Let's get real: Pence came off slightly better than Kaine

pretty much what people who watched thought about the debate.

and pretty much everyone who was on the fence that watched said neither one of them did anything to help them make up their mind ..

ergo: just another vapid debate.

The End.

Ya better check your precious CNN's poll...hehe

CNN Poll: Pence Wins VP Debate, 29 Percent Move Toward Voting for Trump - Breitbart

Breitbart ??

Don't you realize you like them because they only tell you what you want to hear.

It's called confirmation bias.

Missed the link eh? LOL Nice try dumbass

The CNN/ORG instant poll of vice presidential primarily

Flash polls?

Are you really that dense?

Kaine got out Penced.
The left loons are trying so hard to convince themselves, it's like the Japanese looking at Hiroshima the day after the A-bomb and saying "well it's not that bad"

'It's Okay, Mike. We'd Have a Hard Time Defending Him, Too.'
UniteWomen.org® VA ‏@WOW_VA 1h1 hour ago
The Clinton campaign already out with a video showing Mike Pence lied in denying Trump's own words at #VPDebate.

Maybe in calmness and style but Pence lied his ass off when doing it.. Kaine had far more honesty and did a far better job defending Hillary then Pence did for Trump.
Mike Pence's pencing was masterful.

As we all know 'pencing' or 'to pence' is inability to disagree, criticize or contradict Trump on anything, especially when it comes to his playing footsie with white supremacists — Pencing.

Pencing is also the overall disingenuous spin and dodge by Trump surrogates when it comes to defending all the vile and stupid things Trump has said.

And Mike Pence taught a master class in pencing -- so much so that Tim Kaine was thrown off.

But only a little. No big deal.

Pence set himself up good for 2020.

Trump is too stupid to see that's all he cares about.

Pence is straight up. Solid and honest as the day is long. He's running for the team. As to your idiocy on "pencing" it's a fucking debate moron.

And only one adult showed up. :lol:

Did you really expect Pence to just be Kaine's whipping boy? Truly. All you libs are running around today upset as shit that he didn't bite on the bait.

Too bad. So sad. Pence slaughtered Kaine with grace and dignity.
Maybe in calmness and style but Pence lied his ass off when doing it.. Kaine had far more honesty and did a far better job defending Hillary then Pence did for Trump.

Only if we define "truth" to mean "that which serves the party" the way you do.
It was a push, which VP debates usually are. The only real thing that came out of it was Kaine reminded the entire country of all the vile things Trump has said over the past year. Over and over. And Pence squirmed at this nonstop video replay of Trump's greatest twits.
if you think ''pencing'' is a strange verb, just wait until you find out what ''hazlnutting'' means...

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