Lets Be Honest, Trump is an Evil Malicious Monster and Creep


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.
Just reading this, it is clear that Trump is the champion we have been waiting for. Just to see the frenzy he causes liberals is proof that he is a magnificent leader.
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.
Ya know, I can't stand Trump but geeze.......... Do you have it bad or what??!!
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.
Ya know, I can't stand Trump but geeze.......... Do you have it bad or what??!!
I dislike trump very much.
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.
Ya know, I can't stand Trump but geeze.......... Do you have it bad or what??!!
I dislike trump very much.
Okay. I guess since it's politics you have to follow the righties example under Obama and go off the deep end....... For politics sake....... Gotta demonize the opposition every chance ya get. :thup:

The left's hatred and venom is like a cup of hot cocoa on a cold night, please continue with your meltdown for our entertainment.
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.
Ya know, I can't stand Trump but geeze.......... Do you have it bad or what??!!
I dislike trump very much.

Good for you.
I dislike trump very m

You don't have to like him. Weigh his job performance in the balance, and see if we come up wanting, or are we better off as a Nation because of his actions, and in spite of the obstruction he is facing.
This OP is interesting psychologically speaking. Here's a quick list of rage filled words the author used in the OP, several used multiple times...evil, malicious, monster, creep, worst, perverted, evilness, hateful, bully, hurt, pain, suffering, nightmare...that's a lot of rage crammed into a small OP. Are liberals having 'that' difficult a time mentally accepting their loss to president Trump?
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.

I LOVE that Trump's existence causes so much anguish for sputtering, sniveling, paranoid, anti-American drama queens like you. People of your mentality deserve it and you STILL can't figure out that you offer nothing to our society but panic-attack, paranoid poison. Anyway, does this thread have any point at all? Or is it just generic hate-masturbation - the only way you anti-Trumpers can feel pleasure?
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.

Maybe a mass suicide would get some attention.
Aw, come on now? There are medical treatments for your butthurt. Your Obamacare may even cover em. Why don't you stop posting on message boards till you get some treatment? You just won 'Butthurt Democrat Wanker of the Week' for this one. Nice job. :cuckoo:
How did politics in America come to this? Seated in the White House is the worst kind human being. Evil, malicious and a monster. In addition, the guy is a textbook definition of a creep. He defined himself as a creep in his own words as he was recorded bragging about being a perverted creep.

Trump confirms his evilness by using politics and his position as President to take personal revenge and inflict hateful retribution to anyone who criticizes him. Like a schoolyard bully, he goes after anyone who dares to challenge his ego. He is a monster because he uses his power to harm and hurt the most vulnerable citizens in society, children, and seniors. He is malicious because he does these things on a whim and impulse with the intent of causing pain and suffering.

Our President is an evil malicious monster and a creep. The sooner we recognize and accept that as fact the better off America will be and the sooner recovery from the Trump Nightmare can begin.
And yet, people like yourself still worship at the altar of Clinton. Pot meet kettle.

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