Let it not be forgotten:

All religions preach that theirs is "the way" you friggin idiot. And what does all this nonsense and braying have to do with the Palestinian leader mourning Bin Laden?

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Ha ha ha. You're assuming you know any big words, you illiterate ignorant terrorist ass licker.why don't you address the OP instead of rambling a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. The OP: Palestinian leader mourns Bin Laden's death.
Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

When Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, he was a "Freedom Fighter". Ronnie Ray-gun said so.

When he was killing Americans in New York, he was a "Terrorist".
That's the way the mop flops, Little Joe.

No, that shows the stupidity of using "labels'.

We should have killed Bin Laden because he killed Americans. Period. Dressing it up like it's a 'fight for freedom' or a 'fight for civilization' is just silly.

You kill Americans, we kill you. We kill your family. We kill your neighbors. We kill anyone dumb enough to be on the street that day.

But we also need to stop getting involved in their problems. We need to stop propping up the Zionists playing "God Loves Us the Very Best", we need to stop trying to find the "Good Hornet' in the Hornet's nest.

Bin Laden adn Saddam were both guys the CIA swore up and down we could work with. How'd that turn out again?

All religions preach that theirs is "the way" you friggin idiot. And what does all this nonsense and braying have to do with the Palestinian leader mourning Bin Laden?
Bath house goy boy thats why all religions are shite including the worshipping of Homo erotics.
Hamas leader condemning and mourning the killing of Bin Laden, calling him a devout righteous man, and an Islamic Holy Warrior. And the Palestinian terrorist lovers wonder why Americans hate Palestinians so much. As far as I'm concerned they deserve every bit of it. Let us remember that Palestinians actually voted for such animals:

Yes, let us not forget...

Unlike a lousy out of context quote can you find anything more solid to explain your irrational love for the Palestinians?
I mean that without Israel it seems the Palestinians would surely halt their celebrations over 9/11 or at least hide the anger and frustration over the killing of Bin Laden..so now that Israel still in the frame it is obvious that you have far better reasons to love the Palestinians over the Israelis that you still didn't share with us.. Go ahead elaborate.

You must be referring to the "dancing Israelis" celebrating their documenting of the "event."

"Film obtained from the 35mm camera of one of the detainees was later developed and processed by the Newark Division. The photos clearly corroborate [redacted] statements in that the Israelis are visibly happy on nearly all the photographs."

Page 35 in the pdf file of the FBI report.


Before I forget, could you toss in a little bit of the USS Liberty massacre? We need constant humbling. Thanx, dood.

Your "we" is very telling, I guess you served in the Israeli Air Force???


Nah Hossfly claims he was in the victorious :laugh: american army in Vietnam, I just think he suffers from PTSS caused by withdrawal CB symptoms
Again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

When Bin Laden was killing Russians in Afghanistan, he was a "Freedom Fighter". Ronnie Ray-gun said so.

When he was killing Americans in New York, he was a "Terrorist".
That's the way the mop flops, Little Joe.

No, that shows the stupidity of using "labels'.

We should have killed Bin Laden because he killed Americans. Period. Dressing it up like it's a 'fight for freedom' or a 'fight for civilization' is just silly.

You kill Americans, we kill you. We kill your family. We kill your neighbors. We kill anyone dumb enough to be on the street that day.

But we also need to stop getting involved in their problems. We need to stop propping up the Zionists playing "God Loves Us the Very Best", we need to stop trying to find the "Good Hornet' in the Hornet's nest.

Bin Laden adn Saddam were both guys the CIA swore up and down we could work with. How'd that turn out again?

All religions preach that theirs is "the way" you friggin idiot. And what does all this nonsense and braying have to do with the Palestinian leader mourning Bin Laden?
Bath house goy boy thats why all religions are shite including the worshipping of Homo erotics.

Well you're entitled to your own opinion,it's a free country after all. Too bad you can't have such an opinion in those oppressive terroristic Muslim countries you keep cheering for. In fact they'd kill you for it, you ignorant dipshit.
Ha ha ha. You're assuming you know any big words, you illiterate ignorant terrorist ass licker.why don't you address the OP instead of rambling a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. The OP: Palestinian leader mourns Bin Laden's death.

