Let's have opposite day just 1 day a year like they have mischief night


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
This bizzarro world do everything opposite rational logical thinking is destroying our existance, let's just set aside 1 day a year the political hacks, the media and the hotheads can blow off steam and only reverse things to their hearts content, once a year instead of 365 days trying to reverse good policy and 20 years of hard work.
It worked for mischief night, until we stopped that, and look what happened. *L*
Oh, shut the F up snowflake!

Mischief night was a hoax!

(how'd I do?)

Ok. :laughing0301:

Yep, better then 365 days the Left has created.
It also solves their need to be socialists for a day, as they can give us their wallets 1 day a year. Oh wait, they have that already, it's called tax day. *L*
Sort of like playing poker winning all the chips and then saying to everyone no no come back and giving them back their chips so that the game can continue to be played… It is a gamble eventually someone else will come out on top and will not be so generous about letting you back in the game…All those weapons being left there for the taking what’s the plan.. Reversal indeed welcome to the twilight zone…
Sort of like playing poker winning all the chips and then saying to everyone no no come back and giving them back their chips so that the game can continue to be played… It is a gamble eventually someone else will come out on top and will not be so generous about letting you back in the game…All those weapons being left there for the taking what’s the plan.. Reversal indeed welcome to the twilight zone…
Maybe they had a deal that Taliban would hold off and fight Isis in the region? NAH, those are the weapons trained Afghan military relinquished when they're families were threatened and they ran away from their service and country.
There's many many lessons in this:
It mirrors the racketeering techniques of Mobsters, Cartels, violent gangs, and the Democrat Party. When you allow political bullying, threats, abuse, like we saw the party go down the line of every opposition administration member and the elect's family, these THREATS make people compromised and we see the end goal is always 1 party control like the Taliban succeeded in doing. We see how well that intimidation and control by 1 party works out for the UNARMED people.
Which is another lesson in all this, the lesson of disarming the citizens. There's only 1 reason socialist Dems want disarmed citizens, the same reason Castro, Chavez, Meduro and the rest needed their citizens to be helpless to the racket business they had going.
The ole, we'll keep the guns to protect you, but it's us you'll need protection from.
Maybe they had a deal that Taliban would hold off and fight Isis in the region? NAH, those are the weapons trained Afghan military relinquished when they're families were threatened and they ran away from their service and country.
There's many many lessons in this:
It mirrors the racketeering techniques of Mobsters, Cartels, violent gangs, and the Democrat Party. When you allow political bullying, threats, abuse, like we saw the party go down the line of every opposition administration member and the elect's family, these THREATS make people compromised and we see the end goal is always 1 party control like the Taliban succeeded in doing. We see how well that intimidation and control by 1 party works out for the UNARMED people.
Which is another lesson in all this, the lesson of disarming the citizens. There's only 1 reason socialist Dems want disarmed citizens, the same reason Castro, Chavez, Meduro and the rest needed their citizens to be helpless to the racket business they had going.
The ole, we'll keep the guns to protect you, but it's us you'll need protection. …..""I am waiting for Rod Steiger to come out and the music from the twilight zone to start playing maybe Biden will be able to stay awake for it…lol..

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