Let's be honest


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Honesty, what do you think is the real cause of the killings going on in the Middle East?

Is it because of American hatred?

Is it because of Americans religious bigotry?

Is it because of a movie released 1 year ago, or now that it was shown it was released a year ago the claim that it was the trailer released on YouTube? (story changes to fit circumstances)

Is it over the killing of OBL?

If you wish to discuss, a WHY would be nice.
Honesty, what do you think is the real cause of the killings going on in the Middle East?

Is it because of American hatred?

Is it because of Americans religious bigotry?

Is it because of a movie released 1 year ago, or now that it was shown it was released a year ago the claim that it was the trailer released on YouTube? (story changes to fit circumstances)

Is it over the killing of OBL?

If you wish to discuss, a WHY would be nice.

I do not think it is because of the video.
I believe western ideals are a serious threat to radical Islam because it interferes with their ability to completely control their people.

Civilized human beings would not act as these people do.
Of course it's the video causing all the protests, which jihadists used as cover to attack the consulate in Libya- where the USA is actually very popular.
I think its Aladdin showing Muslims as womanizers.

Of course it's the video causing all the protests, which jihadists used as cover to attack the consulate in Libya- where the USA is actually very popular.

It's not the video you moron. Muslims have been attacking western interests for decades. How old is this video?

There's not one simple answer, not just one finger to point.

These people essentially have a 17th century mindset animated and exacerbated by their religion. Fine, that's their problem, not mine or ours. But then we stick our nose in their business pretty much everywhere, and -- far worse -- militarily occupy what they consider to be their sacred land and blow the living shit out of half of it so that we can fill up our Escalades and Hummers. Since they don't have jet fighters and rockets to fight us and get us the fuck out of there, they do what they can.

That gives their "leaders" plenty of fuel to preach their hate (funny, I see the same tactic used in America by race pimps, but that's for a different thread) and make a bad situation even worse.

If some Middle Eastern country wanted our coal and parked a few thousand tanks in Dubuque, what would we do?

Of course it's the video causing all the protests, which jihadists used as cover to attack the consulate in Libya- where the USA is actually very popular.

Stange statement. If it was because of the video then why do you say it was cover? Cover for the real reason? If so then "of course" it was not over the video. I can think of 1.5 billion reason we would be popular with the ruling elite.
I think its quite clear.

we have the two lowest level of low life scum looking to fight each other over a bunch of pie in the sky bu!! sh!t.

I just wish as a hard working American I could separate myself from this group of angry, gun obsessed, ignorant Americans. But the world does not work this way.
RW a-holes causing problems everywhere, including RW talk show host in Egypt who publicized the movie.

There's not one simple answer, not just one finger to point.

These people essentially have a 17th century mindset animated and exacerbated by their religion. Fine, that's their problem, not mine or ours. But then we stick our nose in their business pretty much everywhere, and -- far worse -- militarily occupy what they consider to be their sacred land and blow the living shit out of half of it so that we can fill up our Escalades and Hummers. Since they don't have jet fighters and rockets to fight us and get us the fuck out of there, they do what they can.

That gives their "leaders" plenty of fuel to preach their hate (funny, I see the same tactic used in America by race pimps, but that's for a different thread) and make a bad situation even worse.

If some Middle Eastern country wanted our coal and parked a few thousand tanks in Dubuque, what would we do?


Are you repeating the story line of the war for oil? When exactly are we getting that oil? I didn't think we had tanks in Libya nor Egypt. The Iraq war may well have been over oil but it was for the protection not the stealing as I think you are implying. Since the war in Iraq ended about a year ago on the Bush timeline doesn't it seem a bit of a stretch to think that all of a sudden there are riots on 9/11 over that war?

So I guess you reasoning is that they just hate America.
Honesty, what do you think is the real cause of the killings going on in the Middle East?

Is it because of American hatred?

Is it because of Americans religious bigotry?

Is it because of a movie released 1 year ago, or now that it was shown it was released a year ago the claim that it was the trailer released on YouTube? (story changes to fit circumstances)

Is it over the killing of OBL?

If you wish to discuss, a WHY would be nice.

Muslims are fucking whack. The whole religion from when it started to present day has been about violence and how to re-direct it to keep the sand ******* from robbing and killing each other.

Mecca isn't a "holy land". It started out as a "safe zone" because the Arabs were slaughtering each other and robbing the nomads and interupting trade in that part of the world.

Muslims have always been mad about something. There has never been a time of peace with those stupid fucks. One can probably blame it on a lack of water. If ya ask me they are as stupid as Eskimos. Ever wonder why a race of people would call "ice" home? I wonder about that often. I feel the same way about a race of people that call "sand" home.

They are fuckin whack.
I think its quite clear.

we have the two lowest level of low life scum looking to fight each other over a bunch of pie in the sky bu!! sh!t.

I just wish as a hard working American I could separate myself from this group of angry, gun obsessed, ignorant Americans. But the world does not work this way.

You sound very angry. That said what in the hell are you saying? Who are you blaming for the riots in the ME and elsewhere? I guess you are blaming conservatives, at least you could state how you come to that conclusion considering that Obama and the democrats have been in power since 2006. (Obama 2009 but Congress was democrat since 2006)

I just think it amazing that people not even in power seems to be your scape goat.
Honesty, what do you think is the real cause of the killings going on in the Middle East?

Is it because of American hatred?

Is it because of Americans religious bigotry?

Is it because of a movie released 1 year ago, or now that it was shown it was released a year ago the claim that it was the trailer released on YouTube? (story changes to fit circumstances)

Is it over the killing of OBL?

If you wish to discuss, a WHY would be nice.

I do not think it is because of the video.

Then what is your opinion?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWFOHqPZvVo]Ron Paul Explains Reasons for 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
I think its quite clear.

we have the two lowest level of low life scum looking to fight each other over a bunch of pie in the sky bu!! sh!t.

I just wish as a hard working American I could separate myself from this group of angry, gun obsessed, ignorant Americans. But the world does not work this way.

I think North Korea is taking immigration applications.
I believe western ideals are a serious threat to radical Islam because it interferes with their ability to completely control their people.

Civilized human beings would not act as these people do.

Agreed but that is not a reason. Or are you just saying that a bunch of uncivilized people decided to rise up and murder for no apparent reason?

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