Let me get this straight....Jr. met with a russian......

It is not against the law to meet with with a Russian, Chinese, or anybody if they claim to have negative information on your political opponent.

Exactly what law is being violated, ignoramus?
Federal law prohibits a foreign national from giving anything of value to a campaign engaged in a U.S. election, or solicit a foreign national to do so.

I'm not a lawyer so I have no idea whether that meeting sufficiently meets an interpretation of fed laws related to foreign influence but I believe that is the angle of interest here, not just the act of meeting with foreign nationals that you keep implying is the focus. Given how much Don Jr's recollections have changed it's possible a charge of obstruction could be brought, again I'm not saying he did or didn't just trying to answer your question.
Hah, Hillary and the Dems paid for a fake Russian dossier to generate an illegal FISA warrant, leak it to the press in order to damage the Trump campaign, and then use it in a criminal conspiracy to frame Trump for collusion, which is what they themselves are obviously guilty of.

But hey, nothing of "value" there now, was there?

I look forward to you diverting and ignoring these proven facts and glaring evidence of Hillary and the Dems obvious guilt.
Hah, Hillary and the Dems paid for a fake Russian dossier to generate an illegal FISA warrant, leak it to the press in order to damage the Trump campaign, and then use it in a criminal conspiracy to frame Trump for collusion, which is what they themselves are obviously guilty of.

But hey, nothing of "value" there now, was there?
Woah there cowboy, I wasn't commenting on what Hillary did or was doing, nor did I say anything about whether it was illegal. I'm commenting on what team Trump did, and what fed law is since you seem to think they are being investigated merely for meeting with foreigners which I don't think is the case. It is illegal to try to influence a US election, that is the focus here with Trump meeting with Russia. There are no charges for just meeting with foreigners, which is what you are constantly harping on being the focus of the investigation when it isn't. You keep doing this bizarre "oh my god dems think it's illegal to meet with foreigners" but that's just something you've constructed.

I look forward to you diverting and ignoring these proven facts and glaring evidence of Hillary and the Dems obvious guilt.
This is a very strange way to look at it, all I did was answer your question about what they could be charged with. How on earth could answering your question being considered "diverting", the law is the law. I'm not ignoring Clinton, the question wasn't about her.

Ironic you're talking about diverting when merely answering your question on possible Trump charges gets you all focused on Hillary Clinton instead.

The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:
  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.
Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution, or both.

This is what they are pursuing, who knows how "something of value" will be interpreted in the modern era. Again I must clarify for Roudy who tends to assume my motivations are to distract, I have no idea of guilt/innocence nor have I implied guilt, just pointing what this investigation is likely focusing on. They aren't after just meeting with a foreigner which Roudy keeps acting all aghast about.
Hah, Hillary and the Dems paid for a fake Russian dossier to generate an illegal FISA warrant, leak it to the press in order to damage the Trump campaign, and then use it in a criminal conspiracy to frame Trump for collusion, which is what they themselves are obviously guilty of.

But hey, nothing of "value" there now, was there?
Woah there cowboy, I wasn't commenting on what Hillary did or was doing, nor did I say anything about whether it was illegal. I'm commenting on what team Trump did, and what fed law is since you seem to think they are being investigated merely for meeting with foreigners which I don't think is the case. It is illegal to try to influence a US election, that is the focus here with Trump meeting with Russia. There are no charges for just meeting with foreigners, which is what you are constantly harping on being the focus of the investigation when it isn't. You keep doing this bizarre "oh my god dems think it's illegal to meet with foreigners" but that's just something you've constructed.

I look forward to you diverting and ignoring these proven facts and glaring evidence of Hillary and the Dems obvious guilt.
This is a very strange way to look at it, all I did was answer your question about what they could be charged with. How on earth could answering your question being considered "diverting", the law is the law. I'm not ignoring Clinton, the question wasn't about her.

Ironic you're talking about diverting when merely answering your question on possible Trump charges gets you all focused on Hillary Clinton instead.
The question is indeed exactly that. Why isn't Hillary and the Dems being investigated and / locked for irrefutable proof of doing exactly what they are accusing Trump and his subordinates of (of which there is zero evidence for)? Get back to us when you have an answer.
Don Jr. met with a Russian lawyer because she said she had the good on Hillary....and according to Jr. it turned into a conversation on adoption....Proof #1...initially the meeting was to provide inside info on Hillary, so clearly the Russian's were up to something..Yes? So knowing this, why does the president of the united states, Clown in chief Trump still doubt that the Russians had nothing to do with the hacking of our elections, when his own son was contacted by these people????

And if Jr. never told dad about the meeting, as being reported, yeah right...than why don't he go to daddy and say listen up dad, its true, the Russians did try to intervene in our elections, cause they tried to contact me about some shit.....duh?

