Let's Face The Facts--------Homosexuality Is A Behavior, Not A Civil Right

In the greatest most tolerant Country in the world sodomites can do what ever they want to each other in private short of murder. The problem is that sodomites want to force the other 90% of Americans to accept their decadent lifestyle. The 25 to 35% of Americans who characterize themselves as devout Christians or even moderately devout Christians have an equal right to be free from government forceful intimidation regarding acceptance of the sodomite lifestyle.

Oh bullshit.

No none is trying to force straights to live as gays.

Its the other way around.

Its the straights who are demanding that gays live as straights.

This has nothing at to do with any christian cult. The so-called "christians" can live as they wish. They just don't get to force others to live as they do.

Why are you always such an ignorant asshole?

Marriage should only be between a man and woman so they can procreate and ensuring the nations soverignty will be entact.

So, at the age of 60, I should not have married for love?

I'm having the best sex of my life and there ain't no way it will result in baby liberals. (That right there should make you happy!)

People marry for a lot of reasons and you don't get to dictate that child-free marriages are not just as valid as those that produce babies.

Not to mention that gays have babies all the time.

You really the worst kind of slime, a truly sick twitch. You are willfully ignorant, full of fear and bitterness and hate, but you don't get to dictate your sickness to others.

Deal with it.
Yes, I agree. Your argument is weak and not based on fact. Mine is fact. Legislators of different backgrounds pass marriage laws. You prefer that sodomite marriage be proclaimed throughout the land by five judges.

I'm actually not to fond of anal sex personally, but if it floats someone else's boat whatever. I don't have a personal issue with it, so I say whatever.

Does that mean you are alright with Lesbian's getting married? My sister married her girlfriend in South Dakota some years back, was a beautiful ceremony.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

Not entirely sure where you figure that I claim Christians (or any religion) forced anyone to do anything... They are however arguing to /prevent/ people from doing something in their personal lives, based entirely on Christian's personal beliefs and opinions. LGBT's personal beliefs and opinions are not the same as Christian's. Why should this country listen /only/ to Christian's opinions and beliefs?

Have we not already compromised and incorporated enough of your core beliefs into the foundation of this country, even despite our clear mandate for freedom of religion? Why do you feel that it is the Government's authority, or right, to dictate your personal beliefs, and /only/ your beliefs, about how someone else wishes to live their life, about who someone else may love and marry?
Marriage laws are state issues. Christians don't pass laws. Legislators pass laws.

And you can't legislate morality. Nor does any one group have the right to.

No one is forcing anyone to be gay but straights are trying to force gays to be straight.

Needless to say, the bible or other religions rule books have no place in our courts. You wanna be religious? Worship gods and other idols? Go for it. But you don't get to tell others they must do the same.

If that's what you want, move to Russia.

We won't miss you.
A less antagonistic response than "go jump off a bridge" -- that's progress I guess. All the major professional psychiatric organizations have rejected the claim that homosexuality is a mental disorder, however, so you might want to come up with a slightly less ignorant response next time.
They rejected the finding thst homosexuality is a mental disorder as a result of political pressure, not because there was a sudden epiphany.
Yeah, because there was so much pro-gay political pressure in 1973. Give me a break.
No. I don't give breaks.

The Stonewall riots were in 1969. That marked the beginning of gay rights. It took four years to force the change in the list of recognized mental illness. There was no sudden breakthrough in treatment where the medical community discovered a difference.


You are one dumb drunk/doctor/lawyer/dog washer twit.

NO, 1969 most certainly did not mark the beginning of "gay rights".

Jesus H fucking christ, where do you get this nonsense? C'mon, just because you're a pathological liar does not mean you are completely unable to read and learn.
Learn? You're the teacher?

You're sitting in front of a computer, you dunderhead. The whole world is right in front of you.

You really don't have to stay stupid.


Yes, I agree. Your argument is weak and not based on fact. Mine is fact. Legislators of different backgrounds pass marriage laws. You prefer that sodomite marriage be proclaimed throughout the land by five judges.

