Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

Where does the Jewish 'superiority complex' come from? It seems to me that this is the real nub of antisemitism.
you got it wrong. The "nub" is based on jewish resistance to HOLEY MOLEY ROME and the
RESULTING idiot DEICIDE MYTH. ---rome is very
into its zeus did a virgin and made a "gawd" stories
you got it wrong. The "nub" is based on jewish resistance to HOLEY MOLEY ROME and the
RESULTING idiot DEICIDE MYTH. ---rome is very
into its zeus did a virgin and made a "gawd" stories
you got it wrong. The "nub" is based on jewish resistance to HOLEY MOLEY ROME and the
RESULTING idiot DEICIDE MYTH. ---rome is very
into its zeus did a virgin and made a "gawd" stories
As usual, he’s a LIAR . Typical GOYIM excuse . Antisemitism has been here for over 2000 years
you got it wrong. The "nub" is based on jewish resistance to HOLEY MOLEY ROME and the
RESULTING idiot DEICIDE MYTH. ---rome is very
into its zeus did a virgin and made a "gawd" stories
There's some truth in myth, Icarus for example.
you got it wrong. The "nub" is based on jewish resistance to HOLEY MOLEY ROME and the
RESULTING idiot DEICIDE MYTH. ---rome is very
into its zeus did a virgin and made a "gawd" stories
Then that's between Jews and Catholics, isn't it.
Not all Protestants are Lutherans.
All protestant sects originated w/ Luther and continue many of his falsehoods to this day.

There is only ONE Church and it did not come into the world in 1521 w/ Luther, Arch-Heretic. It was called Catholic way back in the first centuries AD
All protestant sects originated w/ Luther and continue many of his falsehoods to this day.

There is only ONE Church and it did not come into the world in 1521 w/ Luther, Arch-Heretic. It was called Catholic way back in the first centuries AD
The "Catholic" church was a creation of Rome. Later it was the church of the "Holy Roman Empire". Charlemagne chased the true church out of Europe. From England it came to America where it flourished within but not a part of Protestantism. It has always been a spiritual organism, not a denomination.
The "Catholic" church was a creation of Rome. Later it was the church of the "Holy Roman Empire". Charlemagne chased the true church out of Europe. From England it came to America where it flourished within but not a part of Protestantism. It has always been a spiritual organism, not a denomination.
I've been Catholic (and catholic...) a long time and I've heard it all, including this BS.

Pretty much the only thing wrong with the CC is Vatican II
I agree. Try it. Christians borrowed from Jewish scripture to enhance Jesus. IMO it isn't necessary. Jesus is enough to stand on his own.
Jesus is only vaguely hinted at in Ezekiel 5. I doubt if many could find the reference.
I've been Catholic (and catholic...) a long time and I've heard it all, including this BS.

Pretty much the only thing wrong with the CC is Vatican II
Catholicism has been around a long time. Lots of history to consider.
I've been Catholic (and catholic...) a long time and I've heard it all, including this BS.

Pretty much the only thing wrong with the CC is Vatican II

That's so sad. I hear militant Catholics trash Vatican 2 all the time.
Jesus is only vaguely hinted at in Ezekiel 5. I doubt if many could find the reference.

Ezekiel isn't talking about Jesus. That's what I mean. Christians borrowed from Isaiah, Hosea and Ezekiel to enhance the Jesus story. It isn't necessary.

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