Let's Discuss Obama's Record on the Economy

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.
It's going to be quite interesting, and highly entertaining to see how his teleprompter (AKA: His actual brain) explains this shit away.

Must see TV, indeed!
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.
It's going to be quite interesting, and highly entertaining to see how his teleprompter (AKA: His actual brain) explains this shit away.

Must see TV, indeed!

Hell man he believes the hype he's the 'ONE' after all who HOPES like hell there isn't any CHANGE
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.

The president works with the budget of the last president for nearly the first year of his first term. The last day of the Clinton budget, unemployment was around 5%. The last day of the Bush budget, unemployment was over 10%.

Not to mention the Dow which dropped to around 6,000 under Bush.

There is nothing the Republicans touched they didn't damage. Every honest Republican is ashamed of that FACT. As damaging as their tax policies were, the war they lied us into and then hid the cost, Part D, certainly their worst and most damaging policy was helping move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.


‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource
Among the many lies told by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently, chief Chamber lobbyist Bruce Josten said that his organization’s foreign affiliates, called AmChams, are only “comprised of American companies doing business abroad in those countries.” In fact, the Chinese AmCham is comprised of Chinese firms like Northern Light Venture Capital; the AmCham in Russia is comprised of Russian state-run companies like VTB Bank; and, the AmCham of Abu Dhabi is comprised of UAE state-run oil companies.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource


What do Republicans think when they confronted with these "facts"? We know the Chamber of Commerce gave tens of millions to Republicans and less than 10% to Democrats.

The Republican leadership are working against the best interests of the US. No way around it. No way to hide it. No way to spin it differently.
If this guy gets elected on the record he has now, I will have no faith in this country. So many people unemployed. Gas prices through the roof. He promised transparency what does he call the health care bill deals behind closed doors to different states . Waivers to the unions for the healthcare law but everyone else has to abide by this law. Bombing Lybia without Congress approval but of course he says its not a war . Im sorry but when you put our military lives in danger its a war. He promised to close gitmo , that did not happen ( although I am glad about that) What promise besides this nightmare of a healthcare law has he done. He has not led in anything he has done either. HE IS NOT A LEADER. I would have preferred Hilary over this dumb-ass. At least she can do a speech with out a teleprompter . The left wingers gave Palin hell when she read off her hand her talking points maybe 5 words total but Obama can read his whole speech from a teleprompter and thats ok. Oh and all these bail outs have not helped at all. The unions have him in the palm of their hands.
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.

The president works with the budget of the last president for nearly the first year of his first term. The last day of the Clinton budget, unemployment was around 5%. The last day of the Bush budget, unemployment was over 10%.

Not to mention the Dow which dropped to around 6,000 under Bush.

There is nothing the Republicans touched they didn't damage. Every honest Republican is ashamed of that FACT. As damaging as their tax policies were, the war they lied us into and then hid the cost, Part D, certainly their worst and most damaging policy was helping move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.


‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource
Among the many lies told by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently, chief Chamber lobbyist Bruce Josten said that his organization’s foreign affiliates, called AmChams, are only “comprised of American companies doing business abroad in those countries.” In fact, the Chinese AmCham is comprised of Chinese firms like Northern Light Venture Capital; the AmCham in Russia is comprised of Russian state-run companies like VTB Bank; and, the AmCham of Abu Dhabi is comprised of UAE state-run oil companies.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource


What do Republicans think when they confronted with these "facts"? We know the Chamber of Commerce gave tens of millions to Republicans and less than 10% to Democrats.

The Republican leadership are working against the best interests of the US. No way around it. No way to hide it. No way to spin it differently.

Due to the need of Nancy and Harry to take control, They only gave W a six month authorization for spending. The Big 0 was responsible for his budget almost immediately upon taking office.

The economy tanked about 2 months before the election. You may recall that 9/11 occurred in 2001. Bush had to address the economic crisis that followed.

If Obama had been in office at that time, he would have done exactly what he did when he assumed the office in 2009. We'd still be in that Obama recession to this day if he was a two termer. As it is, we're in a much newer, but just as persistant Obama recession.

It's been two plus years of Obama and we just escaped the four years of the Democrat Congress stanglehold.

This whole current economic mess belongs to the Democrats. Might as well believe it. It's true.
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So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.
It's going to be quite interesting, and highly entertaining to see how his teleprompter (AKA: His actual brain) explains this shit away.

Must see TV, indeed!

Oh Puh-leeeze. We've already heard it:

- It's Boooosssshhhh's Fault
- The GOP wants to kill Women and Seniors
- The Rich Are Evul and Need to Pay Their FAIR SHARE of Taxes
Since the Democrats took over Congress in 2006-2007 we have list about 14.5 million jobs. 6 million of them after Obama took over. Just because the talking heads keep repeating job creation thousands of times on air & in print does not make it true. The fact is the Democrats threw 14.5 million hard working Americans under the bus & now tries to say they don't count any more. Republicans are the party of jobs.