I'm actually not to fond of anal sex personally, but if it floats someone else's boat whatever. I don't have a personal issue with it, so I say whatever.

Does that mean you are alright with Lesbian's getting married? My sister married her girlfriend in South Dakota some years back, was a beautiful ceremony.
I think you're done here. I don't give a damn about your personal life or your sister.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

Not entirely sure where you figure that I claim Christians (or any religion) forced anyone to do anything... They are however arguing to /prevent/ people from doing something in their personal lives, based entirely on Christian's personal beliefs and opinions. LGBT's personal beliefs and opinions are not the same as Christian's. Why should this country listen /only/ to Christian's opinions and beliefs?

Have we not already compromised and incorporated enough of your core beliefs into the foundation of this country, even despite our clear mandate for freedom of religion? Why do you feel that it is the Government's authority, or right, to dictate your personal beliefs, and /only/ your beliefs, about how someone else wishes to live their life, about who someone else may love and marry?
Marriage laws are state issues. Christians don't pass laws. Legislators pass laws.

And you can't legislate morality. Nor does any one group have the right to.

No one is forcing anyone to be gay but straights are trying to force gays to be straight.

Needless to say, the bible or other religions rule books have no place in our courts. You wanna be religious? Worship gods and other idols? Go for it. But you don't get to tell others they must do the same.

If that's what you want, move to Russia.

We won't miss you.
Such a false premise and narrative. YOU are the ones trying to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone.
They rejected the finding thst homosexuality is a mental disorder as a result of political pressure, not because there was a sudden epiphany.
Yeah, because there was so much pro-gay political pressure in 1973. Give me a break.
No. I don't give breaks.

The Stonewall riots were in 1969. That marked the beginning of gay rights. It took four years to force the change in the list of recognized mental illness. There was no sudden breakthrough in treatment where the medical community discovered a difference.


You are one dumb drunk/doctor/lawyer/dog washer twit.

NO, 1969 most certainly did not mark the beginning of "gay rights".

Jesus H fucking christ, where do you get this nonsense? C'mon, just because you're a pathological liar does not mean you are completely unable to read and learn.
Learn? You're the teacher?

You're sitting in front of a computer, you dunderhead. The whole world is right in front of you.

You really don't have to stay stupid.



So I'm stupid because I believe marriage is a male and female. That's funny. There sure have been a lot of stupid people that have lived on this planet. Idiot.
Never said I did. You're just full of false premises and narrative, huh..

So your argument then is with gay's getting "married" yes?

If we use a different "term" like "civil pairing" or some such would that be alright?

This way "marriage" can still be between a man and a woman as your book states, and the LGBT community can express their feelings for their partner's in a similar commitment.
Never said I did. You're just full of false premises and narrative, huh..

So your argument then is with gay's getting "married" yes?

If we use a different "term" like "civil pairing" or some such would that be alright?

This way "marriage" can still be between a man and a woman as your book states, and the LGBT community can express their feelings for their partner's in a similar commitment.
My position is marriage is a male and female. Stop forcing your agenda on me. Go to hell. Screw each other in the ass with dildoes until you can't walk. Go screw a horse. March in a parade dressed up like a ballerina. Act like a man if you're a female. Act like a female and squat when you piss if you're a male. I don't give a damn. Just don't tell me I have to believe marriage is two homo sapiens of the same sex.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

Not entirely sure where you figure that I claim Christians (or any religion) forced anyone to do anything... They are however arguing to /prevent/ people from doing something in their personal lives, based entirely on Christian's personal beliefs and opinions. LGBT's personal beliefs and opinions are not the same as Christian's. Why should this country listen /only/ to Christian's opinions and beliefs?

Have we not already compromised and incorporated enough of your core beliefs into the foundation of this country, even despite our clear mandate for freedom of religion? Why do you feel that it is the Government's authority, or right, to dictate your personal beliefs, and /only/ your beliefs, about how someone else wishes to live their life, about who someone else may love and marry?
Marriage laws are state issues. Christians don't pass laws. Legislators pass laws.

