Let's break this down for a moment.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

Russia strikes a children's hospital in Kyiv and other sites across Ukraine

I don't believe the incident he "recounted" actually happened or the media would have reported it at the time. Or would have subsequently become aware of it. Like we all became aware of what President Bone Spurs said about losers in the military. Don is lying for effect. He can't help himself. He opens his mouth, lies come out.

My question is, are we to believe Generalissimo Trump would actually tell Putin he has carte blanche to invade or bomb any NATO country that is delinquent on it's contribution? Is he that unhinged? What gave him the confidence such an abhorrent comment would go over well with The Following? I suppose because they all do. He proposes 60% tariffs on China............yes boss, whatever you say. Only you know what's best.

In order to give his remark some perspective, what if Biden had said it? The Right would excoriate him for saying he would make such a suggestion about an ally to an enemy of the US. Lead by a war criminal who has already proven to the world the horrors he's capable of. But Trump said it so.........cool.

Here's my request to the board's conservatives before you reply. Resist the impulse to call me a libtard or accuse me of having TDS or any of the other reflexive comments. Take a moment and think about the ramifications of what Trump implied he would do. Is it rational? Was it thought through? Would anyone in the military want him to say it? How would the world community view it? Does he consider these things? Or does he say what pops in to his head at the moment and then relies on RWM and his sycophants to help walk it back?

Russia strikes a children's hospital in Kyiv and other sites across Ukraine

I don't believe the incident he "recounted" actually happened or the media would have reported it at the time. Or would have subsequently become aware of it. Like we all became aware of what President Bone Spurs said about losers in the military. Don is lying for effect. He can't help himself. He opens his mouth, lies come out.

My question is, are we to believe Generalissimo Trump would actually tell Putin he has carte blanche to invade or bomb any NATO country that is delinquent on it's contribution? Is he that unhinged? What gave him the confidence such an abhorrent comment would go over well with The Following? I suppose because they all do. He proposes 60% tariffs on China............yes boss, whatever you say. Only you know what's best.

In order to give his remark some perspective, what if Biden had said it? The Right would excoriate him for saying he would make such a suggestion about an ally to an enemy of the US. Lead by a war criminal who has already proven to the world the horrors he's capable of. But Trump said it so.........cool.

Here's my request to the board's conservatives before you reply. Resist the impulse to call me a libtard or accuse me of having TDS or any of the other reflexive comments. Take a moment and think about the ramifications of what Trump implied he would do. Is it rational? Was it thought through? Would anyone in the military want him to say it? How would the world community view it? Does he consider these things? Or does he say what pops in to his head at the moment and then relies on RWM and his sycophants to help walk it back?

How about using your head for a change. History: In 2014, Russia unilaterally annexed Crimea (part of Ukraine). Obama did nothing. 2017-2020, Russia made no offensive moves toward any neighbor. Even the rocket man shut down his threats. Now Biden gets in power, Russia attacks Ukraine and Biden sends a tin horn dictator that he owes, billions of US taxpayer $$ only to watch a war escalate. Rocket Man starts rattling his saber while China resumes threats to Taiwan and anyone else on the S. China Sea. Do you see a pattern here? Naw, you wouldn't recognize it if it bit you in the butt.
How about using your head for a change. History: In 2014, Russia unilaterally annexed Crimea (part of Ukraine). Obama did nothing. 2017-2020, Russia made no offensive moves toward any neighbor. Even the rocket man shut down his threats. Now Biden gets in power, Russia attacks Ukraine and Biden sends a tin horn dictator that he owes, billions of US taxpayer $$ only to watch a war escalate. Rocket Man starts rattling his saber while China resumes threats to Taiwan and anyone else on the S. China Sea. Do you see a pattern here? Naw, you wouldn't recognize it if it bit you in the butt.
So.........your inability to deal with the question I posed leads you to a whataboutism. Disappointing, but not unexpected.
So.........your inability to deal with the question I posed leads you to a whataboutism. Disappointing, but not unexpected.
LMAO, is that the best you've got. I just showed you what history has occurred, not conjecture, historical FACT. Trump didn't start any wars and arranged for the departure from a national nightmare in Afghanistan--and Biden even screwed that up. Wake up. Whataboutism-----ROTFLMFAO.
There was a question hidden in that word salad?!

