Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

So, God himself is an antisemite? He issued the curses.

Do you think the Jewish people as a whole have been blessed, or cursed over the centuries?
G-d issued no curses. And the Jewish people have been subjected to horrific antisemitism, largely due to the hostile things said in the NT. Look at how much disdain YOU have for Jews, for instance.

Thankfully, HaShem has blessed this small little tribe with not only survival - but with success and achievement.
Oh wow. Hey, nutz and Clyde 154 all of Jesus' disciples were JEWS.

What is even going on here?

Instead of using MY MOUTH with no evidence........I declare nothing that can't be confirmed by the word of God.

No........I said, Christianity was reserved for Biblical Isarel for the 1st 10 years of its existence as was stated in O.T. Prophecy, Salvation was first to be offered to Biblical Israel (Isaiah 53 and Ps. 22, Jer.31:31-34), Acts 3:24-26)).... "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of salvation for everyone who beleives, FOR THE JEW FIRST......and also for the Greek/Gentile" -- Romans 1:16-17

Gentile salvation was not confirmed until 10 years after Peter preached the 1st gospel sermon of the kingdom of Christ....i.e., Christianity (Acts 2). 10 years later at the house of Cornelius (a Roman commander of soldiers....a gentile) Peter confirmed that salvation was for the Gentiles also (Acts 10) as confirmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit as it was on the day He (the Spirit) fell upon Peter and the other apostles of Christ (Acts 2)..........on the day of Pentecost after the ascension of Jesus.

Some declare there were gentiles saved before Cornelius' household.......they quote a passage about the conversion of the "Samaritans" in Acts 8 awaiting gifts from the Spirit which did not come until the Apostles laid hands upon them. These people who propagate such a false message are ignorant to the scriptural fact that these people had Jewish blood in them from the time the Assyrians dragged off some Jewish captives .......some were left behind along with other people from other nations they populated the reigon (2 Kings 17:24). When these people struggled with their captivity the Assyrians sent back members from the tribe of Levites to educate the people in Jewish tradition and law. (2 Kings 17:26-28, Ezra 4:2), thus Samaritans were actually half Jew by Blood line.....but they were seen as corrupted Jews by the hard core full blooded Jews who would have nothing to do with them. (John 4:9)....this bigotry resulted with the Samaritans having their own place of worship (John 4:19)

But I defy you to quote the passage of Scripture where all the Jews were offered stated in prophecy and confirmed by the Apostle of Christ, only a "remnant" of loyal Jews found salvation because they accepted Jesus as the Messiah of Prophecy (Romans 11).....salvation was offered to the world in order make the Jews jealous in the hope that they would remain loyal to God who sent His only begotten Son to offer them salvation first. Because of their (Jews) continued reprobate mind the Gentiles were grafted unto the original vine.........but it would be easy for the Jew to take his original place by simply accepting Jesus. Until the Jew accepts Jesus........they remain blinded by their own reprobate mentality. They were "removed" from the vine because they become unproductive and were trimed of the original root for not bearing worthy fruit. But........if their "unbelief" removed them........their "belief" would be that much easier to restore them to the original root, as today there is neither Jew nor Gentile but all have become ONE FAITH and made heirs to the promise made to father Abraham the Seed of Abraham which was and is Christ Jesus -- Gal. 3:28-29
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G-d issued no curses. And the Jewish people have been subjected to horrific antisemitism, largely due to the hostile things said in the NT. Look at how much disdain YOU have for Jews, for instance.

