Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

Luddly Neddite Contrary to what the pop culture would have you believe, there are studies that refute the idea that homosexuality (same Sex Attraction Disorder) is genetic . It's a choice.

[Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. “No-one is born gay,” he notes. “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.” Dr. Whitehead believes same-sex attraction (SSA) is caused by “non-shared factors,” things happening to one twin but not the other, or a personal response to an event by one of the twins and not the other.]

Identical Twins Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic


Doesn't work because





No matter what the reason or motivation, its simply none of your business.

Seriously, you are one sick twitch, consumed with fear and hate. Go look in the mirror, fix your own life and MYOB.
Luddly Neddite Contrary to what the pop culture would have you believe, there are studies that refute the idea that homosexuality (same Sex Attraction Disorder) is genetic . It's a choice.

[Because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. “No-one is born gay,” he notes. “The predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.” Dr. Whitehead believes same-sex attraction (SSA) is caused by “non-shared factors,” things happening to one twin but not the other, or a personal response to an event by one of the twins and not the other.]

Identical Twins Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic


Doesn't work because





No matter what the reason or motivation, its simply none of your business.

Seriously, you are one sick twitch, consumed with fear and hate. Go look in the mirror, fix your own life and MYOB.
What are your credentials compared to the Dr. Whitehead who proved it's not genetic?
One of the 1961 goals of Communism is eliminating God.

Step 1: Mainstreaming homosexual lifestyle
Step 2: Mainstreaming homosexual “marriage”
Step 3: Eliminating God’s Word in the Bible as it will be “hate speech”
One of the 1961 goals of Communism is eliminating God.

Step 1: Mainstreaming homosexual lifestyle
Step 2: Mainstreaming homosexual “marriage”
Step 3: Eliminating God’s Word in the Bible as it will be “hate speech”

You can't provide a link on that can you?

Because it is ridiculous
I sodomize my wife after I Simonize her....

And does she return the favor ...?

Never mind.

Better if you don't talk about it cuz numbnuts OP will call out the Fundie Cops on you.

She uses the buffer on me...


Your PM folder is gonna be full to overflowing with messages from all the homophobes here.

They'll be making a "choice".

Just like they do every morning.

They've tried before, but were sent away crying.....
Read the cartoon. The activist judge, took it upon himself to redefine what marriage is. Once that happens under the guise of a so called civil liberty, then it opens the door to every other perversion.

If marriage is no longer between one man and one woman, then what's wrong with one man and 4 women? Or a man and his goat?

What and who, defines what is acceptable?

Once gays silence Christians and their free speech rights to object, something we must allow not to happen, then there will be no moral objections to any actions. Apart from God, there is no morality.

Let's face the facts...the op is a disgusting bigot of the highest order.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice

Obviously, there's nothing sick about it but, totally by accident, you've actually managed to make a good point. (Hey, there's a first time for everything ...)

Very few people would choose to be demonized, assaulted, denied basic civil rights and even murdered by sicko fundies, Peeping Tom's and meddling jerks who are desperately unhappy in their own sad little lives, sexually insecure and won't mind their own business.
Obviously it is sick behavior, you really have to be sick not to know that.
Read the cartoon. The activist judge, took it upon himself to redefine what marriage is. Once that happens under the guise of a so called civil liberty, then it opens the door to every other perversion.

If marriage is no longer between one man and one woman, then what's wrong with one man and 4 women? Or a man and his goat?

What and who, defines what is acceptable?

Once gays silence Christians and their free speech rights to object, something we must allow not to happen, then there will be no moral objections to any actions. Apart from God, there is no morality.



There have been other times in history when marriage was not between one man and one women and times when same sex marriage was accepted and sanctioned by religion. While I realize that you get your information from cartoons, you might want to read the links in the beginning of this thread.

CDZ - What is traditional marriage US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If its between consenting adults, why would you care how many spouses an individual has?
One of the 1961 goals of Communism is eliminating God.

Step 1: Mainstreaming homosexual lifestyle
Step 2: Mainstreaming homosexual “marriage”
Step 3: Eliminating God’s Word in the Bible as it will be “hate speech”


That's the most ridiculous thing you've posted in a while and that's saying a lot!

Communism is not a threat to the US. Get a new bogeyman.
The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.

The truthful billboards going up have struck a nerve, especially with the militant 'Salon' writer and the gay commenters all in a tizzy.


Being gay is not a behavior Just how offensive can these anti-LGBT billboards get - Salon.com


Enjoying our sexuality is a human right protected in law and international treaties. The behaviours are moot insofar as the law is concerned so long as those behaviours comply with age-related laws already in place. What two legal-aged people wanna do together isn't for any state to forbid.
And oh by the way, just about every sexually active married couple absolutely adores sodomy. If they don't they either don't know what sodomy is, or are statistically insignificant.


Anal or oral intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense.

The word sodomy acquired different meanings over time. Under the Common Law, sodomy consisted of anal intercourse. Traditionally courts and statutes referred to it as a "crime against nature" or as copulation "against the order of nature." In the United States, the term eventually encompassed oral sex as well as anal sex. The crime of sodomy was classified as a felony.

Because homosexual activity involves anal and oral sex, gay men were the primary target of sodomy laws. Culturally and historically, homosexual activity was seen as unnatural or perverse. The term sodomy refers to the homosexual activities of men in the story of the city of Sodom in the Bible. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their residents' immorality became a central part of Western attitudes toward forms of non-procreative sexual activity and same-sex relations."

As to non-procreative sex, what about the perverbial 70 year-old married couple?
If marriage is a civil right held universally by all, how is this right to be enjoyed by someone who can't find a willing spouse? They are just denied their civil rights.

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