let's enact Medicare For All & expand Social Security and make the rich pay for it, my friends!

I'm in favor of one and only one tax and that would be a straight across the board income tax on everyone of all income levels no matter the source of income based on percentage of income. No write offs and no exclusions. It's the theory of equal pain as say 20% is equally painful regardless of how much income you have. Obviously this is completely unfair to those making higher incomes as they are paying more taxes but to make it fair I have a plan to make it right. At the end of the tax year everyone gets to sit down and earmark where and how the tax dollars they paid in are spent, taking the checkbook away from the idiots and crooks in Congress. Before you can say this would never work you have to make the case that the crap we have now works. Things like the current wall frakus would never happen as for a change our politicians would have to appeal directly to us for funding. A system like that should clean a lot of crap out of the system in addition to cleaning up our government in general.
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You don't want to tax the rich?


NEVER....NEVER...bitch about the Debt again
The "rich" are taxed. You don't give a shit about the debt, you greedy loon.
Certainly, you didn't support the Trump tax cut, right?
I for one sure do. For those who think they should be paying more taxes there is no law that prevents them from sitting down andand writting out a check to their fovorite gubberment agency and sending it in. In other works my reply always has been and always will be either put up or shut up and so far they always shut up. Money talks, bullshit walks.
Agree, but the left doesn't want to pay more....they want YOU to pay more. Greedy jackals.
That's simply because their base are largely idiotic freeloaders and idiots with no prospects who are always looking for freebies and handouts.
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In 2020 when a Democrat is elected President, all she needs to do is declare a national emergency & BAM! we have Medicare for all and a secure SS
Well, if that were true, why didn't Obama, who declared 13 national emergencies do it?
Obama knew that he can't use the Emergency declarations for that purpose.

Trump wants to use it to do something which Congress already said no.
In 2020 when a Democrat is elected President, all she needs to do is declare a national emergency & BAM! we have Medicare for all and a secure SS
Well, if that were true, why didn't Obama, who declared 13 national emergencies do it?
Obama knew that he can't use the Emergency declarations for that purpose.

Trump wants to use it to do something which Congress already said no.
Obungo said "I have a pen and a phone", and he said that because he had just lost the House and Senate and meant he would do things by executive order. No difference here.
In 2020 when a Democrat is elected President, all she needs to do is declare a national emergency & BAM! we have Medicare for all and a secure SS
Well, if that were true, why didn't Obama, who declared 13 national emergencies do it?
Obama knew that he can't use the Emergency declarations for that purpose.

Trump wants to use it to do something which Congress already said no.
As long as the President follows the prescribed procedures and uses only one or more of the 123 extraordinary powers the Act lists no purpose is not allowed. Congress has no say in this unless it impeaches and convicts the President or rallies 2/3 if each house to overturn the National Emergencies Act. Btw, Congress never did say no to the border fence; the House said no but the Senate said yes.
when you say you want more freedom what you really mean is you want to privatize it so business can fuck people out of their social security and gamble with the funds on the stock market. Private industry isn't anymore effect at anything than the government that's a fucking myth. You just want rich people to stay rich and keep fucking over poor people. That's your bullshit idea of freedom.

I like the idea being floated a buy in at 50, if some want fine if they don't no one is going to force them on it.
Sherrod Brown has a proposal to give Medicare to anyone over 50. that's a good first step, my friends! make sure you vote for him for president!
when you say you want more freedom what you really mean is you want to privatize it so business can fuck people out of their social security and gamble with the funds on the stock market. Private industry isn't anymore effect at anything than the government that's a fucking myth. You just want rich people to stay rich and keep fucking over poor people. That's your bullshit idea of freedom.

Bad news bromance. The government gambled with the money and not a penny is left.

Should have just let the evil businesses gamble with it on the market, the average return is something like 6%.

Let's make you pay for voting in the morons.
You don't want to tax the rich?


NEVER....NEVER...bitch about the Debt again
The "rich" are taxed. You don't give a shit about the debt, you greedy loon.

So your against the stop loss on ss payroll taxes at $127,000 or so being repealed?

Only if they do away with the cap on SS payout. That way Bill Gates will get a $9 million a year Social Security pension.

We have a cap on payroll taxes because we have a cap on payouts. Otherwise it is nothing more than another filthy ass progressive tax that is the same as thievery.
The greedy Moon Bats not only want somebody else to pay for their health care but they want somebody else to pay for their retirement. That is just the kind of greedy little assholes that they are.
when you say you want more freedom what you really mean is you want to privatize it so business can fuck people out of their social security and gamble with the funds on the stock market. Private industry isn't anymore effect at anything than the government that's a fucking myth. You just want rich people to stay rich and keep fucking over poor people. That's your bullshit idea of freedom.

I like the idea being floated a buy in at 50, if some want fine if they don't no one is going to force them on it.
Sherrod Brown has a proposal to give Medicare to anyone over 50. that's a good first step, my friends! make sure you vote for him for president!

GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. How about earning something for a change, Moon Bat?
when you say you want more freedom what you really mean is you want to privatize it so business can fuck people out of their social security and gamble with the funds on the stock market. Private industry isn't anymore effect at anything than the government that's a fucking myth. You just want rich people to stay rich and keep fucking over poor people. That's your bullshit idea of freedom.

I like the idea being floated a buy in at 50, if some want fine if they don't no one is going to force them on it.
Sherrod Brown has a proposal to give Medicare to anyone over 50. that's a good first step, my friends! make sure you vote for him for president!

GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. How about earning something for a change, Moon Bat?

Brown's proposal was a buy in at 50 nothing free asshole.
when you say you want more freedom what you really mean is you want to privatize it so business can fuck people out of their social security and gamble with the funds on the stock market. Private industry isn't anymore effect at anything than the government that's a fucking myth. You just want rich people to stay rich and keep fucking over poor people. That's your bullshit idea of freedom.
Your most glaring problem is that you think that investing is gambling.

Now we know why you don't understand markets.
when you say you want more freedom what you really mean is you want to privatize it so business can fuck people out of their social security and gamble with the funds on the stock market. Private industry isn't anymore effect at anything than the government that's a fucking myth. You just want rich people to stay rich and keep fucking over poor people. That's your bullshit idea of freedom.

I like the idea being floated a buy in at 50, if some want fine if they don't no one is going to force them on it.
Sherrod Brown has a proposal to give Medicare to anyone over 50. that's a good first step, my friends! make sure you vote for him for president!

GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. How about earning something for a change, Moon Bat?

Brown's proposal was a buy in at 50 nothing free asshole.

I think we all know that the "buy in" would be well below market value, nitwit.

Brown is a piece of shit Democrat wanna be President that is promising something for hardly nothing to get greedy low IQ imbeciles to vote for him.
when Medicare For All is achieved, we would be able to negotiate on behalf of AAAAAAAAAALL OF US against the drug companies.

it is immoral when talking about LIFE OR DEATH to be talking about PROFIT.
i would accept a compromise where we mandate that private insurance cover at least the same as what medicare covers

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