I did address it. I'm sorry the big words confused you.

Yeah, well you addressed it by saying you don't care what Americans think, and then you started braying like a donkey
Well you're entitled to your own opinion,it's a free country after all. Too bad you can't have such an opinion in those oppressive terroristic Muslim countries you keep cheering for. In fact they'd kill you for it, you ignorant dipshit.

Nobody said these would be nice placed to live.

We just wondered, why are we constantly getting into wars over there that don't benefit us so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them.
Well you're entitled to your own opinion,it's a free country after all. Too bad you can't have such an opinion in those oppressive terroristic Muslim countries you keep cheering for. In fact they'd kill you for it, you ignorant dipshit.

Nobody said these would be nice placed to live.

We just wondered, why are we constantly getting into wars over there that don't benefit us so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them.

"so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them"

Right, THAT'S why the U.S sent troops to the Middle East :rolleyes:
et al,

This particular speech is a couple years old (maybe 2011).

All religions preach that theirs is "the way" you friggin idiot. And what does all this nonsense and braying have to do with the Palestinian leader mourning Bin Laden?

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Ha ha ha. You're assuming you know any big words, you illiterate ignorant terrorist ass licker.why don't you address the OP instead of rambling a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. The OP: Palestinian leader mourns Bin Laden's death.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" (Khaled Meshaal, Sunni Muslim Political Bureau Chairman) generally condemned the US on such matters. Remembering that HAMAS is a Jihadist organization and considers presents the neutralization of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (ObL)(a "Mujahed" and 911 fame) to be the killing of an Arab and Islamic Warrior and Martyr. This is a very blatant attempt to grab sympathy and sociopathic recruits. But I doubt if Khaled Meshaal actually cares --- one way or the other --- that the US carried-out its pledge to bring ObL to justice. After all, Meshaal, a West Bank (Silwad) born Palestinian (Sunni Muslim), lives in an upscale luxury appartment in Doha (Qatar) since leaving Syria in February-2012.

Exclusive: Sky News Interviews Hamas Leader Khalid Meshaal

To understand Khaled Meshaal, watch this older 2008 interview. I don't post many videos (hardly any at all), but this one stuck with me because because it gives the insight behind suicide bombing and rocket attacks.

Most Respectfully,
"so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them"

Right, THAT'S why the U.S sent troops to the Middle East

Because the Zionists have our politician's balls in a lockbox.

But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore.

The problem with people like you is that you cannot differ between influence and control.

If any non Jewish/ non Zionist group has influence on congress for whatever reason, you call it influence.
But if there is a Jewish/pro Israel group that influences congress, automatically it means that "the Jooooos/Zionist control America/Congress/The Government!!",

Zionist groups influence the American government like other groups do. There is no control like you conspiracy theorists keep trying to make us rational people believe.
Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but most people don't hare the same perspective that you do (I'm talking about your "But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore" comment)
Zionist groups influence the American government like other groups do. There is no control like you conspiracy theorists keep trying to make us rational people believe.
Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but most people don't hare the same perspective that you do (I'm talking about your "But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore" comment)

Except- and I know you have a hard time understanding this - the Zionists are a FOREIGN country.

Not a group of moms who want common core repealled. They are a foreign country dictating when and where we send young Americans to DIE.

No other foreign government has that kind of influence. Nor should they.

And, yes the fact that Obama isn't saying how high when fuckhead Bibi says "Jump" tells me we aren't putting up with it.
"so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them"

Right, THAT'S why the U.S sent troops to the Middle East

Because the Zionists have our politician's balls in a lockbox.

But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore.

The problem with people like you is that you cannot differ between influence and control.

