Trump didn't just know Pence was in danger. It's way worse than that.

Imagine if you were't an open fascist. Oh wait, we can't, As is the case with most Trump culitists, your fascism is now too deeply embedded in your identify. It defines who you are.

You political cult engaged in a very violent fascist coup attempt. You supported that fascist coup attempt, and its failure and left you filled with weepy butthurt. No matter, you'll try again. You want to see more violent fascist coup attempts. That's why law enforcement is keeping a close eye on your type.

We do get it. You know your side can't win elections any more, so you've renounced democracy and gone all-in on fascism

I'm no democrat, Herr Mammary.

I don't support a centrally planned and managed economy as fascists do - say, you support and promote a centrally planned and managed economy....

I don't support crushing freedom of speech the way fascists do.

The Nazi Reich is ending freedom of speech now.

I don't support the oppressions of religion the way fascists do.

Xi's man Biden does, though.

The Nazi Reich, the democrats, are a clear and present danger to the Constitutional Republic.

Oh, and let's revisit the Nazi to English dictionary:



Peaceful Protest:

Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;


I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.
Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;

View attachment 463026

I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.
Hi Trumpster! :hhello:
Americans are better than that. We have this delusional minority who applaud lies and lawlessness.

Pssst, Herr Sura (9:11) the hated White Devils aren't a minority yet. I know that once democrats get through marching 70 million Americans into ovens we will be, but at the moment the object of obsessive hate of the democrats are still the majority.

Interesting that your infernal book of evil has as Sura 9:11

{ Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. }
Well, he's got it easy. His flock adores him unconditionally....

In fact, he could shoot a person on Fifth Avenue and....


You mean he just sits in his basement playing Mario Cart and the Baghdad Bob's of the Reich Press fawns over him?

Oh wait, that's Beijing Biden..
Then why did they evacuate Pence?

They took Pence to the nuclear bunker?

Oh wait, that was Trump when the Reich attacked and stormed the White House.

Nothing fake about it.. Grow up and try to be a decent, rational man.


Baghdad Bob's of the Reich propaganda corps bloviating about the worst insireking insirekshunist insirekters in the history of histrionics. The selfie revolution that threatened our rulers from a half-mile away with feet on the sacred desk of Madam Pigshit.

Did I mention they were insirekting insirekshunists of insirekshun? Every CCPNN report is REQUIRED to use insirekshun no less that 22 times in a 30 second spot.
Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;

View attachment 463026

I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.

Be careful.. Trump will sell you out too.. in a heartbeat.
Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;

View attachment 463026

I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.

Be careful.. Trump will sell you out too.. in a heartbeat.
That's the funny part. No matter how many people he throws under the bus, the rubes still believe him when he tells them he loves them.

Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;

View attachment 463026

I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.

Be careful.. Trump will sell you out too.. in a heartbeat.
That's the funny part. No matter how many people he throws under the bus, the rubes still believe him when he tells them he loves them.


The fact that Trump loves Putin and Kim Jong Un and gushes that he loves people all the time right before he stabs them in the back should gives these fools pause for thought.
Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;

View attachment 463026

I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.

Be careful.. Trump will sell you out too.. in a heartbeat.
That's the funny part. No matter how many people he throws under the bus, the rubes still believe him when he tells them he loves them.


The fact that Trump loves Putin and Kim Jong Un and gushes that he loves people all the time right before he stabs them in the back should gives these fools pause for thought.
Love is blind.
Here's the real Donald.
Trump is a damaged sociopath who struck a chord with a large group of angry, paranoid people at just the right/wrong moment.

We've seen this before in world history, and we'll no doubt see it again.

It's just amazing and horrifying to see this play out in real time, to be alive at a historic moment.

Oh Herr Mac, so what you're saying is;

View attachment 463026

I take it it was a good Two Minute Hate for you this morning.

Be careful.. Trump will sell you out too.. in a heartbeat.
That's the funny part. No matter how many people he throws under the bus, the rubes still believe him when he tells them he loves them.


The fact that Trump loves Putin and Kim Jong Un and gushes that he loves people all the time right before he stabs them in the back should gives these fools pause for thought.
Love is blind.

Trump is one of those men that will take you for a ride, tell you he loves you and rob you blind.
That's the funny part. No matter how many people he throws under the bus, the rubes still believe him when he tells them he loves them.


My wife loves me, my dogs love me. I don't need Trump to love me.

I just want someone who supports the Constitution and individual liberty. Someone who stands up to the filthy fascist democrats. Trump has never met me, I've never met him. But he FIGHTS against scum like Nancy Pigshit and the rest who are waging civil war against our Republic.
That's the funny part. No matter how many people he throws under the bus, the rubes still believe him when he tells them he loves them.


My wife loves me, my dogs love me. I don't need Trump to love me.

I just want someone who supports the Constitution and individual liberty. Someone who stands up to the filthy fascist democrats. Trump has never met me, I've never met him. But he FIGHTS against scum like Nancy Pigshit and the rest who are waging civil war against our Republic.

Trump has tried repeatedly to overrule the Constitution to suit his personal agenda. Are you crazy?
Here's the real Donald.

This is one of the reasons it is incomprehensible to me that anyone would think it's remotely okay for him to hold office again, let alone support him at all for anything. He should actually be thrown in prison for this.

Around 2:13 p.m. ET on Jan. 6, Pence’s Secret Service detail decided to remove him from the Senate floor and take him to a shelter-in-place location below-ground. That security camera footage shown by House managers is, in retrospect, some of the most chilling captured that day. Shortly after Pence makes his way down the stairwell, his military aide, carrying a large briefcase, follows. The briefcase is the nuclear "football" — an exact copy of the one the president’s military aide was guarding at the White House that day.

That Pence had a military aide and a briefcase was a surprise to many who aren’t familiar with the command and control of strategic nuclear forces. Suddenly the import of what happened acquired a new salience: Did Trump’s inaction place not only his vice president, but the security of the nuclear deterrent in jeopardy?

Short answer: Yes. About 10 minutes after Pence was evacuated, Trump tweeted in rage, “Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution.”

It was, in fact, Trump whose actions had just compromised national security. Given the chaos of the moment, though, it is not inconceivable that Pence might have been separated from the military aide during the evacuation. It is horrifying to speculate about this scenario because it is reasonable to envision exactly that might have happened.

Trump knew exactly the danger that Pence and the nuclear football that the VP carries was in. He didn't care. All he cared about was retaining power.

Right before Trump sent the tweet castigating his vice president, he had spoken with Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., who said he told the president that Pence had been taken from the chamber. And we know Trump was watching television — where Pence's emergency evacuation would have been hard to miss.
Such a Drama queeen----------short answer is that Pence was never in any danger...everyone knew that the protestors were coming for weeks in advance. DUH!
Trump even offered 10,000 National Guard Troops but Pelosi turned him down because it would give a bad impression.
Not to mention the VP never goes anywhere without his SS TEAM
Yeah. Trump told him he didn't want him to be his friend. And if someone isn't a loyal ally to trump, he would just assume they were dead.

It is part of what constitutes a psychopathic personality.

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