "seed should come (Jesus was that seed of Abraham)" (Gal.3:16,19-28-29)

The Old Testament was removed so the New Testament Covenant could take place .......a covenant prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah (31:31-34) Paul stated it clearly (Roman 7:1-7, 2 Cor. 3:1-18, Eph. 2:12-16, Heb. 7:12, 8:8-13, 9:12-17, 10:9...etc.,) In essence, Christ has "..........blotted out the bond written written in ordiances against us, which was contrary to us; and He (Jesus) has taken it out of the way, nailing it to His cross." -- Col. 2:14

All the eternally righteous laws of God were carried over into the New Testament of Jesus Christ.......all 10 commandments save 1, the command to observe the Sabath, which was expressly for Biblical Israel only. These eteranlly rightesou laws of God are documented in the N.T by book, chapter and verse if anyone wants to read them. Example 1st commandment, No other God (Matt.4:10, Acts 17:22-30). 2nd commandment, Idolatry forbidden (1 Cor. 10:14, 1 John 5:21).....the list goes not.........all are inculded to be observed exist Sabath worship. And Paul explains in detail why the Sabath is not a command to be observed (Col.2)

The Old Law was nailed to the Cross of Jesus. (Col. 2:14). No one is to challenge you concerning the Sabath laws (Col. 2:16)......the Christian Sabath comes after the race called life is over. Christians come together on the 1st day of the week to commune (break bread), drink, both symoblic in nature in remembrance of Jesus until the day He returns. (Acts 20:7)

As far as Matthew 5:17-20? Jesus made it clear...........He came to FULFILL THE LAW OF MOSES, not to destroy it. The Law of Moses ceased to exist when Jesus fulfilled the requirements of that covenant by presenting the perfect "sacrifical lamb of God" on the cross. When Jesus stated, "It is finished......" -- John 19:30, the Law of Moses was fulfilled.

The text of Jesus is "unambigous"...........there is no mistake, Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the law and torn down the middle wall that separated the Jew and the Gentile. Eph. 2:14-15 "For He is our peace, who hath made both (Jew and Gentile) one and hath broken down the middle wall paritition between us (the Law of Moses......was expressly for Biblical Israel, not for any gentile or gentile nation (Deut. 4:8, 5:1-4)...............having abolished the Law (of Moses) that stood between us........"

Jesus declared to the apostles, "These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you (living), that ALL THINGS MUST BE FULFILLED, WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THE LAW OF MOSES, AND IN THE PROPHETS, AND IN THE PSLAMS CONCERNING ME (Jesus was speaking about the O.T prophecies concerning the Messiah which He came to fulfill)" -- Luke 23:44

Jesus also stated clearly His birth, life, death, and resurrection fulfilled the Prophecy of Jeremiah. "Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah......." -- 27:9.........of course Jesus is speaking of how the Jewish Leaders paid Judas to betray the Only Begotten of the Father with 30 pieces of was the prophecy.
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The real question is IF YOU PROMOTE FOLLOWING the Law of Moses.........why don't you observe the entire Law? If you read Exoodus Chapters 21-24 you will see there were penalties for breaking the law....the penalty for Idoltry, Murder, Adultery, profaning the Sabath was DEATH.
Right. And I always do exactly as God commands.

Idolatry, murder adultery, etc, are all sins of which you are guilty by your own admission. If what you claim is true, about DEATH, then you are quite dead. You brag about your idolatry, by worshipping a trinity, and mislead others to do the same which amounts to murder. As Coroner, I have thoroughly examined you. And you are not only merely dead. You are really most sincerely dead.

I will tell you something.

Try to hear.

In the very day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of triune god in the form of a first century froward Jewish man, who was just the awaited Jewish Messiah, you died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you remain to this day tormented day and night by reality, which, like an eternal fire that will never go out, contradicts your irrational claims and absurd and superstitious beliefs about Jesus, a man.

Not to worry! If I had not come and spoken to you, you would not be guilty of sin. But, since I have, to continue in your idolatry, murder, adultery, false accusations, and perjury in the name of God, you must now make a conscious informed and deliberate choice to continue in your sins, always dying but never finding peace in DEATH. And never is a very very very long time.

