Let's Face The Truth, Young Voters Support Biden And Are Our Future

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Holy, crap, I guess they don't support Biden. Wapo/ABC found that those under 35 actually favor Trump, not Biden. This is not a Rasmussen poll. I wonder if Democrats will want to harvest their votes after all?

That new poll from ABC/WaPo, that everyone is talking about, also has Trump ahead with younger voters.

But remember, it's an outlier.

Just like Rasmussen.

And any other poll that says something the Dems don't approve of.
I'd like to believe it, but I don't.

---“Biden’s largest spikes in enthusiasm came from women, young voters, and minorities when Trump is introduced as the hypothetical Republican nominee,” a polling memo states. ---

Too many young voters only have one thing on their mind.

That new poll from ABC/WaPo, that everyone is talking about, also has Trump ahead with younger voters.

But remember, it's an outlier.

Just like Rasmussen.

And any other poll that says something the Dems don't approve of.
Polls are ALWAYS right.

Unless you are on the short end of the poll.

Then the excuses start flying.

Any more indictments and Trump will win before the 2024 election.
Polls are ALWAYS right.

Unless you are on the short end of the poll.

Actually, one clear and virtually consistent trend from most polls is they have persistently underestimated Trump.

That is a fact.

But it is a fact the Left like to ignore when trotting out platitudes about the unreliability of polls.

(Which, of course, in 2016 they held up and revered as gifts from the god like prognosticators such as Nate Silver.)
So all ANTIFA needs to do is attack and disable anyone over thirty-five standing in line to vote.

Since they are allowed to do whatever they want . . .
What are you people thinking?

It's a race right now to determine which of the two can be the least undesirable!
That was a mindless robotic vote. Now that he has a record that may not hold. For instance the youngest daughter voting for the first time chose Biden because her friends told her Trump hated gays which is an outright lie. Now that Biden has a record and any dem following him will have same agenda or worse, reality may change a lot of minds
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Holy, crap, I guess they don't support Biden. Wapo/ABC found that those under 35 actually favor Trump, not Biden. This is not a Rasmussen poll. I wonder if Democrats will want to harvest their votes after all?

Not necessarily support Biden..but they are the future...and no..they don't don't support Trump.
Jeez, this like the fifth time today on these board that I've seen poll numbers trumpeted by the right.
Why are you members of Alt-Right Nation getting hard-ons over polls about elections 13 months out? :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, Uncle Joe has troubles.

Not necessarily support Biden..but they are the future...and no..they don't don't support Trump.
Jeez, this like the fifth time today on these board that I've seen poll numbers trumpeted by the right.
Why are you members of Alt-Right Nation getting hard-ons over polls about elections 13 months out? :auiqs.jpg:
It's not just a poll or two. Over the last few months Trump has been going up fast while Biden has been sinking fast. All this at a time when the left had hoped phony indictments would hurt Trump. Instead, they have helped.
Not necessarily support Biden..but they are the future...and no..they don't don't support Trump.
Jeez, this like the fifth time today on these board that I've seen poll numbers trumpeted by the right.
Why are you members of Alt-Right Nation getting hard-ons over polls about elections 13 months out? :auiqs.jpg:
Because it twists your tail which is fun. :D
Yeah, Uncle Joe has troubles.

You don't find the question being asked as strange?

What does Deserve have to do with anything?

Is he eligible to run or not?

If he is, then the question becomes, can he win?

Deserves has nothing to do with anything.
You don't find the question being asked as strange?

What does Deserve have to do with anything?

Is he eligible to run or not?

If he is, then the question becomes, can he win?

Deserves has nothing to do with anything.

"Deserves" has everything to do with it.

Based on his prior performance, the American people get to decide if Biden deserves a second term when we head to the ballot box.

And the current numbers in just about every poll clearly convey we do not think he deserves it.

And frankly, that's putting it considerably mildly.

IE, he's a fucking disaster.
"Deserves" has everything to do with it.

Based on his prior performance, the American people get to decide if Biden deserves a second term when we head to the ballot box.

And the current numbers in just about every poll clearly convey we do not think he deserves it.

And frankly, that's putting it considerably mildly.

IE, he's a fucking disaster.
Deserves is a statement of entitlement. When you say Biden deserves to be President, you are essentially saying that he is entitled to be President.

That makes the wording of this poll sketchy in the extreme. It is typical of how polls work. They predetermine an answer and then structure the poll question to attain that answer.

Why not just ask, "Will you vote for Joe Biden" and leave it at that?

It's all word games and it is the reason I don't believe in any poll.

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