Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

The Jews are under a curse that predates the time of Jesus. However, it is their hatred of Jesus that may contribute to the curse not being lifted.
Please tell us why the Jews are under a curse that predates Jesus. The Jews hate Jesus? “ Christianity” has preached nothing but vile antisemitism which include massacres, violence, those being forced to leave their Homeland, inability to get Jobs, live in certain neighborhoods, forcing some to change their name, lie about their religion, the Pograms and the HOLOCAUST for over 2000 years
Please tell us why the Jews are under a curse that predates Jesus. The Jews hate Jesus? “ Christianity” has preached nothing but vile antisemitism which include massacres, violence, those being forced to leave their Homeland, inability to get Jobs, live in certain neighborhoods, forcing some to change their name, lie about their religion, the Pograms and the HOLOCAUST for over 2000 years
The curse is for idolatry.
"Christianity" may indeed be responsible for some antisemitism, but the true church has also been persecuted since the time of Christ.
Nominal Christianity is under attack all over the world.
The curse is for idolatry.
"Christianity" may indeed be responsible for some antisemitism, but the true church has also been persecuted since the time of Christ.
Nominal Christianity is under attack all over the world.
The curse is for idolatry.
"Christianity" may indeed be responsible for some antisemitism, but the true church has also been persecuted since the time of Christ.
Nominal Christianity is under attack all over the world.
Idolatry ; The Worship of Idols . What a terrible thing ! Can’t think of anything worse. If any religion is guilty of that it’s the Catholic Church . Comparing the attack on Christianity to what the Jewish people have been exposed to for over 2,000 years? They have perfected the art of hate and intolerance
Idolatry ; The Worship of Idols . What a terrible thing ! Can’t think of anything worse. If any religion is guilty of that it’s the Catholic Church . Comparing the attack on Christianity to what the Jewish people have been exposed to for over 2,000 years? They have perfected the art of hate and intolerance
I don't believe Jews worship idols today. However, they appear to be under parts of the same curse placed upon them in 585 b.c. See Ezekiel 5, whole chapter.
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Idolatry ; The Worship of Idols . What a terrible thing ! Can’t think of anything worse. If any religion is guilty of that it’s the Catholic Church . Comparing the attack on Christianity to what the Jewish people have been exposed to for over 2,000 years? They have perfected the art of hate and intolerance

Catholics don't worship idols.
Catholics don't worship idols.
Veneration for Mary is borderline worship. In the Latin American countries it's actual worship. Mary is dead and in her grave, but the RCC has her alive, in heaven, and interceding for Catholics. If that's not idolatry, what is?
Veneration for Mary is borderline worship. In the Latin American countries it's actual worship. Mary is dead and in her grave, but the RCC has her alive, in heaven, and interceding for Catholics. If that's not idolatry, what is?

You're a Protestant, aren't you? So am I. Catholics don't worship Mary. How do you know where Mary is? Such arrogance.
You're a Protestant, aren't you? So am I. Catholics don't worship Mary. How do you know where Mary is? Such arrogance.
Mary is in heaven and is called "The Queen of Heaven" according to Catholics.

The Assumption of Mary is one of the four Marian dogmas of the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XII defined it in 1950 in his apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus as follows:

We proclaim and define it to be a dogma revealed by God that the immaculate Mother of God, Mary ever virgin, when the course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven.[2]
She was put up there by popular demand in 1854.

Hope this helps.
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Please tell us why the Jews are under a curse that predates Jesus. The Jews hate Jesus? “ Christianity” has preached nothing but vile antisemitism which include massacres, violence, those being forced to leave their Homeland, inability to get Jobs, live in certain neighborhoods, forcing some to change their name, lie about their religion, the Pograms and the HOLOCAUST for over 2000 years

they are who accused jesus of claiming he was a messiah - they were willing to be crucified to disprove their claim - yes the jews hated the messenger - of liberation theology - and rather choose to abide by the lies of heavenly 10 commandments and are themselves responsible for 4th century christianity they helped to create by crucifying an innocent victim.
So what? You must be horribly insecure to think that you have to denigrate Catholics.
Back up. You asked how I know where Mary is. I told you. How is that arrogant, and how have I denigrated Catholics by saying something that is true?

What has happened is that I have said, and proved, something that you don't like (or were ignorant of), so you attack me personally.
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But they worship Jesus and Mary.

Jesus is God and the holy ghost. That's the trinity... 3 in one. Jesus is just one aspect of the creator God. You're making it too complicated in your desire to denigrate Christians and Catholics.
Jesus is God and the holy ghost. That's the trinity... 3 in one. Jesus is just one aspect of the creator God. You're making it too complicated in your desire to denigrate Christians and Catholics.
Not everyone agrees with the Trinity doctrine. The apostles certainly didn't.
Jesus is God and the holy ghost. That's the trinity... 3 in one. Jesus is just one aspect of the creator God. You're making it too complicated in your desire to denigrate Christians and Catholics.
I’m not denigrating Christians. So let’s forget Jesus….what about Mary? They worship her, and she’s nothing deserving of WORSHIP.

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