Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

That's not what the money changers were doing.
Oh? IDGAF. Jesus whipped their asses. That means that whatever they were doing was not right.

Can you understand that? They didn't get whipped by The Son of God because they were doing good or the right thing. :nono:

Somehow you'll fuck this up; I just know it.
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Selling indulgences in the temple and claiming they had a direct line to God. When Jesus actually did. He busted their hustle.
they "money changers" were Roman shills just like the "tax collectors" which is why Pharisees (like Jesus)
hated their guts. You got a citation for that Jelly bean school idiot claim that they "direct lined to Gawd"? unless you consider Zeus to be "GAWD"
they "money changers" were Roman shills just like the "tax collectors" which is why Pharisees (like Jesus)
hated their guts. You got a citation for that Jelly bean school idiot claim that they "direct lined to Gawd"? unless you consider Zeus to be "GAWD"

That seems very odd to me. Where is it written that they were Romans?
That seems very odd to me. Where is it written that they were Romans?
you seem very odd to me. You claim an excellent
education but have EXTREME difficulty with
reading comprehension. At no time did I suggest
that the money changers in the Temple Courtyard
were ROMANS.
Isn't it used sometimes as a derogatory term used by Jewish people for a non-Jewish person?
yes---the operative word being SOMETIMES. ---
but far less often than as a word that translates
most accurately as NATION
That seems very odd to me. Where is it written that they were Romans?
"A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization." from
"A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization." from

I asked how do you know they were Romans?
What about derogatory terms used by Christians for those of the Jewish faith? Forgot …. That’s OK 👌
Well... when that happened to me as a kid, we would get into a fight to settle it. Would you like for me to beat them up for you?
Y U wanna be antisemitic, brah? What did the hebrews do to you?
Sure, they were dicks back then. No Jews alive today had anythingto do with that.
1) I like that you point out that Jews today had nothing to do with that.

2) The extent to which Jews WERE involved back then is questionable.

3) It’s critical to acknowledge that even if the Jews back then were behind it, that does doesn’t mean ALL Jews back then were behind it. The vast, vast majority of Jews then never heard of Jesus, and there was just a small band of Jews who MAY have been behind it. So it’s completely unfair to blame a few Jews for what they might have done on all Jews living at that time - which was about 2 million in Israel and another 4 million in the diaspora.
1) I like that you point out that Jews today had nothing to do with that.

2) The extent to which Jews WERE involved back then is questionable.

3) It’s critical to acknowledge that even if the Jews back then were behind it, that does doesn’t mean ALL Jews back then were behind it. The vast, vast majority of Jews then never heard of Jesus, and there was just a small band of Jews who MAY have been behind it. So it’s completely unfair to blame a few Jews for what they might have done on all Jews living at that time - which was about 2 million in Israel and another 4 million in the diaspora.

I agree with you except there was never a population of 2 million in Palestine.
I agree with you except there was never a population of 2 million in Palestine.
First, the source below (a Christian source) pegs it as 2 million. But even if that wasn’t true and it was only 400,000, what I said still applies - the vast majority never heard of him, and only a handful had anything, if at all, to do with his death. It wasn’t fair to blame all Jews for it - even back then.

yes---the operative word being SOMETIMES. ---
but far less often than as a word that translates
most accurately as NATION
I think fncceo and I already resolved that but thanks for chiming in with your opinion. We both agreed that there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the terms Goyim, Jew and foreigner. They are, in every day usage, very benign terms, but neither of us can be held responsible if others - like yourself - don't feel pride at being identified as a foreigner. Because we are both just fine with being referred to as Goyim, foreigners and/or outsiders as there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in those terms.
I think fncceo and I already resolved that but thanks for chiming in with your opinion. We both agreed that there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the terms Goyim, Jew and foreigner. They are, in every day usage, very benign terms, but neither of us can be held responsible if others - like yourself - don't feel pride at being identified as a foreigner. Because we are both just fine with being referred to as Goyim, foreigners and/or outsiders as there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in those terms.
“Kol goy” - which we say in the Passover Haggadah - means all nations, and is meant to be inclusive. Just saying.
“Kol goy” - which we say in the Passover Haggadah - means all nations, and is meant to be inclusive. Just saying.
Thank you very much for that. I have learned something new and valuable. I truly appreciate the kind gesture.
I asked how do you know they were Romans?
try again----I said that they were Roman shills---
or---if you prefer SHILLS FOR THE ROMANS. It
is common knowledge but not consistent with the
teachings of the Jelly bean school marms
I think fncceo and I already resolved that but thanks for chiming in with your opinion. We both agreed that there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in the terms Goyim, Jew and foreigner. They are, in every day usage, very benign terms, but neither of us can be held responsible if others - like yourself - don't feel pride at being identified as a foreigner. Because we are both just fine with being referred to as Goyim, foreigners and/or outsiders as there is nothing intrinsically derogatory in those terms.
you are coming CLOSE-----dingbat

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