Let's be objective. Two guys running for POTUS, we want the most capable right?

The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

So what has Trump accomplished in 3.75 years - SERIOUSLY? He's pissed off our allies, took a dump on every international agreement we had, utterly botched the pandemic response and divided us like no other person in US history.
Built a strong economy that the dems tried to wreck with this COVID Shit, but it didn't work.
He got Arabs and Jews together and did it WITHOUT the Palestinians, which all of DC said couldn't happen....it did
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.
One knows and understands our Constitution and the other guy doesn't? The left could have accomplished even more than the right wing with Your guy.
Trump cleared up nothing: talk to Hamas and Iran. UAE and Bahrain were not at war with Israel. Obama did not create ISIS.
This is a statement that exposes starkey as nothing but a leftwing cum dump.......right here.....
The point is he's getting Arab countries to recognize Israel.....which your buddies like Kerry said could not be done without Palestinians first. Trump say fuck those guys, they don't ever negotiate in good faith, so he bypassed them, and is isolating them from the Arab world......pretty soon the Saudi's will be on board...once that happens Palestinians have nothing.....no where to go.

Iran is made up of Shia, while they ally, they have huge issues between the two

Now look at Iran wanting a prisoner exchange and they have exchanged some of ours
Trump has been almost a complete failure to foreign policy as the right wing here so eloquently points out by over stament.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

So what has Trump accomplished in 3.75 years - SERIOUSLY? He's pissed off our allies, took a dump on every international agreement we had, utterly botched the pandemic response and divided us like no other person in US history.
Please tell us which world leader didn't botch up COVID?
As though any leader that begs the US for money is a world leader!
Trump cleared up nothing: talk to Hamas and Iran. UAE and Bahrain were not at war with Israel. Obama did not create ISIS.
He cleared up alot.....this is how you know starkey is a leftwing cum dump....
He got Arab countries to recognize and normalize relations with Israel, WITHOUT involving Palestine. EVERYONE in DC said it couldn't be done...it was

Palestine is now being isolated, because they refuse to make peace...every deal they have welched on....Now we are moving on without them

These are things we have done that were supposed to start wars:

Moved the embassy to Jerusalem.......nope....nothing happened
Killed Iranian general.....nothing happened

Now Iran and Palestine are being isolated...and those two are not great friends.....Iran is Shia and Palestine is Sunni

Now Iran wants a prisoner exchange and they have already released some

Yeah Trump is hitting home runs in the middle east, all because he doesn't do the establishment bullshit, he actually tries to get results....and the MIC and establishment HATE him. He did inn less than 4 years what they couldn't do in 40........but I suspect they could have done it, but didn't WANT to do it.....which begs the question....why?
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

in less than 4 years pussygrabber managed to fuck up management of only crisis he faced (covid), tank our economy can not get our economy from deep recession he caused, wasted time sucking up to kin jong un and his puppet master, putin. Regarding China, we have biggest trade deficit ever, while bankrupting our farmers, total traitor who allows putin to have our troops killed. Biden in turn took America from the great recession to largest economic expansion in history, kept us safe from ebola, saved auto industry and real estate, no riots during his terms...

That is likely what it boils down to. As Jimmy Carter put it, and as Ronald Reagan tossed back at him, folks will be basing their vote on whether they're better off now compared to 4 years ago? Or 3.75 years to be precise, I suppose that's the easiest way people have to judge accomplishments.
Well, if you subtract the Coronavirus debacle and review how the country was doing, I have to go along with Trump. The Coronavirus was an unplanned viral pandemic which is affecting all the world right now and when governments shut down businesses, the result is recession and unemployment.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

in less than 4 years pussygrabber managed to fuck up management of only crisis he faced (covid), tank our economy can not get our economy from deep recession he caused, wasted time sucking up to kin jong un and his puppet master, putin. Regarding China, we have biggest trade deficit ever, while bankrupting our farmers, total traitor who allows putin to have our troops killed. Biden in turn took America from the great recession to largest economic expansion in history, kept us safe from ebola, saved auto industry and real estate, no riots during his terms...

View attachment 392217
None of that is true.....it's funny how lefties don't use or need facts...ever

U.S. intelligence reports from 2019 suggested the existence of the bounty program.[1][2] A CIA assessment of the intelligence concluded that members of Unit 29155 had placed bounties on United States military personnel and other coalition forces in 2019. The New York Times reported that "Officials said there was disagreement among intelligence officials about the strength of the evidence about the suspected Russian plot."[3] The Pentagon's top leaders said that report is not corroborated
In 3 years President Trump achieved more successes than any modern President, any President in DECADES, in some cases EVER.

This is an objective reality most Democrats refuse to accept.

President Trump, obviously, did more for this country and US citizens than Barry did in 8 years. He also has accomplished more than Joe Biden has in his 40+ year career.

Now lets review the obvious:

Joe Biden has barely left the confines of his basement. He wears a mask, often backwards or upside down.

He speaks at very small engagements to very small numbers of people.

He no longer answers questions from anyone. When he used to answer questions or gave interviews he was accompanied by 'handlers', chaperones who would cut interviews short if the wrong questions were asked or if Joe started having 'issues'.

When Joe did answer questions they were 'cream puffs' ... Or pre-coordinated / pre-arranged. Recently Biden began answering questions using cue cards or a Tele-promoter.

Now Joe reads cue cards or a tele-prompter, during his speeches and when he is done he runs for the nearest floor.

The man is obviously physically / mentally 'limited'. He has introduced himself by declaring he is running for the US Senate, has a hard time remembering where he is, couldn't remember what his wife looked like as she stood on stage, couldn't remember the words to the Pledge of Allegiance or the Preamble to the US Constitution, flip flops like a fish in a boat on issues, stumbles, stutters, zones out, makes extremely damaging racist comments......

He was so exhausted on a campaign trip he cancelled all scheduled activities...

This is no attack on Joe Biden - it is stating documented objective fact.
Trump has been almost a complete failure in American foreign policy,
This is completely false, and he gives no examples, just makes a talking point statement....pure starkey
That is completely true, as you well know. The best he can do is a weak trade deal with Mexico and Canada, and Jerusalem as the Jewish capitol, which I do like.

The leaders and leges of Europe laugh in his face.
The purpose of this is to compare Trump's 3.75 years of accomplishments to Biden's 48 years of accomplishments in government. You know, as if we're actually hiring someone to do a job.

in less than 4 years pussygrabber managed to fuck up management of only crisis he faced (covid), tank our economy can not get our economy from deep recession he caused, wasted time sucking up to kin jong un and his puppet master, putin. Regarding China, we have biggest trade deficit ever, while bankrupting our farmers, total traitor who allows putin to have our troops killed. Biden in turn took America from the great recession to largest economic expansion in history, kept us safe from ebola, saved auto industry and real estate, no riots during his terms...

View attachment 392217
None of that is true.....it's funny how lefties don't use or need facts...ever

U.S. intelligence reports from 2019 suggested the existence of the bounty program.[1][2] A CIA assessment of the intelligence concluded that members of Unit 29155 had placed bounties on United States military personnel and other coalition forces in 2019. The New York Times reported that "Officials said there was disagreement among intelligence officials about the strength of the evidence about the suspected Russian plot."[3] The Pentagon's top leaders said that report is not corroborated

pussygrabber days are counted ....

Trump has been almost a complete failure in American foreign policy,

Trump has been almost a complete failure to foreign policy as the right wing here so eloquently points out by over stament.

You think if you say it enough you'll start to believe it?
I say it because the truth makes the far right scream. Biden will reassure our allies that the nightmare is over.

No, we feel sorry for you.

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