Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

Why kick a dead horse :lastword1: ......or pick on a dry bone where no nurrishment exists? This entire tread has been debunked "ad nauseam" by the actual content of the Holy Bible, the source of truthful Christian Doctrine. What was it the Christ declared about casting pearls among the swine? (Matthew 7:6)
"Claiming to be wise..........they became fools............." -- Romans 1:22 "Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has God not made foolish the wisdom of this word?.........." Romans 1:20
the crime is perpetuated by the jews for their denial of their insistence the exemplar be persecuted and put to death instituting the reversal of the heavenly intervention and conclusion at the time of noah - a new age of evil. than the applied for liberation theology, self determination they terminated.

only by bringing the crucifiers to justice including the authors of the c-bible will the religion of antiquity ever be brought to its proper conclusion.
Typical GOYIM excuse for Racist Antisemitism
"Let His Blood be on us and on our children!" the Jewish leaders screamed, even as Pilate was inclined to release Jesus because He hadn't done anything wrong.

Today, we Christians should be saying this, and often

Let Jesus's powerful Blood be on us all.

We recall the Passover when God told the Israelites to put lamb's blood on the door posts and when the angels saw that blood, they would "passover" and not kill the firstborn of the families who had that blood on their doorposts.

God does not change.
Y U wanna be antisemitic, brah? What did the hebrews do to you?
Sure, they were dicks back then. No Jews alive today had anythingto do with that.
I'm a beneficiary of Jewish success. Why would I be resentful?
You certainly sound like it; Making “ excuses or rationalizing “ it
Y U wanna be antisemitic, brah? What did the hebrews do to you?
Sure, they were dicks back then. No Jews alive today had anythingto do with that.
Repeat ; Don’t “ Christians “ believe G-D sent his only son down to die for our sins? Why were they dicks back then or anytime?
Perhaps others are returning the contempt you have for us non-Jews (that's what the term goyim suggests).
Perhaps I am returning the contempt you have for the contempt you have for the Jewish people. That’s what your rambling on justifying Antisemitism suggests
WAIT ….. That can’t be so. Christians have shown contempt for Jews for over 2000 years
You certainly sound like it; Making “ excuses or rationalizing “ it

Repeat ; Don’t “ Christians “ believe G-D sent his only son down to die for our sins? Why were they dicks back then or anytime?
The Pharisees had the Son of God killed. Fact. Because he didn't conform to their moneymaking ways, they advocated to have him crucified.. IMO, probably the biggest mistake they ever made.
That doesn't jibe with what the Jewish people I've known in my life are like, but uh, not sure what you're trying to get at.
Isn't it used sometimes as a derogatory term used by Jewish people for a non-Jewish person?

No more often than "Jew" is used as a derogatory term by xtians.

There is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the term. It is, in every day usage, a very benign term.
To be fair, The Pharisees were around a long time before the carpenter.

They had a right to question his bona fides.
Wait..not really. He was around b4 any of them.
He was waiting to do his job when God tested Abraham.
He was the reason God tested Abraham, and them Pharisees denied him. That's not good.
That will not look good in the Father's eyes, either. God tested Abraham to see if humanity was worth him sending his son down to earth to die. Lucky for us Abraham passed the test.
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No more often than "Jew" is used as a derogatory term by xtians.

There is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the term. It is, in every day usage, a very benign term.
An interesting analog. You could also say there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the term "Jew". It too is, in every day usage, a very benign term.
An interesting analog. You could also say there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the term "Jew". It too is, in every day usage, a very benign term.

I take pride in identifying as a Jew.

I can't be held responsible if you don't feel pride at being identified as a Goy.
I take pride in identifying as a Jew.

I can't be held responsible if you don't feel pride at being identified as a Goy.
I grew up in a very ethnically mixed neighborhood and my friends were from different ethnic backgrounds. We got along great most of the time. We would make jokes and make fun of each other's ethnicity. It was how the jokes were delivered which told us if they were from a place of love and familial affection or were intended to be cruel and hurtful. So I don't overreact at every little thing said like the Jews on this board do. As near as I can tell you give as good as you get but you still throw a fit anyway when it's done back to you.

I think it's good that you have pride in being a foreigner. I'm proud to be Sicilian. But too much pride can be a very dangerous thing. I'm sure if you search your sacred texts you'll find something on it.

I hope you weren't offended by my use of the phrase foreigner. It's the equivalent of goy. There is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the term. It is, in every day usage, a very benign term. But I can't be held responsible if you don't feel pride at being identified as a foreigner.

I certainly hope you got my point.

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