Let Uber Self- Driving Car Fatality Wake Up America!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
What is epically sad and disappointing about elected officials in Congress and the President is their failure to pass laws outlawing self-driving vehicles. Proponents of this technology say that this technology will eventually lead to less deaths and less serious injuries from motor vehicle accidents. That is not the critical point even if it reduces deaths and serious injuries by ninety percent, self-driving vehicles should still be outlawed because many of the deaths that do occur from this technology will have been reasonably definitely preventable deaths if only a human being was behind the wheel of the vehicle the death wouldn't have occurred. To the fatality victims of self-driving vehicles and their families and loved ones the government and this technology's proponents can never successfully defend the case for allowing these vehicles on the road. It is about values, traditional America values such values are that America holds each and every life dear and will make outstanding effort to preserve such life. That is why when America goes to war we don't leave soldiers behind or make an outstanding effort not to, that is why we have speed limit regulations for all our highways there is no autobahns in America American lives are more important than any time saving or freedom that would accrue from such an approach. Self-driving vehicles are based on technology and reasonable people know that technology fails and what is at stake here are vehicles weighing thousands of pounds and moving at significant rates of speeds at issue here is motor vehicles that can be deadly weapons under certain circumstances for heaven sake the world has seen how terrorist use motor vehicles to kill people. Self-driving technology will never be able to replace the awareness and judgment of human senses and the human mind and thus will always be less safe. Maybe some of these specific examples will be voided by the advancement of technology but not the principle at issue which is technology will never be able to offer competitive safety protections that human control offers at every moment a motor vehicle is in use. Red flags about self-driving technology include the following; it will never have the perception reliabilty of being aware of potholes, obstructions on the road, intoxicated or in trouble drivers, hazardous road conditions, hazardous conditions pertaining to the vehicle being driven. This perception advantage of human drivers does and will prevent accidents and save lives in an abundance of incidents every year and the U.S. government should not throw this safety protection away!

The reason why this is being permitted is money, the money spent on researching this technology and the money that will be spent on building and selling this technology. This is morally depraved that we as a society would sacrifice some of our citizens lives and critical aspects of our citizens health and in many cases the well being of their families over money, over financial wealth! Let this recent fatality caused by an Uber self-driving vehicle wake America up let us effectuate our American value of making an outstanding effort to protect human life by outlawing self-driving vehicles!
So the self driving cars will reduce accidental deaths by 90%, but they are more dangerous than cars driven by humans.....which results in our current accident rate. Do I understand the OP correctly?
As an aside, I am leery of ever giving up my privilege of being able to drive. The day is coming when liberals will want to BAN human drivers. Then, your ability to travel will be controlled by the government. I hope we don't go down that path but, for sure, liberals will take us there. They are always trying to find ways to restrict freedom and institute government control.
As an aside, I am leery of ever giving up my privilege of being able to drive. The day is coming when liberals will want to BAN human drivers. Then, your ability to travel will be controlled by the government. I hope we don't go down that path but, for sure, liberals will take us there. They are always trying to find ways to restrict freedom and institute government control.
Liberals won't have to, insurance companies will do it.
So the self driving cars will reduce accidental deaths by 90%, but they are more dangerous than cars driven by humans.....which results in our current accident rate. Do I understand the OP correctly?

You actually read it?
Americans are known for creating idiotic themes first, and then trying to answer them ...
They write a lot of beeches that do not mean anything to Science. :04:
Any human driver wold have hit that woman who crossed the road in the dark. That's why I want a self-driving car, so when it runs over people who jump in front of me in the dark, I won't feel guilty.
Apparently they had deliberately disabled the vehicle’s built in automatic braking system:
NTSB: Uber Self-Driving Car Had Disabled Emergency Brake System Before Fatal Crash
"According to Uber," the agency said, "emergency braking maneuvers are not enabled while the vehicle is under computer control, to reduce the potential for erratic vehicle behavior. The vehicle operator is relied on to intervene and take action. The system is not designed to alert the operator."
Let the tens of thousands of normal car deaths wake up people!!! Driverless cars weren't ever going to be perfect.

When you understand this maybe you'll join reality. If we can cut deaths caused by car crashes by half it was worth it.

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