Bush & the Republicans were creating jobs until the Democrats took control of congress in 2007 & destroyed jobs & the economy. Then Obama got elected & destroyed even more jobs. Now since Republicans took back the House jobs will start to comeback.

rdean, Your messiah can't run on "it was Bush" again. It's been 2 years and will be 4 years come time for the vote. He is going to be called on his record, not Bush's.
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.

The president works with the budget of the last president for nearly the first year of his first term. .

Yes. So Obama was working with a Democratic budget (back when Democrats had the stones actually to pass one).
Your point here?
look, its 22 months after the end of the recession, we are still stumbling around. creating another net 50 k jobs a month won't get it, we bleed more than that OFF the official unemployment figure every month, we tried stimulus, we tried backstopping the states to keep people on a job...its played. 99 weeks is here.....what now?
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Obama may not have been responsible for The Recession, but he IS responsible for the Worst Recovery EVAH.
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.

The president works with the budget of the last president for nearly the first year of his first term. The last day of the Clinton budget, unemployment was around 5%. The last day of the Bush budget, unemployment was over 10%.

Not to mention the Dow which dropped to around 6,000 under Bush.

There is nothing the Republicans touched they didn't damage. Every honest Republican is ashamed of that FACT. As damaging as their tax policies were, the war they lied us into and then hid the cost, Part D, certainly their worst and most damaging policy was helping move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.


‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource
Among the many lies told by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently, chief Chamber lobbyist Bruce Josten said that his organization’s foreign affiliates, called AmChams, are only “comprised of American companies doing business abroad in those countries.” In fact, the Chinese AmCham is comprised of Chinese firms like Northern Light Venture Capital; the AmCham in Russia is comprised of Russian state-run companies like VTB Bank; and, the AmCham of Abu Dhabi is comprised of UAE state-run oil companies.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource


What do Republicans think when they confronted with these "facts"? We know the Chamber of Commerce gave tens of millions to Republicans and less than 10% to Democrats.

The Republican leadership are working against the best interests of the US. No way around it. No way to hide it. No way to spin it differently.

Lying sack of shit.

I keep having to repeat that the Dems have been running Congress since Jan 07, and it all started turning around after the GOP too back the House.
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morgan just downgraded their expectation for gdp growth this year to.......3.3%...wonderful and they are not alone. we usually see a big up tick for several months,coming out of a recession, the more severe the recession the bigger the bounce...we aint seen it yet, not even close. 2.7% is sleep walking so....


A confluence of economic factors is slowing the recovery, causing economists to cut expectations for the remainder of the year. Just a month ago, optimism prevailed and economists predicted economic growth for the first three months of 2011 at 3.3%, but in recent days those forecasts have dropped to an average of only 2.7%. Economists are zeroing in on rising oil prices, an extremely weak housing market and the spending crisis in Washington that, even if a compromise is reached and the government doesn't shut down, is certain to result in more spending cuts that will impact consumers. Oil is at its highest price in three years, topping $108 a barrel, pushing gasoline up to an average of $3.69 a gallon, according to AAA’s daily fuel gauge survey, almost a dollar more than this time last year. Factor in global unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as surging food and raw material costs and the scenario seems less than positive. The more consumers have to spend on gas and home heating oil, the less they have available to spend on everything else including apparel, shoes and household merchandise.

Despite an improved employment picture and increased consumer spending, as a group economists have downgraded their growth expectations for the full year from 3.5% to 3.3%. The average growth rate during previous economic expansions between 1980 and 2007 was 3.6% a year. Anything less than 2.7% would be viewed as a very weak recovery.

Tobe Report - Financial News
3.3 % is a pipe dream. Growth will be below 2%, and all of it due to inflationary pressures.

Adjusted for inflation, the economy is still shrinking.
George Bush Broke the Fan Belt on My Mother's '95 Jeep Cherokee

At 10 o'clock this morning, received a desperate call from my dear mother.

"Damn that Bush!" she cried. "Damn him to HELL!"

"Take it easy, Ma. What's the problem?"

"My car broke down!" she told me. "I have an appointment at the unemployment office to extend my benefits another two years, and I have no way to get there! DAMN THAT BUSH! He sent my job overseas, and now he's trying to take my unemployment insurance away! What am I going to do?"

Ma has been out of work since Boeing laid her off in 2002, thanks to Bush and his tax cuts for the rich. The union hasn't called her back, and no one is hiring 65 year old Airplane Restroom Toilet Paper Dispenser Installers anymore. So she's had to subsist on her pension, social security, her 401k, alimony checks, welfare, and unemployment insurance benefits for the past two years.

"Don't worry, Ma. Tell me where you are and I'll come help."

"At the White Horse Tavern in Marysville. That's as far as I made it before the damn thing quit!"

"Mom, that's totally the opposite direction of the unemployment office."

"Oh that Bush has got me so riled up, I've lost all sense of direction!" Ma cried.