If any non Jewish/ non Zionist group has influence on congress for whatever reason, you call it influence.
But if there is a Jewish/pro Israel group that influences congress, automatically it means that "the Jooooos/Zionist control America/Congress/The Government!!",

Zionist groups influence the American government like other groups do. There is no control like you conspiracy theorists keep trying to make us rational people believe.
Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but most people don't hare the same perspective that you do (I'm talking about your "But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore" comment)
American Jews on the whole.......Support Israel more than they do AMERICA
Zionist groups influence the American government like other groups do. There is no control like you conspiracy theorists keep trying to make us rational people believe.
Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but most people don't hare the same perspective that you do (I'm talking about your "But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore" comment)

Except- and I know you have a hard time understanding this - the Zionists are a FOREIGN country.

Not a group of moms who want common core repealled. They are a foreign country dictating when and where we send young Americans to DIE.

No other foreign government has that kind of influence. Nor should they.

And, yes the fact that Obama isn't saying how high when fuckhead Bibi says "Jump" tells me we aren't putting up with it.

They aren't dictating anything. I know this is hard for you to understand because you are extremely deluded, but influence and dictating are two different things. Just because you hate Israel, doesn't mean you can make up crap like this.
"so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them"

Right, THAT'S why the U.S sent troops to the Middle East

Because the Zionists have our politician's balls in a lockbox.

But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore.

The problem with people like you is that you cannot differ between influence and control.

If any non Jewish/ non Zionist group has influence on congress for whatever reason, you call it influence.
But if there is a Jewish/pro Israel group that influences congress, automatically it means that "the Jooooos/Zionist control America/Congress/The Government!!",

Zionist groups influence the American government like other groups do. There is no control like you conspiracy theorists keep trying to make us rational people believe.
Oh, and sorry to burst your bubble, but most people don't hare the same perspective that you do (I'm talking about your "But the American people aren't putting up with it anymore" comment)
American Jews on the whole.......Support Israel more than they do AMERICA

Link ?
theliq, et al,

AFFINITY: A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something: An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest or common goal, to which individuals formally or informally belong.

American Jews on the whole.......Support Israel more than they do AMERICA

It is not a mandatory choice between American and Israel. You can maintain loyalty to and patriotism in America and still have an affinity with Israel. Don't get entrapped by this "Israel Firsters" propaganda I often see. It is, in philosophy, the black-or-white fallacy --- a false dilemma fallacy --- that unfairly limits you to only two choices; where more exists (either America or Israel or both).

Most Respectfully,
Well you're entitled to your own opinion,it's a free country after all. Too bad you can't have such an opinion in those oppressive terroristic Muslim countries you keep cheering for. In fact they'd kill you for it, you ignorant dipshit.

Nobody said these would be nice placed to live.

We just wondered, why are we constantly getting into wars over there that don't benefit us so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them.

You're getting into wars because Muslims want to invade everywhere, and shove their religion and culture down the throats of the entire world. We are dealing with a medieval mindset while the rest of the world exists in the 21st century.

It's a Clash of Civilizations. There is no other way to describe it.

Bernard Lewis, FBA (born May 31, 1916) is a British-American historian specializing in oriental studies who is also known as a public intellectual andpolitical commentator. He is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. Lewis' expertise is in thehistory of Islam and the interaction between Islam and the West, and is especially famous in academic circles for his works on the history of theOttoman Empire.

Lewis served as a soldier in the British Army in the Royal Armoured Corpsand Intelligence Corps during the Second World War before being seconded to the Foreign Office. After the war, he returned to the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London and was appointed to the new chair in Near and Middle Eastern History.

Lewis argues that the Middle East is currently backward and its decline was a largely self-inflicted condition resulting from both culture and religion, as opposed to the post-colonialist view which posits the problems of the region as economic and political maldevelopment mainly due to the 19th-century European colonization. In his 1982 work Muslim Discovery of Europe, Lewis argues that Muslim societies could not keep pace with the West and that "Crusader successes were due in no small part to Muslim weakness." Further, he suggested that as early as the 11th century Islamic societies were decaying, primarily the byproduct of internal problems like "cultural arrogance," which was a barrier to creative borrowing, rather than external pressures like the Crusades.[1]

