Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

But the persecution of the Jews predates the time of Christ. It has continued for 2500 years virtually unabated, and by non-Christians as well. It seems that everyone views the Jews pretty much the same way.
Not everyone. just bigots.

Lots of people admire the Jews for their contributions to science, technology, medical, etc., etc., - way out of proportion to their numbers.
Yes… can’t separate out the persecution of Jewish people for 80 generations from the Romans’ crucifixion of Jesus. The latter is the reason for the former.
Read Ezekiel 5. That's when the curse on the Jews began. Titus didn't destroy Jerusalem because of the crucifixion of Jesus.
How is it that people who say you can’t hold whites today responsible for slavery 150 years ago (with which I agree) are all too happy to throw “Christ Killers!” in the face of contemporary Jews, and be quick to remind them over and over again that Jews killed Jesus - an event which MAY have involved a small band of Jews only since the majority of Jews at the time never heard of Jesus - when it was 2000 years ago?

More likely this.

Lots of people admire the Jews for their contributions to science, technology, medical, etc., etc., - way out of proportion to their numbers.
I do as well, especially their musical talent. That doesn't mean that I don't think you folks have some serious problems.

The primary problem is that you believe you are the only remaining 'chosen' people, when in fact you have been rejected by God, until he calls you to repentance.
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But the persecution of the Jews predates the time of Christ. It has continued for 2500 years virtually unabated, and by non-Christians as well. It seems that everyone views the Jews pretty much the same way.
So that justifies the HATE, LIES, and VIOLENCE by the “ Christians?” Please tell us what the Jews are guilty of before your “ Savior “ was born
The Ignorant GOY doesn't like the fact that Jews are referred to as the " Chosen People??" I don't know ANYONE who talks that way

This is the reason
The article doesn't comport with the Bible's history and prophecy concerning the Jews, mainly because the author conflates the Jews and Israel. The Jews were removed from favor in 585 b.c. but given the chance to repent at the time of Christ. Failing this they were replaced by " the lost sheep of the house of Israel", the so-called lost ten tribes, and specifically by the tribe of Joseph. The world has been blessed more by Christianity than by Judaism by countless measures.

The Jews success can be largely attributed to the fact that so many reside in WASP countries, the latter-day Christian descendants of the other Israelite tribes.
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The article doesn't comport with the Bible's history and prophecy concerning the Jews, mainly because the author conflates the Jews and Israel. The Jews were removed from favor in 585 b.c. but given the chance to repent at the time of Christ. Failing this they were replaced by " the lost sheep of the house of Israel", the so-called lost ten tribes, and specifically by the tribe of Joseph. The world has been blessed more by Christianity than by Judaism by countless measures.

The Jews success can be largely attributed to the fact that so many reside in WASP countries, the latter-day descendants of the other Israelite tribes.

Is there a problem? Can't we be Christians without trashing other faiths?
The article doesn't comport with the Bible's history and prophecy concerning the Jews, mainly because the author conflates the Jews and Israel. The Jews were removed from favor in 585 b.c. but given the chance to repent at the time of Christ. Failing this they were replaced by " the lost sheep of the house of Israel", the so-called lost ten tribes, and specifically by the tribe of Joseph. The world has been blessed more by Christianity than by Judaism by countless measures.

The Jews success can be largely attributed to the fact that so many reside in WASP countries, the latter-day Christian descendants of the other Israelite tribes.
Please tell us what the Jews have to “ repent” for . If anyone needs to repent and ask forgiveness it’s the “ Christians “
The article doesn't comport with the Bible's history and prophecy concerning the Jews, mainly because the author conflates the Jews and Israel. The Jews were removed from favor in 585 b.c. but given the chance to repent at the time of Christ. Failing this they were replaced by " the lost sheep of the house of Israel", the so-called lost ten tribes, and specifically by the tribe of Joseph. The world has been blessed more by Christianity than by Judaism by countless measures.

The Jews success can be largely attributed to the fact that so many reside in WASP countries, the latter-day Christian descendants of the other Israelite tribes.
Can’t stand Jewish Sucess? Another resentful GOY. 🇮🇱✡️👍
not so

His Justice lives, but since He's given man free will, true justice is pretty much nowhere in sight and will have to wait until the next (after death) realm

At which time, big sinners are in big trouble

The Bible says "They [big sinners] have their portion in this life" (meaning that: in the next life.. not so much)

Yes… can’t separate out the persecution of Jewish people for 80 generations from the Romans’ crucifixion of Jesus. The latter is the reason for the former.

the crime is perpetuated by the jews for their denial of their insistence the exemplar be persecuted and put to death instituting the reversal of the heavenly intervention and conclusion at the time of noah - a new age of evil. than the applied for liberation theology, self determination they terminated.

only by bringing the crucifiers to justice including the authors of the c-bible will the religion of antiquity ever be brought to its proper conclusion.
Please tell us who is on the Cross ? If it’s not G-D’s son; educate us

no different than other progressions, liberation theology, self determination the extension from the time of noah and the purification for humanities remission to the everlasting - sought by all living creatures on planet earth.
no different than other progressions, liberation theology, self determination the extension from the time of noah and the purification for humanities remission to the everlasting - sought by all living creatures on planet earth.
So it’s not “ Jesus?” THANK YOU. 👌

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