Thankfully, HaShem has blessed this small little tribe with not only survival - but with success and achievement.
You have admitted that you haven't really studied the Bible much. Perhaps you should skip ahead to Ezekiel, or better yet do a Bible word/context search for "curses", "curse", "cursings". You may be surprised.
You have admitted that you haven't really studied the Bible much. Perhaps you should skip ahead to Ezekiel, or better yet do a Bible word/context search for "curses", "curse", "cursings". You may be surprised.
Why in the WORLD would any decent person tell a Jew that G-d hates Jews and has cursed them? You are one especially hateful antidemite.
Why in the WORLD would any decent person tell a Jew that G-d hates Jews and has cursed them? You are one especially hateful antidemite.
God doesn't hate Jews and takes no delight in punishing his children for wrongdoing. But until God calls you to repentance you will suffer persecution.
God doesn't hate Jews and takes no delight in punishing his children for wrongdoing. But until God calls you to repentance you will suffer persecution.
Yeah, uh-huh. The highest-achieving, most educated and affluent group sure is being punished: nice homes, exciting foreign travel, season tickets to the opera and ballet, strong and loving families, wonderful holiday celebrations, and a tight-knit community.
Yeah, uh-huh. The highest-achieving, most educated and affluent group sure is being punished: nice homes, exciting foreign travel, season tickets to the opera and ballet, strong and loving families, wonderful holiday celebrations, and a tight-knit community.
Thanks to the descendants of the other Israelite tribes in whose nations they live.
Yeah, uh-huh. The highest-achieving, most educated and affluent group sure is being punished: nice homes, exciting foreign travel, season tickets to the opera and ballet, strong and loving families, wonderful holiday celebrations, and a tight-knit community.
UHM ~~~~ Lisa ---consider the season----the jelly-bean sets NEEDS its justification----as Charles Dickens
wrote "CHRISTMAS TIME--it's only once per year"
The nations where the Jews are most welcomed and have prospered are the WASP countries, who are the descendants of the other Israelite tribes. And, the reason Jews prosper above most others is that their focus is...prosperity.
The nations where the Jews are most welcomed and have prospered are the WASP countries, who are the descendants of the other Israelite tribes. And, the reason Jews prosper above most others is that their focus is...prosperity.
Actually, their focus is education, along with hard work. They also average a high IQ. Prosperity tends to follow those traits and values.
Actually, their focus is education, along with hard work. They also average a high IQ. Prosperity tends to follow those traits and values.
Every rule has exceptions. Given my Autism and Depression, I am one of them.

Thank G-d and my parents, I am provided for.
Yeah, uh-huh. The highest-achieving, most educated and affluent group sure is being punished: nice homes, exciting foreign travel, season tickets to the opera and ballet, strong and loving families, wonderful holiday celebrations, and a tight-knit community.
I am grateful to G-d, to my parents, and to my therapists. The doctor who gives me very needed antidepressant is also Jewish.
Actually, their focus is education, along with hard work. They also average a high IQ. Prosperity tends to follow those traits and values.
The Jews have been greatly blessed by living in these countries.
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I am grateful to G-d, to my parents, and to my therapists. The doctor who gives me very needed antidepressant is also Jewish.
I had a root canal done by a Jewish root canal guy, also an eye examination by a Jewish eye examiner. :)
The nations where the Jews are most welcomed and have prospered are the WASP countries, who are the descendants of the other Israelite tribes. And, the reason Jews prosper above most others is that their focus is...prosperity.

I would bet dollars to donuts Nutz is not a regular church goer.
Do you know that until fairly recently that many Christians did not believe Jesus was Jewish? I remember as a child in elementary school telling kids that - the ones who said anti-Jewish things - and they insisted, with a sneer, that no way was Jesus a Jew.

Nowadays, Christians all seem to have accepted that Jesus was Jewish.

Of course He was Jewish--I have always been taught that, and I'm in my 50s. One of the first things He did in His ministry was read in the synagogue. Geeeeez
Are you aware of the curse that Jesus put on the nations?

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword."

Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant.

"Just art thou, in these thy judgements, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink."

The sword is the truth in Jesus' mouth.
Of course He was Jewish--I have always been taught that, and I'm in my 50s. One of the first things He did in His ministry was read in the synagogue. Geeeeez
I’m in my 60s, and maybe those ten years made a difference. And I lived in Washington, DC - so not some backward Bible Belt. Even so, lots of kids back then objected to the idea Jesus was Jewish.

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