Zone1 "Let His Blood be on us and on our children" said the Jews at Jesus's trial

Jews were the people Jesus berated, censured, and rebuked.

Of course, Jews of the temple schema 2000 years ago and earlier were the ones who made enemies of their neighbors, subverted the law of their most beloved prophet, worshiped idols, and preached an erroneous salvation.

I don't know that today's rabbinic and Talmudic Jews fit into that depiction per se, but Christians have no reason to regard them any differently than they regard any other people who don't follow Christ.
well, this is one of the crititicism i have of Vatican II, they began teaching that any religion can save, even Islam apparently. What a crock. Jesus said that HE is the way and that no one comes to the FAther except through Him, something the Catholic Church taught for 1962 years (and still does teach in the Society of St Pius X [pope]).

Both Catholics and Protestants are bewildered and/or angry at the fake pope Francis teaching this and other Vatican II heresies. The Church needs to totally renounce that Council, which was not a dogmatic Council anyway.
The New Testament writings have done unspeakable damage to the Jewish people. They have propagated the idea the Jews are inferior, that G-d is angry with them, and that such a “horrid” people will be damned.

Just listen to the rantings of the antisemites on this forum, spewing their contempt for the Jewish people. It is all rooted in the New Testament.
Are you virtue signalling or something?

Again, who on this forum .. or this thread anyhow.. has said anything horrific agains the Jews?

no one that I know of
Didn't Ruth have some Jewish blood?


Nope. There's a verse about how no Moabite can enter the temple for 10 generations.

Moab was one of Lot's sons by his daughters.

Strange position concerning a religion that endorses the "mutilation" of infant sexual organs, the sacrifice of animals at a firey altar, and had its its beginnings grounded in a Human Sacrifice (Abraham's son) attempt. Speaking of ignorant and superstititous.......can the blowing of a horn actually bring down stone walls? And does stoning of an adulterer really a fit the crime? How about using the blood of animals to protect infants from death by using the blood as paint on your front door? Is that the LAW you are speaking of? :dunno:

I suspect that those who defend killing the only begotten of the Father.......are those who have not entered a temple since Moses was a baby floating down the Nile, just as are the majority of those who claim Judaism as a RACE of PEOPLES and are in actuality.....more secular than the Christians they are constantly attacking.....with money as their real "god". Could be why those who profess Judaism vote liberal and refuse to defend their supposed home land in the middle east, but follow the free handouts of the democrat party over their supposed "Heritage" of Judaism.

Strange position? Damn. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. The Jewish people should be honored, screw thanked, for having the faith and courage over the centuries to reject, even when faced with death, the false edible triune mangod that you worship, a fake counterfeit Jesus conjured from the depths of hell by Rome in 325. c.e., setting the only righteous example for intelligent people who love God and truth to follow when confronted by pure evil.
Strange position concerning a religion that endorses the "mutilation" of infant sexual organs, the sacrifice of animals at a firey altar, and had its its beginnings grounded in a Human Sacrifice (Abraham's son) attempt. Speaking of ignorant and superstititous.......can the blowing of a horn actually bring down stone walls? And does stoning of an adulterer really a fit the crime? How about using the blood of animals to protect infants from death by using the blood as paint on your front door? Is that the LAW you are speaking of? :dunno:

I suspect that those who defend killing the only begotten of the Father.......are those who have not entered a temple since Moses was a baby floating down the Nile, just as are the majority of those who claim Judaism as a RACE of PEOPLES and are in actuality.....more secular than the Christians they are constantly attacking.....with money as their real "god". Could be why those who profess Judaism vote liberal and refuse to defend their supposed home land in the middle east, but follow the free handouts of the democrat party over their supposed "Heritage" of Judaism.
^^^ Antisemitism is alive and well.
Ruth converted to Judaism.


I don't remember that in the story. She was a Moabite.

Here's some information on the relationship between Schofield and Samuel Untermyer.

So? The question was about whether Ruth had to convert since she was born of a gentile mother. The answer is: yes, and she did.

Funny. Deuteronomy says they are cursed to the 10th generation.


Nope. There's a verse about how no Moabite can enter the temple for 10 generations.

Moab was one of Lot's sons by his daughters.

Ruth was an Israelite (most certainly a Judahite) who lived in the land previously occupied by the Moabites that had retained the name Moab. (The same was true for the "woman at the well" and the "woman of Canaan" in the NT. They were both Israelites.)

The Moabites had been driven out of "Moab" three hundred years before the time of Ruth.

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Are you virtue signalling or something?

Again, who on this forum .. or this thread anyhow.. has said anything horrific agains the Jews?

no one that I know of
You’re the one quoting lies from the NT cursing the Jews. And you don’t think that’s horrific? Haven‘t enough millions of Jews be slaughtered as a result of the anti-Jew hatred brought on by those versus enough for you?
Funny. Deuteronomy says they are cursed to the 10th generation.

Nope. She converted before her second marriage. She was Jewish.

I never heard anything about being cursed to the 10th generation. I guess we Jewish kids aren’t taught things like that. Only gentiles looking for negativity about Jews seem to find it.

Nope. She converted before her second marriage. She was Jewish.

I never heard anything about being cursed to the 10th generation. I guess we Jewish kids aren’t taught things like that. Only gentiles looking for negativity about Jews seem to find it.

You've never studied Deuteronomy 23:3???

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