In the wake of Soviet and Arab attempts to delegitimize Israel as a racist country, Lewis wrote a study of anti-Semitism, Semites and Anti-Semites (1986).[1] In other works he argued Arab rage against Israel was disproportionate to other tragedies or injustices in the Muslim world: the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and control of Muslim-majority land in Central Asia, the bloody and destructive fighting during the Hama uprising in Syria (1982), the Algerian civil war (1992–98), and the Iran–Iraq War (1980–88).[19]

In addition to his scholarly works, Lewis wrote several influential books accessible to the general public: The Arabs in History(1950), The Middle East and the West (1964), and The Middle East (1995).[1] In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the interest in Lewis's work surged, especially his 1990 essay The Roots of Muslim Rage. Three of his books were published after 9/11: What Went Wrong? (written before the attacks), which explored the reasons of the Muslim world's apprehension of (and sometimes outright hostility to) modernization, and The Crisis of Islam, and Islam: The Religion and the People(published in 2009).
Well you're entitled to your own opinion,it's a free country after all. Too bad you can't have such an opinion in those oppressive terroristic Muslim countries you keep cheering for. In fact they'd kill you for it, you ignorant dipshit.

Nobody said these would be nice placed to live.

We just wondered, why are we constantly getting into wars over there that don't benefit us so the Zionists can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy still loves them.

You're getting into wars because Muslims want to invade everywhere, and shove their religion and culture down the throats of the entire world. We are dealing with a medieval mindset while the rest of the world exists in the 21st century.

It's a Clash of Civilizations. There is no other way to describe it.

Bernard Lewis, FBA (born May 31, 1916) is a British-American historian specializing in oriental studies who is also known as a public intellectual andpolitical commentator. He is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. Lewis' expertise is in thehistory of Islam and the interaction between Islam and the West, and is especially famous in academic circles for his works on the history of theOttoman Empire.

Lewis served as a soldier in the British Army in the Royal Armoured Corpsand Intelligence Corps during the Second World War before being seconded to the Foreign Office. After the war, he returned to the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London and was appointed to the new chair in Near and Middle Eastern History.

Lewis argues that the Middle East is currently backward and its decline was a largely self-inflicted condition resulting from both culture and religion, as opposed to the post-colonialist view which posits the problems of the region as economic and political maldevelopment mainly due to the 19th-century European colonization. In his 1982 work Muslim Discovery of Europe, Lewis argues that Muslim societies could not keep pace with the West and that "Crusader successes were due in no small part to Muslim weakness." Further, he suggested that as early as the 11th century Islamic societies were decaying, primarily the byproduct of internal problems like "cultural arrogance," which was a barrier to creative borrowing, rather than external pressures like the Crusades.[1]

In the wake of Soviet and Arab attempts to delegitimize Israel as a racist country, Lewis wrote a study of anti-Semitism, Semites and Anti-Semites (1986).[1] In other works he argued Arab rage against Israel was disproportionate to other tragedies or injustices in the Muslim world: the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and control of Muslim-majority land in Central Asia, the bloody and destructive fighting during the Hama uprising in Syria (1982), the Algerian civil war (1992–98), and the Iran–Iraq War (1980–88).[19]

In addition to his scholarly works, Lewis wrote several influential books accessible to the general public: The Arabs in History(1950), The Middle East and the West (1964), and The Middle East (1995).[1] In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the interest in Lewis's work surged, especially his 1990 essay The Roots of Muslim Rage. Three of his books were published after 9/11: What Went Wrong? (written before the attacks), which explored the reasons of the Muslim world's apprehension of (and sometimes outright hostility to) modernization, and The Crisis of Islam, and Islam: The Religion and the People(published in 2009).

I'm convinced Joe is a Muslim

He joined the message board and said "Hmm, how can I get these people to believe I'm actually an American't believe in religion?? If I use my real name of Mohamed Abdullah al Salan al Aksan bin Sahida, they will know I'm a Muslim from the Middle East. Hmmm... I know ! I will name myself Joe!!"

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