Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

I'm gay. I can say that my same-sex desires were certainly not a choice; if it were, I would have shut it off long ago rather than grow up afraid and ashamed of myself. My decision to be "out" was of course a choice, made after at least fifteen years of reflection. So was my choice to have a boyfriend (5+ years now) - one of the best I ever made.

I don't really care if anybody thinks my orientation or behavior is sinful or diseased or whatever -- you have the right to think what you want. Luckily, in this country I also have the right to do what I want with my life and my body, to the extent it doesn't harm anybody else. And my sexual orientation certainly doesn't effect anyone other than myself and other consenting adults. That is also what distinguishes homosexuality from things like pedophilia and beastiality, and why those behaviors will never be legalized.

I also have the right to be treated equally by my government, unless there is at the very least some rational reason for different treatment. The problem opponents to same-sex marriage have had in the court system is they have failed to articulate any concrete, logical or likely harm that would be suffered by treating same-sex relationships the same as opposite-sex relationships. Vague disapproval based on Church teachings or gut feelings simply is not a justification to control other people's lives or brand them, as an official matter, as inferior.

All good points and absolutely true.

I hope you know that most people aren't Peeping Toms who are so bitterly unhappy with their sorry lives that they have to harass others.

Most people just really don't care what consenting adults do together. Most people don't need to meddle in other people's private business.

Most people don't need to make others miserable.

Ignore the assholes here. Consider the source.
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
They rejected the finding thst homosexuality is a mental disorder as a result of political pressure, not because there was a sudden epiphany.
Yeah, because there was so much pro-gay political pressure in 1973. Give me a break.
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I don't use the word "gay" when referring to homosexuals. I use "sodomite". Drives the pitiful creatures crazy.

Well yeah, cuz it shows just how ignorant you are.
Oh, poor baby, did you go and get offended. Oh my.

You misunderstood.

I'm not offended at all. I'm just aware of how little the phobes, like you, know about the subject.
Oh, for sure, you hateful Christophobic bigot.

Bigot. Another definition you don't know.
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
They rejected the finding thst homosexuality is a mental disorder as a result of political pressure, not because there was a sudden epiphany.
Yeah, because there was so much pro-gay political pressure in 1973. Give me a break.

You'll have to pardon the drunk cat lady. See, she's a doctor, a lawyer AND a dog washer so there's nothing she isn't wrong about. Including this.

You might want to read the links in this thread.
CDZ - What is traditional marriage US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

BTW, welcome to the board.
I'm gay. I can say that my same-sex desires were certainly not a choice; if it were, I would have shut it off long ago rather than grow up afraid and ashamed of myself. My decision to be "out" was of course a choice, made after at least fifteen years of reflection. So was my choice to have a boyfriend (5+ years now) - one of the best I ever made.

I don't really care if anybody thinks my orientation or behavior is sinful or diseased or whatever -- you have the right to think what you want. Luckily, in this country I also have the right to do what I want with my life and my body, to the extent it doesn't harm anybody else. And my sexual orientation certainly doesn't effect anyone other than myself and other consenting adults. That is also what distinguishes homosexuality from things like pedophilia and beastiality, and why those behaviors will never be legalized.

I also have the right to be treated equally by my government, unless there is at the very least some rational reason for different treatment. The problem opponents to same-sex marriage have had in the court system is they have failed to articulate any concrete, logical or likely harm that would be suffered by treating same-sex relationships the same as opposite-sex relationships. Vague disapproval based on Church teachings or gut feelings simply is not a justification to control other people's lives or brand them, as an official matter, as inferior.
Seek psychiatric help.
Put down the stones, you live in a very large glass house.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
They rejected the finding thst homosexuality is a mental disorder as a result of political pressure, not because there was a sudden epiphany.
Yeah, because there was so much pro-gay political pressure in 1973. Give me a break.
No. I don't give breaks.

The Stonewall riots were in 1969. That marked the beginning of gay rights. It took four years to force the change in the list of recognized mental illness. There was no sudden breakthrough in treatment where the medical community discovered a difference.
I don't use the word "gay" when referring to homosexuals. I use "sodomite". Drives the pitiful creatures crazy.

Oh, another n00b who thinks he's a BMOC.

Cool. I love new chewtoys.

Bring it.

I'll tear you apart and then you'll go whining to some corrupt moderator to ban me. I know how this works.

Well, hello, l'il slugger!

Such big, brave words!

Wow.... we are all just quaking in our boots, you know..... oh wait, that's just the rain outside...

You see, you might consider that debate is a battle of words, not actual people.

And you are new here and already think there are "corrupt" mods here???


I don't use the word "gay" when referring to homosexuals. I use "sodomite". Drives the pitiful creatures crazy.

Oh, another n00b who thinks he's a BMOC.

Cool. I love new chewtoys.

Bring it.

I'll tear you apart and then you'll go whining to some corrupt moderator to ban me. I know how this works.

Well, hello, l'il slugger!

Such big, brave words!

Wow.... we are all just quaking in our boots, you know..... oh wait, that's just the rain outside...

You see, you might consider that debate is a battle of words, not actual people.

And you are new here and already think there are "corrupt" mods here???


Yes, there are corrupt mods here. You hateful Christophobic bigot.
Religion is a behavior too, not a civil right. This is fun....let's play some more.
OK, religion is protected by the US Constitution's 1st Amendment, sexual behavior is not.

Your turn. You're right, this IS fun! :popcorn: When will you be declaring "LGBT" a religion? With all the evangelizing to kids and punishment you have for heretics, it's about time, dontcha think?
Great post.

No, actually its really stupid and on the par with the idiotic idea that marriage equality will result in people marrying pianos.
No more idiotic than "marriage equality" leading to pedophilia or bestiality(the latter happening in Europe right now).

The "consent" argument doesn't work because the original definition of marriage only had implied consent.

ptbw forever

Are you aware that pedophilia and bestiality have been a fact of human existence since Day One? Same with incest. Until relatively recently, all have been legal and some are still legal in certain states.

In the past, gay marriage was not only legal but sanctioned by religion.

Educate yourself.
No moron, it has never been legal to marry animals, and age disparity has never existed in the way it does today(the average lifespan has drastically increased in just a few decades)in a different time period, so "pedophilia" back then would be a 18 year old marrying a 4 year old, and needless to say, that never happened.
Incest has also been considered wrong in society for a very long time in all but the highest social circles(royalty).
I don't use the word "gay" when referring to homosexuals. I use "sodomite". Drives the pitiful creatures crazy.
Actually you're only exhibiting your ignorant, fear, hate, and stupidity.

So basically you and you sodomite pals have an argument consisting of "You're stupid". Fascinating. Harvard grads?

"sodomite pals"

Too funny.

I think you prove the phrase "it gets better!"


Better luck next time, l'il slugger.
I don't use the word "gay" when referring to homosexuals. I use "sodomite". Drives the pitiful creatures crazy.
Actually you're only exhibiting your ignorant, fear, hate, and stupidity.

So basically you and you sodomite pals have an argument consisting of "You're stupid". Fascinating. Harvard grads?

"sodomite pals"

Too funny.

I think you prove the phrase "it gets better!"


Better luck next time, l'il slugger.
It is funny. Hateful Christophobic bigot.

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