Who knew?
Time for a remedial reading class?

My question is, are we to believe Generalissimo Trump would actually tell Putin he has carte blanche to invade or bomb any NATO country that is delinquent on it's contribution? Is he that unhinged? What gave him the confidence such an abhorrent comment would go over well with The Following?
I just showed you what history has occurred, not conjecture, historical FACT.
Ever hear the term correlation without causation? Why would Putin put Trump in an impossible, politically compromising position by invading a neighbor after working to get him in the WH?
Why would Putin put Trump in an impossible, politically compromising position by invading a neighbor after working to get him in the WH?
You really aren't very informed are you? Rhetorical. Even the democrat liars in power have dumped that BS narrative. Never happened moron. If you're going to remain a democrat, you're going to have up that lying game--LOL. BTW, after Trump said that, you do realize that Putin did NOT attack NATO. However, NATO nations increased their contributions and Trump has been roundly applauded by NATO ministers for goading members into meeting their obligations. Educate yourself before you post anymore lies, you are embarrassing yourself.
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Russia strikes a children's hospital in Kyiv and other sites across Ukraine

I don't believe the incident he "recounted" actually happened or the media would have reported it at the time. Or would have subsequently become aware of it. Like we all became aware of what President Bone Spurs said about losers in the military. Don is lying for effect. He can't help himself. He opens his mouth, lies come out.

My question is, are we to believe Generalissimo Trump would actually tell Putin he has carte blanche to invade or bomb any NATO country that is delinquent on it's contribution? Is he that unhinged? What gave him the confidence such an abhorrent comment would go over well with The Following? I suppose because they all do. He proposes 60% tariffs on China............yes boss, whatever you say. Only you know what's best.

In order to give his remark some perspective, what if Biden had said it? The Right would excoriate him for saying he would make such a suggestion about an ally to an enemy of the US. Lead by a war criminal who has already proven to the world the horrors he's capable of. But Trump said it so.........cool.

Here's my request to the board's conservatives before you reply. Resist the impulse to call me a libtard or accuse me of having TDS or any of the other reflexive comments. Take a moment and think about the ramifications of what Trump implied he would do. Is it rational? Was it thought through? Would anyone in the military want him to say it? How would the world community view it? Does he consider these things? Or does he say what pops in to his head at the moment and then relies on RWM and his sycophants to help walk it back?

Time for a remedial reading class?

My question is, are we to believe Generalissimo Trump would actually tell Putin he has carte blanche to invade or bomb any NATO country that is delinquent on it's contribution? Is he that unhinged? What gave him the confidence such an abhorrent comment would go over well with The Following?

Putting a question make at the end of an incoherent diatribe does not make it a question.
You really aren't very informed are you? Rhetorical. Even the democrat liars in power have dumped that BS narrative. Never happened moron. If you're going to remain a democrat, you're going to have up that lying game--LOL. BTW, after Trump said that, you do realize that Putin did NOT attack NATO. However, NATO nations increased their contributions and Trump has been roundly applauded by NATO ministers for goading members into meeting their obligations. Educate yourself before you post anymore lies, you are embarrassing yourself.
Is that what you look for in a President? Someone who will offer up an ally to Russia over a delinquent contribution to NATO? No wonder Putin wanted to Trump to win.
Putting a question make at the end of an incoherent diatribe does not make it a question.
You could have just said you're incapable of a cogent answer. That fact came through anyway.
You really aren't very informed are you? Rhetorical. Even the democrat liars in power have dumped that BS narrative. Never happened moron.
On top of your slavish devotion to Trump on NATO should I take that comment to mean you believe Dear Leader's lies about Russia's "sweeping and systematic" (according to Mueller) efforts to get him elected? You aren't very well informed are you.

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