Anyone doubting this shit, is just plain stupid, end of subject!!
Trump was on the next floor. LOL
Your side paid for dirt on Trump with the Russians. So did the Never Trumpers. So that means they colluded with the Russians and paid big bucks. Throw them in jail!!!!!!!!!
Big difference, they're not out here swinging on Putin's dick, Trump is!!
The question is indeed exactly that. Why isn't Hillary and the Dems being investigated and / locked for irrefutable proof of doing exactly what they are accusing Trump and his subordinates of (of which there is zero evidence for)? Get back to us when you have an answer.
No, that isn't the question.

You asked what the fed law could have been broken by team Trump when they met with the Russians. The answer was given to you, and that answer has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary Clinton because "What about Hillary" is not a viable defense if charges of attempting to influence an election are brought. The only factors would be whether team Trump committed a federal crime by knowingly attempting to receive something of value from a foreign government to sway an election, and possible obstruction if they want to go after Junior's ever evolving stories.
The question is indeed exactly that. Why isn't Hillary and the Dems being investigated and / locked for irrefutable proof of doing exactly what they are accusing Trump and his subordinates of (of which there is zero evidence for)? Get back to us when you have an answer.
No, that isn't the question.

You asked what the fed law could have been broken by team Trump when they met with the Russians. The answer was given to you, and that answer has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary Clinton because "What about Hillary" is not a viable defense if charges of attempting to influence an election are brought. The only factors would be whether team Trump committed a federal crime by knowingly attempting to receive something of value from a foreign government to sway an election, and possible obstruction if they want to go after Junior's ever evolving stories.
Once again, it isn't illegal to meet with a foreign national who claims they have negative information on your opponent. And even the FBI admits that no information was exchanged and Don Jr. Walked out of the meeting after realizing it was a bait and switch. So this whole investigation over the Don Jr. meeting is a huge pile of shit, as is the entire Russia collusion hoax.
Once again, it isn't illegal to meet with a foreign national who claims they have negative information on your opponent. And even the FBI admits that no information was exchanged and Don Jr. Walked out of the meeting after realizing it was a bait and switch. So this whole investigation over the Don Jr. meeting is a huge pile of shit, as is the entire Russia collusion hoax.
If they provided something of value that could influence an election then it is indeed illegal.

I don't care if information was exchanged, I was merely explaining to you what could have happened that was illegal. You kept saying it isn't illegal to just meet for foreigners, but that wasn't what was being potentially investigated.
Once again, it isn't illegal to meet with a foreign national who claims they have negative information on your opponent. And even the FBI admits that no information was exchanged and Don Jr. Walked out of the meeting after realizing it was a bait and switch. So this whole investigation over the Don Jr. meeting is a huge pile of shit, as is the entire Russia collusion hoax.
If they provided something of value that could influence an election then it is indeed illegal.

I don't care if information was exchanged, I was merely explaining to you what could have happened that was illegal. You kept saying it isn't illegal to just meet for foreigners, but that wasn't what was being potentially investigated.
Even if they provided negative information on the Hillary campaign it wouldn't be illegal either. It's called opposition research. Once again, meeting with foreigners isn't illegal, and especially if said foreigner has crucial information about a candidate that voters should be aware of.

"Something of value" refers to bribery or an under the table monetary exchange for a quid pro quo. You speak of a witch hunt over "potential illegalities" over a meeting with Don Jr. which nothing came out of, while completely ignoring the fact that Hillary and the Dems paid for a fake Russian dossier that was used to spy on the opposition campaign and affect the election and the American voters minds. Then the same dossier was used in a criminal conspiracy to present false information to a FISA court and frame Trump and his campaign. But no, nothing potentially illegal or "of value" there. Ya gotta love the Leftie logic!
Your side paid for dirt on Trump with the Russians. So did the Never Trumpers. So that means they colluded with the Russians and paid big bucks. Throw them in jail!!!!!!!!!
So let us compare the two. Hillary hired a law firm, who hired a research firm, who hired a researcher, who had some Russian contacts. So Hillary is 4 steps removed from any Russians. The Donnie Dirt Bag campaign met directly with Russians in Tramp Tower. The Tramp campaign directly connected to the Russians, no steps removed from the Russians. If the Hillary campaign belongs in jail, where does the Donnie Dirt Bag campaign belong?
The Russians HAD NO CONTROL OVER the Electoral Vote (which is what elects a president).
That is not true! The Russians hacked the voter registrations of 20 states and could have aided the GOP voter suppression by altering who is qualified to vote, thus affecting the electoral college vote in close states. It would also explain why the GOP House and Senate committees are covering for Tramp, the RNC is worried their voter suppression collusion with the Russians will get exposed.
Even if they provided negative information on the Hillary campaign it wouldn't be illegal either. It's called opposition research. Once again, meeting with foreigners isn't illegal, and especially if said foreigner has crucial information about a candidate that voters should be aware of.
Nope. If they provided negative information that a judge/jury decides fits the definition of value to influence a US election it's illegal.

