Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

And it was pagan Nazis who organized and conducted the holocaust, and they also killed more people who weren't Jews. including Christians, so your cult wasn't particularly special when it came to atrocities. The Vatican and Pope are politicians; there were many Catholic priests aiding Jews to escape into Spain or hiding them as well as other Christians. Why did so many Jews flock to the U.S. if the Evul Xians were so violent and racist n stuff? We know for a fact Israel would never return the favor. Netanyahu is sucking up to Maser Race Jews who want to ban all non-Jews from Israel, and we know their views on who is a Jew and who isn't is a lot more exclusive than anybody else's. It;s not like the Babylonian cultists ever did anything but try and murder Christians for the last 2,000 years. They fact that they failed miserably at that doesn't really excuse their hypocritical sniveling and self-pity orgies..
France is Catholic and gave Israel nuclear capabilities.
Netanyahu wants to ban non-Jews from Israel?
That's news to me and my wife subscribes to Israeli news sites.

For the last 1,000+ years, every major religion that popped out of nowhere has been trying to eliminate every other major religion that popped out of nowhere.
Organized religions, of which Judaism is not one, loves taxing their constituents.
that's what you, the jew claimed and they were willing to die to disprove your false allegation.
You mean your “ religion “ doesn’t teach that G-D sent his only son down to die for our sins?? Please tell us who you prey to every Sunday. 😇
You mean your “ religion “ doesn’t teach that G-D sent his only son down to die for our sins?? Please tell us who you prey to every Sunday. 😇

those are the false desert religions all corrupted by the initial liar, commandments etched in heaven - moses ... the prescribed religion of antiquity is spoken not written that is a requirement - the triumph of good vs evil - to free ones spirit for judgement and admission to the everlasting ... from a polytheistic heaven.

not 10000 pg documents madeup for selective personal endowments for who would read them without recourse for correcting their deliberate errors.
Typical of a BS artist who attempts to PROJECT their faults unto others. :popcorn: Demonstrate something that I have stated that is not backed by the actual Book, Chapter and Verse found in the word of God.
You claim that the Law ended, which contradicts the entire OT and the words of Jesus himself in Matthew 5:17-20 where Jesus says that the law will remain in effect and in full force for as long as Heaven and earth endure. and you worship Jesus, a man, as if he was God which also is not supported by anything ever written in scripture and anything you cite in the attempt to prove otherwise only proves that you understand neither scripture nor the word of God. And you teaching others to set aside Mosaic law, the only way to eternal life, amounts to murder. And as Jesus said, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning", and the consequence for the talking serpent in the fairy tale who did not kill anyone as well as for all of its descendants is clearly stated in Genesis 3:14, for murder by beguiling Adam and Eve to defy the command of God which results;ts in THE DEATH that you demonstrate so perfectly.

"God is not man so he does not lie. He is not human so he does not change his mind"
How do you know? Do you have their sermons?
The Holy Spirit was soundly ignored in the greetings to the churches by Paul and by Peter. Also, in the Greek language the Holy Spirit is 'neuter' (genderless). However, the translators insisted on often falsely giving it the masculine pronoun, which leads the reader to believe the HS is a person.

And while spirit beings are without gender they appear in the flesh as male, as did Jesus. There is no record of the Holy Spirit manifesting as a human male. It remains not only a spirit, but the Holy Spirit of God, that is the effectual force than emanates from God and from Christ.
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“ Christians “ have been persecuting the Jewish people for over 2000 years for that reason
Yes… can’t separate out the persecution of Jewish people for 80 generations from the Romans’ crucifixion of Jesus. The latter is the reason for the former.
those are the false desert religions all corrupted by the initial liar, commandments etched in heaven - moses ... the prescribed religion of antiquity is spoken not written that is a requirement - the triumph of good vs evil - to free ones spirit for judgement and admission to the everlasting ... from a polytheistic heaven.

not 10000 pg documents madeup for selective personal endowments for who would read them without recourse for correcting their deliberate errors.
Please tell us who is on the Cross ? If it’s not G-D’s son; educate us
How is it that people who say you can’t hold whites today responsible for slavery 150 years ago (with which I agree) are all too happy to throw “Christ Killers!” in the face of contemporary Jews, and be quick to remind them over and over again that Jews killed Jesus - an event which MAY have involved a small band of Jews only since the majority of Jews at the time never heard of Jesus - when it was 2000 years ago?

“ Christians “ have been persecuting the Jewish people for over 2000 years for that reason
But the persecution of the Jews predates the time of Christ. It has continued for 2500 years virtually unabated, and by non-Christians as well. It seems that everyone views the Jews pretty much the same way.

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