Let's Face, The Donald is Going to Be Our Next President. The question is, where does Obama go?

Obama goes out of his way to protect North Korea....perhaps he will go there to be a royal butt boy.....
Republican presidents retire, Democrats never do. For them, politics is a religion, a well paying one at that. obie will go on speaking tours filled with empty rhetoric and the adoring audience will swoon in delight with their empty minds temporarily filled with emotion.
Obama will be fully welcomed in Kenya after his exit because America may be too hot for him to stay.
obama sez climate change will make America unbearable.
Yet he's bringing immigrants here by the thousands.

Good point. American has the highest per capita energy use of almost any nation on earth, so could be better for global warming than importing a bunch more people who will each use the same amount of energy when they get here?
It is feasible Barry will be so humiliated he will purchase a compound in Kenya and with the help of George Soros become an Pan African Tyrant, increase the Somalian terrorism and piracy of sea going vessels, finish the genocide of Whites in South Africa and support Muslim terror acts against the USA and Europe.

First, don't jump the gun small fry, we need to wait for the debates. Second, Trump need to pull away in more swing states. If the election was today he would lose.

Obama is going no where but to the public speaking circles where he will make millions a year. It is very profitable to be an ex-president.

As long as he is pushing his agenda from a position of power I don't care what he does.
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It is feasible Barry will be so humiliated he will purchase a compound in Kenya and with the help of George Soros become an Pan African Tyrant, increase the Somalian terrorism and piracy of sea going vessels, finish the genocide of Whites in South Africa and support Muslim terror acts against the USA and Europe.

Um.................you DO realize that it was Obama that ordered Navy SEALs to take out the Somali pirates, right?

And................got any legitimate links to prove that whites are being killed on a genocidal level? I did a Google search, but the only thing I could find about whites being killed was from right wing blogs, didn't find a legitimate news site, and the genocide watch website was talking about BLACKS being killed at an alarming rate.
It is feasible Barry will be so humiliated he will purchase a compound in Kenya and with the help of George Soros become an Pan African Tyrant, increase the Somalian terrorism and piracy of sea going vessels, finish the genocide of Whites in South Africa and support Muslim terror acts against the USA and Europe.

Can you translate out of Ebonics and into English, please?

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