Your choice will have eternal consequences. This is the TRUTH, the very TRUTH.
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I’d like to address this to you, since you are a kind, decent person. In fact, I can’t even tell if you are a good Christian, or Jewish!

Your Dad was a kind, and decent person. I don't think I would have been so kind to his friend.

Anyway. I do not follow or believe in any known religion. Long ago I studied Catholicism under the guidance of a Jesuit Priest and almost became a novitiate until the time to examine my conscience and had to be honest with myself and admit that I didn't believe any of it. Then I studied Judaism in Borough Park and it was there that a light went off in my head and I finally understood what Jesus was trying to share with his people during a time of brutal Roman occupation and a compulsory observance of a literal application of Mosaic law, according to the Talmud, when there was no such thing as freedom of speech and people were enslaved, imprisoned, maimed and killed for trivial reasons every day by Romans and even other Jews.

So I guess you can think of me as a hybrid between Christian and Jewish. A new creature.
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As far as Matthew 5:17-20? Jesus made it clear...........He came to FULFILL THE LAW OF MOSES, not to destroy it. The Law of Moses ceased to exist when Jesus fulfilled the requirements of that covenant by presenting the perfect "sacrifical lamb of God" on the cross. When Jesus stated, "It is finished......" -- John 19:30, the Law of Moses was fulfilled.
The Law has always been and will always be in effect and in full force. Ask Nebuchadnezzar.

To fulfill the Law is to comply with its instruction. Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to understand the figurative words and hidden subjects of the law that leads to eternal life, the reward of the righteous. Unless you eat his flesh,( accept his teaching) and drink his blood,(do it) you cannot have the life promised for complying with the Law in you.

Life is in the blood, in the doing.

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The Law has always been and will always be in effect and in full force. Ask Nebuchadnezzar.

To fulfill the Law is to comply with its instruction. Jesus taught and demonstrated the only right way to understand the figurative words and hidden subjects of the law that leads to eternal life, the reward of the righteous. Unless you eat his flesh,( accept his teaching) and drink his blood,(do it) you cannot have the life promised for complying with the Law in you.

Life is in the blood, in the doing.

the 1st century events were the awakening - there are no set laws, nothing etched in the heavens and given to humanity ... as claimed by a madman.

the exemplar taught liberation theology, self determination as the true path for spiritual freedom, the triumph over evil and admission to the everlasting and was crucified for their inclusion separate from strictural dogmas.
Right. And I always do exactly as God commands.

Idolatry, murder adultery, etc, are all sins of which you are guilty by your own admission. If what you claim is true, about DEATH, then you are quite dead. You brag about your idolatry, by worshipping a trinity, and mislead others to do the same which amounts to murder. As Coroner, I have thoroughly examined you. And you are not only merely dead. You are really most sincerely dead.

I will tell you something.

Try to hear.

In the very day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of triune god in the form of a first century froward Jewish man, who was just the awaited Jewish Messiah, you died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you remain to this day tormented day and night by reality, which, like an eternal fire that will never go out, contradicts your irrational claims and absurd and superstitious beliefs about Jesus, a man.

Not to worry! If I had not come and spoken to you, you would not be guilty of sin. But, since I have, to continue in your idolatry, murder, adultery, false accusations, and perjury in the name of God, you must now make a conscious informed and deliberate choice to continue in your sins, always dying but never finding peace in DEATH. And never is a very very very long time.

Your choice will have eternal consequences. This is the TRUTH, the very TRUTH. demonstrated, YOU blinded me with your presentation of book, chapter and verse in retort. What am I to accept as truth..........your lame opinionated rhetoric backed by nothing but a plethora of subjective ad hominem BS or the truth delivered by the Holy Spirit of Truth in the word of God? :abgg2q.jpg:

What is truth? "Sanctify them in the truth; YOUR WORD IS THE TRUTH". -- John 17:17

Trinity? You mean THE GODHEAD.........that the righteous are "commanded" to be baptized into? That Godhead consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? "And Jesus came and said unto them, ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THAT I HAVE COMMANDED YOU........." -- Matthew 28:18-20

The Trinity/Godhead that was in full display as consisting of 3 different individual entities all present in 1 place at the same instant at the time Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist.........that Trinity/Godhead? The Son was there being baptized, The Spirit was there descending from Heaven in the form of a dove, and God spoke FROM HEAVEN, "this is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased".........all at the same time and location........the river Jordon. (Matthew 3:13-17)