And you can't legislate morality. Nor does any one group have the right to.

No one is forcing anyone to be gay but straights are trying to force gays to be straight.

Needless to say, the bible or other religions rule books have no place in our courts. You wanna be religious? Worship gods and other idols? Go for it. But you don't get to tell others they must do the same.

If that's what you want, move to Russia.

We won't miss you.
Such a false premise and narrative. YOU are the ones trying to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone.

That's bullshit. No one is forcing anything on you. Don't believe in gay marriage, don't do it. Problem solved.

You don't get to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone. YOU do not get a vote on it, so suck it up.
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

Not entirely sure where you figure that I claim Christians (or any religion) forced anyone to do anything... They are however arguing to /prevent/ people from doing something in their personal lives, based entirely on Christian's personal beliefs and opinions. LGBT's personal beliefs and opinions are not the same as Christian's. Why should this country listen /only/ to Christian's opinions and beliefs?

Have we not already compromised and incorporated enough of your core beliefs into the foundation of this country, even despite our clear mandate for freedom of religion? Why do you feel that it is the Government's authority, or right, to dictate your personal beliefs, and /only/ your beliefs, about how someone else wishes to live their life, about who someone else may love and marry?
Marriage laws are state issues. Christians don't pass laws. Legislators pass laws.

And you can't legislate morality. Nor does any one group have the right to.

No one is forcing anyone to be gay but straights are trying to force gays to be straight.

Needless to say, the bible or other religions rule books have no place in our courts. You wanna be religious? Worship gods and other idols? Go for it. But you don't get to tell others they must do the same.

If that's what you want, move to Russia.

We won't miss you.
Such a false premise and narrative. YOU are the ones trying to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone.

That's bullshit. No one is forcing anything on you. Don't believe in gay marriage, don't do it. Problem solved.

You don't get to force YOUR definition of marriage on everyone. YOU do not get a vote on it, so suck it up.

It's not my definition. It's civilization's definition and always has been. Go suck a donkey dick, sodomite.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to people based on their sexual preferences?
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to gays?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to gays?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.

Uh-huh... and how is that any different than Christians being protected by PA laws?
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to gays?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.

Uh-huh... and how is that any different that Christians being protected by PA laws?
What are PA laws?
I have no issue with religion until they start dictating how everyone else has to live their lives...

As LGBT tends to obey the vast majority of the "rules" set out by the bible, common sense rules I think both sides of the fence agree with, whey then do the religious choose to dwell upon the part that LGBT doesn't follow?


"The dogmatically religious impulse stems from the psychological need for group identity and belonging, together with a need for certainty and meaning."

"This urge is closely connected to the impulse to be part of a group, to feel that you belong, and share the same beliefs and principles as others. And these impulses work together with the need for certainty – the feeling that you ‘know’, that you possess the truth, that you are right and others are wrong."

"Dogmatically religious people think that they’re right and everyone else is wrong. For them, religion isn’t about self-development or experiencing the transcendent, but about adhering to a set of rigid beliefs and following the rules laid down by religious authorities. It’s about defending their beliefs against anyone who questions them, asserting their ‘truth’ over other people’s, and spreading those beliefs to others. For them, the fact that other people have different beliefs is an affront, since it implies the possibility that their own beliefs may not be true. They need to convince other people that they’re wrong to prove to themselves that they’re right."

"Don’t blame religion for our problems – blame the human need for belonging and certainty." ~ Steve Taylor.

From an interesting piece on the psychology of religion: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201206/the-psychology-religion-force-good-or-evil
Tell us one thing a Christian has forced you to do.

I'm sure some business owners out there would like to refuse service to some people because of their religious beliefs - Christianity for example. But, according to current civil rights laws it would be illegal to do so. How is that any different than laws that make it illegal to refuse service to gays?
Gays were never refused service. They demanded their sodomite marriage be serviced by Christians who were deliberately targeted to test new laws.

Uh-huh... and how is that any different that Christians being protected by PA laws?
What are PA laws?

wow.. nevermind.

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