"No biggie, Ma, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you, dear. I'll go inside and have a beer while I wait."

I arrived at the White Horse a couple hours later. Sure enough, Ma was inside nursing a pounder at the bar when I walked in.

"Oh Larry, thank God you're here!" she greeted me. "I don't know what I'm going to do...I'm out of work, my unemployment benefits have expired, and now my car won't run! I'm going to wind up eating dog food right out of the can, thanks to Bush and his tax cuts for the rich!"

"Would you like some more pull tabs, Mrs. Chomstein?" the bartended interrupted.

"Yeah, gimme fifty bucks on number 10," my Mom told him. "Lotta good it'll do me...I haven't won shit since Bush put on a flight suit and announced 'mission accomplished' from the deck of that aircraft carrier."

"Well, Ma, I'll go out and have a look at the car. Maybe I can fix it."

"Bless your heart, dear," she said, handing me her keys. "I'll have another beer while I wait."

When I popped the hood open on the Jeep, I could immediately tell what the problem was - the fan belt was broken. But upon closer inspection, it became obviuous that it had been cleanly and intentionally cut. I took the broken belt back inside the tavern and showed it to Ma.

"Damn that Bush!" she screeched with anger, her face turning a deep red. "That BASTARD cut my fan belt! Oooh he really knows how to PISS ME OFF! I haven't been this mad since Nixon stole my panties at Woodstock! DAMN HIM! DAMN HIM! DAMN HIM!"

"Calm down, Ma!" I told her. She was lapsing into one of her Sam Kinison screaming fits, and was already drawing a small crowd of slack-jawed gawkers. "Just relax, it's an easy fix. I'll just drive up to the auto parts store and get a new fan belt."

"Oh thank you so much, sweetheart," Ma replied, relaxing a little. "I'll have another beer while I wait."

An hour later, I had the new belt installed and the Jeep was ready to go - just as Ma came stumbling out of the bar, blood gushing from her mouth.

"Holy crap, what happened to you?"

"Oh I fell down in the baffroom and broke my toof on the edge of the terlet," Ma explained.

"DAMN THAT BUSH!" we both shouted in unison.
BlameBush!: George Bush Broke the Fan Belt on My Mother's '95 Jeep Cherokee

It's been 3 years and they're still blaming Bush.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovcdb6csHBE&feature=fvwrel]YouTube - Barack Obama, Change We Can Believe In?[/ame]
So Obama was sworn in as the recession was nearing bottom. Virtually all post war recessions have only lasted a certain number of months. But he pushed through a number of programs, stimulus, bail outs, cash for clunkers, new financial controls, new agencies unaccountable to anyone to regulate etc etc.
What has the result of this been?
The most anemic recovery on record, high unemployment, and a soaring unsustainable deficit.
This is what Obama must run on in 2012.

The president works with the budget of the last president for nearly the first year of his first term. The last day of the Clinton budget, unemployment was around 5%. The last day of the Bush budget, unemployment was over 10%.

Not to mention the Dow which dropped to around 6,000 under Bush.

There is nothing the Republicans touched they didn't damage. Every honest Republican is ashamed of that FACT. As damaging as their tax policies were, the war they lied us into and then hid the cost, Part D, certainly their worst and most damaging policy was helping move millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008.


‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource
Among the many lies told by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently, chief Chamber lobbyist Bruce Josten said that his organization’s foreign affiliates, called AmChams, are only “comprised of American companies doing business abroad in those countries.” In fact, the Chinese AmCham is comprised of Chinese firms like Northern Light Venture Capital; the AmCham in Russia is comprised of Russian state-run companies like VTB Bank; and, the AmCham of Abu Dhabi is comprised of UAE state-run oil companies.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource


What do Republicans think when they confronted with these "facts"? We know the Chamber of Commerce gave tens of millions to Republicans and less than 10% to Democrats.

The Republican leadership are working against the best interests of the US. No way around it. No way to hide it. No way to spin it differently.

Due to the need of Nancy and Harry to take control, They only gave W a six month authorization for spending. The Big 0 was responsible for his budget almost immediately upon taking office.

The economy tanked about 2 months before the election. You may recall that 9/11 occurred in 2001. Bush had to address the economic crisis that followed.

If Obama had been in office at that time, he would have done exactly what he did when he assumed the office in 2009. We'd still be in that Obama recession to this day if he was a two termer. As it is, we're in a much newer, but just as persistant Obama recession.

It's been two plus years of Obama and we just escaped the four years of the Democrat Congress stanglehold.

This whole current economic mess belongs to the Democrats. Might as well believe it. It's true.

If Obama had been in office in 2001, we never would have had deficit record setting tax cuts for billionaires. We never would have invaded Iraq. We never would have had M Part D, the people of New Orleans would have received help. And we probably would have gotten Bin Laden. Could you imagine Obama saying, "I don't think about him anymore"?

No way around that. You guys just stepped in doo doo of your own creation. 8 years of disastrous Republican policies never would have happened.

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