Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

I’m not denigrating Christians. So let’s forget Jesus….what about Mary? They worship her, and she’s nothing deserving of WORSHIP.

Mary is revered not worshipped. Look to early Judaism for the queen of heaven. Asherah? They have found over 4000 clay statues to her in Jerusalem. See when God had a wife.
Mary is revered not worshipped. Look to early Judaism for the queen of heaven. Asherah? They have found over 4000 clay statues to her in Jerusalem. See when God had a wife.
Gd never had a wife. I have studied the Book of Kings, in depth, in a course taught by Orthodox Jews, and there was never even a HINT of that.

Gd never had a wife. I have studied the Book of Kings, in depth, in a course taught by Orthodox Jews, and there was never even a HINT of that.

Got questions leans to fundamentalism and the Dallas Theological Seminary.

What did they say about the thousands of asherah statuettes?
Got questions leans to fundamentalism and the Dallas Theological Seminary.

What did they say about the thousands of asherah statuettes?
My class made no elevated reference to Asheesh AT ALL - and certainly not that she was God’s wife. Making someone Gd’s “wife” or “son” is contrary to Judaism, as it implies some people are deified or closer to Gd in some way.
My class made no elevated reference to Asheesh AT ALL - and certainly not that she was God’s wife. Making someone Gd’s “wife” or “son” is contrary to Judaism, as it implies some people are deified or closer to Gd in some way.

So why the thousands of statuettes found in Jerusalem?
Were these statues worshipped?

They seem to be linked to fertility and childbirth. They are well represented in the Canaanite Pantheon and in the Ugarit texts that predate Judaism.

I tend to think religion evolved and adapted mythos and folklore from previous cultures.. but some think differently.
They seem to be linked to fertility and childbirth. They are well represented in the Canaanite Pantheon and in the Ugarit texts that predate Judaism.

I tend to think religion evolved and adapted mythos and folklore from previous cultures.. but some think differently.
If they are not worshipped, nobody cares.
Have you seen Michaelangelo's Moses or David? Catholics don't worship them either, but they are magnificent.
Yes, I definitely saw Moses, in Rome. It IS impressive. But did you notice that Moses had horns? That’s because rays of light was translated inaccurately into horns.

And as far as David, in Florence: What a magnificent specimen! But still, we don’t worship him.
they are who accused jesus of claiming he was a messiah - they were willing to be crucified to disprove their claim - yes the jews hated the messenger - of liberation theology - and rather choose to abide by the lies of heavenly 10 commandments and are themselves responsible for 4th century christianity they helped to create by crucifying an innocent victim.
Christians view him as their Messiah. Doesn’t the Christian religion “ teach” G-D sent his ONLY son down to die for our sins? Can’t have it both ways. 👏
Christians view him as their Messiah. Doesn’t the Christian religion “ teach” G-D sent his ONLY son down to die for our sins? Can’t have it both ways. 👏

not sure what - both ways references ....

"Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

“You have brought this Man to me, as one who misleads the people. And indeed, having examined Him in your presence, I have found no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him;

the jews were who claimed jesus claimed he was a messiah for which jesus replied the same, it was the jews that made the claim ... who then had him crucified.

4th century christianity the c-bible is a basket case of forgeries and fallacies - their basses for a messiah is actually in reference to the jews who crucified him for what they refused to respond too and died in defiance of their accusations.

when in fact the events of the 1st century the jews were intolerant of were their liberation theology, self determination and the real reason they put to death an innocent man under false accusations.
not sure what - both ways references ....

"Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

the jews were who claimed jesus claimed he was a messiah for which jesus replied the same, it was the jews that made the claim ... who then had him crucified.

4th century christianity the c-bible is a basket case of forgeries and fallacies - their basses for a messiah is actually in reference to the jews who crucified him for what they refused to respond too and died in defiance of their accusations.

when in fact the events of the 1st century the jews were intolerant of were their liberation theology, self determination and the real reason they put to death an innocent man under false accusations.
So G-D didn’t send his only son down to die for our sins?? Sounds like you missed the lessons your “ fathers “ taught you 🇮🇱
Please tell us why the Jews are under a curse that predates Jesus. The Jews hate Jesus? “ Christianity” has preached nothing but vile antisemitism which include massacres, violence, those being forced to leave their Homeland, inability to get Jobs, live in certain neighborhoods, forcing some to change their name, lie about their religion, the Pograms and the HOLOCAUST for over 2000 years
Ah, more Orthodox rubbish. You Master Race bigots litter as many threads as you can with your fake Babylonian cult nonsense.
You must be in a bad mood.
It took the Holocaust for the Catholic Church to take a step back.

And it was pagan Nazis who organized and conducted the holocaust, and they also killed more people who weren't Jews. including Christians, so your cult wasn't particularly special when it came to atrocities. The Vatican and Pope are politicians; there were many Catholic priests aiding Jews to escape into Spain or hiding them as well as other Christians. Why did so many Jews flock to the U.S. if the Evul Xians were so violent and racist n stuff? We know for a fact Israel would never return the favor. Netanyahu is sucking up to Maser Race Jews who want to ban all non-Jews from Israel, and we know their views on who is a Jew and who isn't is a lot more exclusive than anybody else's. It;s not like the Babylonian cultists ever did anything but try and murder Christians for the last 2,000 years. They fact that they failed miserably at that doesn't really excuse their hypocritical sniveling and self-pity orgies..
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