Or you mean the Trinity/Godhead that indentified itself with the terms "Us and Our".........and not with a royal use of the terms? That Godhead? "Let Us make man in Our image.........." -- Genesis 1:26............or do you mean the Godhead that cast Adam and Eve from the Garden for eating from the tree of knowledge......that Trinity? "The man has now become LIKE ONE OF US........" -- Genesis 3:22
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Ahem. You are the dude who professes to believe the Word of God. What I quoted speaks for itself. If you can't accept the Word of God as truth then you are just an actor and lying fraud.
The holocaust was in Europe not in the Arab world.
SO? to what "holocaust" do you refer? I assume
you are referring to the SPECIFIC mass murder of
jews in Europe in the 1930s and 40s. The first mass
murder I heard about as a kid was the mass murder
of "Armenians" which is attributed to Turks circa
1915 Who are you calling "arabs" and what does
"arab world" mean? demonstrated, YOU blinded me with your presentation of book, chapter and verse in retort. What am I to accept as truth..........your lame opinionated rhetoric backed by nothing but a plethora of subjective ad hominem BS or the truth delivered by the Holy Spirit of Truth in the word of God? :abgg2q.jpg:

What is truth? "Sanctify them in the truth; YOUR WORD IS THE TRUTH". -- John 17:17

Trinity? You mean THE GODHEAD.........that the righteous are "commanded" to be baptized into? That Godhead consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? "And Jesus came and said unto them, ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THAT I HAVE COMMANDED YOU........." -- Matthew 28:18-20

The Trinity/Godhead that was in full display as consisting of 3 different individual entities all present in 1 place at the same instant at the time Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist.........that Trinity/Godhead? The Son was there being baptized, The Spirit was there descending from Heaven in the form of a dove, and God spoke FROM HEAVEN, "this is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased".........all at the same time and location........the river Jordon. (Matthew 3:13-17)

Or you mean the Trinity/Godhead that indentified itself with the terms "Us and Our".........and not with a royal use of the terms? That Godhead? "Let Us make man in Our image.........." -- Genesis 1:26............or do you mean the Godhead that cast Adam and Eve from the Garden for eating from the tree of knowledge......that Trinity? "The man has now become LIKE ONE OF US........" -- Genesis 3:22
"And Jesus came and said unto them, ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THAT I HAVE COMMANDED YOU........." -- Matthew 28:18-20

speaking of madmen - who would believe what they have capitalized or there ever was recorded a statement claiming primacy from the heavens - as without a shred of evidence.

- and not one written word preserved from the individual left by them for prosperity found in their entire 10000 page document.
speaking of madmen - who would believe what they have capitalized or there ever was recorded a statement claiming primacy from the heavens - as without a shred of evidence.

- and not one written word preserved from the individual left by them for prosperity found in their entire 10000 page document.
Prove what you just declared..........present the Objective, Testable, reproducible facts in evidene that proves anything you just summitted by Ad Hominem Rhetoric to be true. I make no claims to writting anything.......I only defend the Holy Scriptures.......scriptures that YOU are yet to disprove by any Objective measure. :popcorn: Unitl you can present objective evidence.....the eye witness accounts submitted by the authors in a prima facie method stands as truth. (2 Peter 1:16). If I am ever accused of a crime..........I would hope that you are the prosecutor. :abgg2q.jpg: FYI: its up to the prosecutor to provide factual evidence in order to prosecute, even the Holy Scriptures are innocent until PROVEN GUILTY. Why do all secular types attempt to use the mule to push the plow? Comic Relief?
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Ahem. You are the dude who professes to believe the Word of God. What I quoted speaks for itself. If you can't accept the Word of God as truth then you are just an actor and lying fraud.

Typical of a BS artist who attempts to PROJECT their faults unto others. :popcorn: Demonstrate something that I have stated that is not backed by the actual Book, Chapter and Verse found in the word of God. We are commanded to worship in spirit and truth, one without the other is dead (James 2:17-26).

