Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right


“The deviancy of sodomy is a deliberate choice, it's demonstrably not genetic.”

You and others on the right hostile to gay Americans need to face the fact that choice is a right entitled to Constitutional protections. Whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of birth or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, gay Americans, as is the case with all other Americans, enjoy the civil right to choice immune from attack by the states:

“When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.”

I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice

Obviously, there's nothing sick about it but, totally by accident, you've actually managed to make a good point. (Hey, there's a first time for everything ...)

Very few people would choose to be demonized, assaulted, denied basic civil rights and even murdered by sicko fundies, Peeping Tom's and meddling jerks who are desperately unhappy in their own sad little lives, sexually insecure and won't mind their own business.
Obviously it is sick behavior, you really have to be sick not to know that.
No, the only sick behavior is the unwarranted hate you exhibit toward gay Americans.
I hope homosexuality is genetic, you would have to be mental to make such a sick choice

Obviously, there's nothing sick about it but, totally by accident, you've actually managed to make a good point. (Hey, there's a first time for everything ...)

Very few people would choose to be demonized, assaulted, denied basic civil rights and even murdered by sicko fundies, Peeping Tom's and meddling jerks who are desperately unhappy in their own sad little lives, sexually insecure and won't mind their own business.
Obviously it is sick behavior, you really have to be sick not to know that.
No, the only sick behavior is the unwarranted hate you exhibit toward gay Americans.
No, gay is abnormal, period.
It doesn't matter if gay is abnormal. They can be abnormal just as they have for centuries. Just stop demanding that everyone else consider the abnormal, normal.
Liberals are for anything that fucks up society
Religion is a behavior too, not a civil right. This is fun....let's play some more.
OK, religion is protected by the US Constitution's 1st Amendment, sexual behavior is not.

Your turn. You're right, this IS fun! :popcorn: When will you be declaring "LGBT" a religion? With all the evangelizing to kids and punishment you have for heretics, it's about time, dontcha think?
Great post.

No, actually its really stupid and on the par with the idiotic idea that marriage equality will result in people marrying pianos.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.
If marriage is a civil right held universally by all, how is this right to be enjoyed by someone who can't find a willing spouse? They are just denied their civil rights.


Just because the drunk dog washer can't find anyone willing to marry her doesn't mean others should be denied that right.

Who you choose to marry is no one's business but your own and other people's marriages are none of your business.
So you support incest?
If marriage is a civil right held universally by all, how is this right to be enjoyed by someone who can't find a willing spouse? They are just denied their civil rights.


Just because the drunk dog washer can't find anyone willing to marry her doesn't mean others should be denied that right.

Who you choose to marry is no one's business but your own and other people's marriages are none of your business.
So you support incest?
Of course.
I'm gay. I can say that my same-sex desires were certainly not a choice; if it were, I would have shut it off long ago rather than grow up afraid and ashamed of myself. My decision to be "out" was of course a choice, made after at least fifteen years of reflection. So was my choice to have a boyfriend (5+ years now) - one of the best I ever made.

I don't really care if anybody thinks my orientation or behavior is sinful or diseased or whatever -- you have the right to think what you want. Luckily, in this country I also have the right to do what I want with my life and my body, to the extent it doesn't harm anybody else. And my sexual orientation certainly doesn't effect anyone other than myself and other consenting adults. That is also what distinguishes homosexuality from things like pedophilia and beastiality, and why those behaviors will never be legalized.

I also have the right to be treated equally by my government, unless there is at the very least some rational reason for different treatment. The problem opponents to same-sex marriage have had in the court system is they have failed to articulate any concrete, logical or likely harm that would be suffered by treating same-sex relationships the same as opposite-sex relationships. Vague disapproval based on Church teachings or gut feelings simply is not a justification to control other people's lives or brand them, as an official matter, as inferior.
I'm gay. I can say that my same-sex desires were certainly not a choice; if it were, I would have shut it off long ago rather than grow up afraid and ashamed of myself. My decision to be "out" was of course a choice, made after at least fifteen years of reflection. So was my choice to have a boyfriend (5+ years now) - one of the best I ever made.

I don't really care if anybody thinks my orientation or behavior is sinful or diseased or whatever -- you have the right to think what you want. Luckily, in this country I also have the right to do what I want with my life and my body, to the extent it doesn't harm anybody else. And my sexual orientation certainly doesn't effect anyone other than myself and other consenting adults. That is also what distinguishes homosexuality from things like pedophilia and beastiality, and why those behaviors will never be legalized.

I also have the right to be treated equally by my government, unless there is at the very least some rational reason for different treatment. The problem opponents to same-sex marriage have had in the court system is they have failed to articulate any concrete, logical or likely harm that would be suffered by treating same-sex relationships the same as opposite-sex relationships. Vague disapproval based on Church teachings or gut feelings simply is not a justification to control other people's lives or brand them, as an official matter, as inferior.
Seek psychiatric help.
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
I'm gay. I can say that my same-sex desires were certainly not a choice; if it were, I would have shut it off long ago rather than grow up afraid and ashamed of myself. My decision to be "out" was of course a choice, made after at least fifteen years of reflection. So was my choice to have a boyfriend (5+ years now) - one of the best I ever made.

I don't really care if anybody thinks my orientation or behavior is sinful or diseased or whatever -- you have the right to think what you want. Luckily, in this country I also have the right to do what I want with my life and my body, to the extent it doesn't harm anybody else. And my sexual orientation certainly doesn't effect anyone other than myself and other consenting adults. That is also what distinguishes homosexuality from things like pedophilia and beastiality, and why those behaviors will never be legalized.

I also have the right to be treated equally by my government, unless there is at the very least some rational reason for different treatment. The problem opponents to same-sex marriage have had in the court system is they have failed to articulate any concrete, logical or likely harm that would be suffered by treating same-sex relationships the same as opposite-sex relationships. Vague disapproval based on Church teachings or gut feelings simply is not a justification to control other people's lives or brand them, as an official matter, as inferior.
Why would you deny other people the right to live their lives as they see fit?
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
They rejected the finding thst homosexuality is a mental disorder as a result of political pressure, not because there was a sudden epiphany.
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
Religion is a behavior too, not a civil right. This is fun....let's play some more.
OK, religion is protected by the US Constitution's 1st Amendment, sexual behavior is not.

Your turn. You're right, this IS fun! :popcorn: When will you be declaring "LGBT" a religion? With all the evangelizing to kids and punishment you have for heretics, it's about time, dontcha think?
Great post.

No, actually its really stupid and on the par with the idiotic idea that marriage equality will result in people marrying pianos.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.

ptbw forever

Are you aware that pedophilia and bestiality have been a fact of human existence since Day One? Same with incest. Until relatively recently, all have been legal and some are still legal in certain states.

In the past, gay marriage was not only legal but sanctioned by religion.

Educate yourself.
I don't use the word "gay" when referring to homosexuals. I use "sodomite". Drives the pitiful creatures crazy.

Well yeah, cuz it shows just how ignorant you are.
Oh, poor baby, did you go and get offended. Oh my.

You misunderstood.

I'm not offended at all. I'm just aware of how little the phobes, like you, know about the subject.
Oh, for sure, you hateful Christophobic bigot.

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