"Something of value" refers to bribery or an under the table monetary exchange for a quid pro quo.
Okay, where does the law specify this definition? I'd love to learn this, but I have a strong suspicion you're manufacturing information so would prefer a concrete source that clearly defines what something of value an be.
Your side paid for dirt on Trump with the Russians. So did the Never Trumpers. So that means they colluded with the Russians and paid big bucks. Throw them in jail!!!!!!!!!
So let us compare the two. Hillary hired a law firm, who hired a research firm, who hired a researcher, who had some Russian contacts. So Hillary is 4 steps removed from any Russians. The Donnie Dirt Bag campaign met directly with Russians in Tramp Tower. The Tramp campaign directly connected to the Russians, no steps removed from the Russians. If the Hillary campaign belongs in jail, where does the Donnie Dirt Bag campaign belong?

Don't even try to dance with me on this. You could be Fred Astaire, but I'm your Ginger Rogers baby being able to do my moves backwards.

AND in fucking stilettos.

The dirty dancing couple from Arkansas knew exactly how to funnel the money and claim that they had no idea how the money was used.
Your side paid for dirt on Trump with the Russians. So did the Never Trumpers. So that means they colluded with the Russians and paid big bucks. Throw them in jail!!!!!!!!!
So let us compare the two. Hillary hired a law firm, who hired a research firm, who hired a researcher, who had some Russian contacts. So Hillary is 4 steps removed from any Russians. The Donnie Dirt Bag campaign met directly with Russians in Tramp Tower. The Tramp campaign directly connected to the Russians, no steps removed from the Russians. If the Hillary campaign belongs in jail, where does the Donnie Dirt Bag campaign belong?

Don't even try to dance with me on this. You could be Fred Astaire, but I'm your Ginger Rogers baby being able to do my moves backwards.

The dirty dancing couple from Arkansas knew exactly how to funnel the money and claim that they had no idea how the money was used.
The only thing you got right is you ARE completely backwards!
Your side paid for dirt on Trump with the Russians. So did the Never Trumpers. So that means they colluded with the Russians and paid big bucks. Throw them in jail!!!!!!!!!
So let us compare the two. Hillary hired a law firm, who hired a research firm, who hired a researcher, who had some Russian contacts. So Hillary is 4 steps removed from any Russians. The Donnie Dirt Bag campaign met directly with Russians in Tramp Tower. The Tramp campaign directly connected to the Russians, no steps removed from the Russians. If the Hillary campaign belongs in jail, where does the Donnie Dirt Bag campaign belong?

Don't even try to dance with me on this. You could be Fred Astaire, but I'm your Ginger Rogers baby being able to do my moves backwards.

The dirty dancing couple from Arkansas knew exactly how to funnel the money and claim that they had no idea how the money was used.
The only thing you got right is you ARE completely backwards!


Fox trot kiddo. Not easy and sadly you really didn't get the joke.

You know you aren't bad for staying left. And most times you are spot on in your analysis of situations. But most times I wish for posters like you to stay in the middle. I fear losing sensible souls on the board.

Endangered species it seems these days.
verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.

So what. Finding dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal. The lawyer didn’t have anything anyway.
verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.

So what. Finding dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal. The lawyer didn’t have anything anyway.
Using stolen goods from a foreign government in exchange for something is definitely a felony.

she, her proposal on adoption, was the other half, of the quid pro quo....between the campaign and the Russian gvt.

Russian Adoption, is simply the code words for REMOVING RUSSIAN SANCTIONS.... the sanctions we put on them for illegal doings.... :rolleyes: wake up from your stupor!
verb: collude; 3rd person present: colludes; past tense: colluded; past participle: colluded; gerund or present participle: colluding
come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.

Jr had a secret meeting with a Russian to harm Clinton.

Yep collusion.

So what. Finding dirt on a political opponent isn’t illegal. The lawyer didn’t have anything anyway.
Using stolen goods from a foreign government in exchange for something is definitely a felony.

she, her proposal on adoption, was the other half, of the quid pro quo....between the campaign and the Russian gvt.

Russian Adoption, is simply the code words for REMOVING RUSSIAN SANCTIONS.... the sanctions we put on them for illegal doings.... :rolleyes: wake up from your stupor!

What “stolen goods”?:cuckoo:

What sanctions and what illegal doings?:coffee:

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