Speak for yourself..........don't attempt to place limits on my FAITH due to your lack of faith, its YOU that refuses to accept the actual content of the Word of God as truthful Christian Doctrine. Question? Where does faith come from if not from the revealed record of the Holy Scriptures? "Faith cometh by hearing and HEARING BY THE WORD OF GOD." -- Romans 10:17

Again.........who are we to believe as far as Christian Doctrine is concerned? You.......who self admits to their ignorance in relation to the word of God.......or the most learned Jew of the 1st century.......Saul/Paul, who studied under the feet of the Pharisee "Gamaliel" (Acts 5:34, Acts 23:3)? Paul.........instructed by the best teacher of the Law and the Prophets in the 1st century A.D. (O.T. Law of Moses) who referenced the Godhead/trinity, "For in Him (Jesus) dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." -- Col. 2:9, "For the invivisble things of Him (God) from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and GODHEAD; so they are without excuse." -- Romans 1:20

And then we find Luke the Physican stating the same about the Godhead/trinity, "Forsomuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think of the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's devise........" Acts 17:29 Luke who authored the Acts of the Apostles.....makes it clear, THE GODHEAD/TRINITY" is not a conception made by man, but is to be honored as a REALITY.
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Prove what you just declared..........present the Objective, Testable, reproducible facts in evidene that proves anything you just summitted by Ad Hominem Rhetoric to be true. I make no claims to writting anything.......I only defend the Holy Scriptures.......scriptures that YOU are yet to disprove by any Objective measure. :popcorn: Unitl you can present objective evidence.....the eye witness accounts submitted by the authors in a prima facie method stands as truth. (2 Peter 1:16). If I am ever accused of a crime..........I would hope that you are the prosecutor. :abgg2q.jpg: FYI: its up to the prosecutor to provide factual evidence in order to prosecute, even the Holy Scriptures are innocent until PROVEN GUILTY. Why do all secular types attempt to use the mule to push the plow? Comic Relief?

you would defend a 10000 pg document that does not have a single original source for any of its claims - written in the 4th century by the descendants of those that altered the events of the 1st century, liberation theology, self determination and crucified those in objection as those who no longer sought refuge in the prevailing corrupt religion that also prevailed in their deaths ... good luck, loser.

to claim by proxy anyone on planet earth has all authority in heaven is beyond absurd - clyde.
you would defend a 10000 pg document that does not have a single original source for any of its claims - written in the 4th century by the descendants of those that altered the events of the 1st century, liberation theology, self determination and crucified those in objection as those who no longer sought refuge in the prevailing corrupt religion that also prevailed in their deaths ... good luck, loser.

to claim by proxy anyone on planet earth has all authority in heaven is beyond absurd - clyde.
No evidence? I wonder why? :abgg2q.jpg: Do you ever feed that inverted mule? Its clear..........that God exists with the evidence being the 'things that are created' that surround you, with YOU exibiting no method to account for your own existence via applying the physical laws of nature.

Prove to me the universe created itself without a known cause......prove to me that life generated itself from non living matter.......prove to me that any species has ever been documented chaging from one species into a complete new species......explain how cold blooded life from the sea evolved into warm blooded life, AFTER you explain how life created itself from chaos, explain how star dust consisting of Helium and Hydrogen morphed into every element on the periodic table.......when countless examples of Necular Fusion (atomic detonations) has yeilded no new elements.
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No evidence? I wonder why? :abgg2q.jpg: Do you ever feed that inverted mule? Its clear..........that God exists with the evidence being the 'things that are created' that surround you, with YOU exibiting no method to account for your own existence via applying the physical laws of nature.

Prove to me the universe created itself without a known cause......prove to me that life generated itself from non living matter.......prove to me that any species has ever been documented chaging from one species into a complete new species......explain how cold blooded life from the sea evolved into warm blooded life, AFTER you explain how life created itself from chaos, explain how star dust consisting of Helium and Hydrogen morphed into every element on the periodic table.......when countless examples of Necular Fusion (atomic detonations) has yeilded no new elements.

prove to me that any species has ever been documented chaging from one species into a complete new species.....

physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears into the atmosphere when its spiritual content is removed and is subject to the changes made to it by the same metaphysical spiritual mechanism ...

verified proof -


the spiritual content transforming a land creature into an avian being. from one into another, the same process for the progression of evolution and conversion into an entirely new species.

the universe is the product of metaphysical forces and is therefore a consequence of polytheism as those forces are indeterminate in number and scope and in combination have rendered all that exists.

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