Lets have world peace---Can it be done?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Yes, lets have world peace!

Taliban and isis need to agree to peace
All the terrorist nations need to agree to peace
India and Pakistan needs to agree to peace
Palestine and Israel need to agree to peace
The gangs in Mexico need to agree to peace
Iran and America
North Korea and America
Cuba and America
Syria and their enemies
China needs to stop being aggressive
And yes America and Russia need to find real peace...Not the fake shit Trump is trying as it is insulting to the American people.
The Sudan and all the nations of africa need to stop being violent in and out of their borders.

Get all of our leaders together and sign a treaty declaring peace!

Can it be done?
Maybe we can then set up a world frame work to work together on some things like sending humans to other planets, curing cancer and making fusion work.
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Yes, lets have world peace!

Taliban and isis need to agree to peace
All the terrorist nations need to agree to peace
India and Pakistan needs to agree to peace
Palestine and Israel need to agree to peace
The gangs in Mexico need to agree to peace
Iran and America
North Korea and America
Cuba and America
Syria and their enemies
China needs to stop being aggressive
And yes America and Russia need to find real peace...Not the fake shit Trump is trying as it is insulting to the American people.
The Sudan and all the nations of africa need to stop being violent in and out of their borders.

Get all of our leaders together and sign a treaty declaring peace!

Can it be done?
Maybe we can then set up a world frame work to work together on some things like sending humans to other planets, curing cancer and making fusion work.

Asking ISIS and other terrorists to agree to peace is like expecting a rabid dog not to attack. They will only accept a world without infidels and their idea of peace is a Muslim controlled world where sharia law prevails. If you don't agree to that, the only option is to fight them.

Don't be so naïve that you expect that radicals will agree to live among us infidels without trying to eradicate us. Won't happen.

Israel just wants to be left alone.

Maybe the terrorists can all leave the countries they are invading. That would be a good start.
Yes, lets have world peace!

Taliban and isis need to agree to peace
All the terrorist nations need to agree to peace
India and Pakistan needs to agree to peace
Palestine and Israel need to agree to peace
The gangs in Mexico need to agree to peace
Iran and America
North Korea and America
Cuba and America
Syria and their enemies
China needs to stop being aggressive
And yes America and Russia need to find real peace...Not the fake shit Trump is trying as it is insulting to the American people.
The Sudan and all the nations of africa need to stop being violent in and out of their borders.

Get all of our leaders together and sign a treaty declaring peace!

Can it be done?
Maybe we can then set up a world frame work to work together on some things like sending humans to other planets, curing cancer and making fusion work.

Yes Matthew
and it starts with US. Can WE unite and make peace?
Quit bashing Trump supporters or Trump opponents.
Quit dividing left and right, pro and anti gay, pro and anti gun rights gun control,
right to life vs right to health care.
Quit demonizing and fearing each other as the enemy.

If we can learn the process it takes to overcome our own
fears and hateful barriers, then maybe we can reach out
and ask people in other countries to do the same.

If we can't even embrace each other, who are we to
tell anyone else what they need to do to change the world?
Yes, lets have world peace!

Taliban and isis need to agree to peace
All the terrorist nations need to agree to peace
India and Pakistan needs to agree to peace
Palestine and Israel need to agree to peace
The gangs in Mexico need to agree to peace
Iran and America
North Korea and America
Cuba and America
Syria and their enemies
China needs to stop being aggressive
And yes America and Russia need to find real peace...Not the fake shit Trump is trying as it is insulting to the American people.
The Sudan and all the nations of africa need to stop being violent in and out of their borders.

Get all of our leaders together and sign a treaty declaring peace!

Can it be done?
Maybe we can then set up a world frame work to work together on some things like sending humans to other planets, curing cancer and making fusion work.

Yes Matthew
and it starts with US. Can WE unite and make peace?
Quit bashing Trump supporters or Trump opponents.
Quit dividing left and right, pro and anti gay, pro and anti gun rights gun control,
right to life vs right to health care.
Quit demonizing and fearing each other as the enemy.

If we can learn the process it takes to overcome our own
fears and hateful barriers, then maybe we can reach out
and ask people in other countries to do the same.

If we can't even embrace each other, who are we to
tell anyone else what they need to do to change the world?

We'd have to agree on some core values and come together on some of this. Would you accept a right for healthcare if the left accepts a right to life?
Yes, lets have world peace!

Taliban and isis need to agree to peace
All the terrorist nations need to agree to peace
India and Pakistan needs to agree to peace
Palestine and Israel need to agree to peace
The gangs in Mexico need to agree to peace
Iran and America
North Korea and America
Cuba and America
Syria and their enemies
China needs to stop being aggressive
And yes America and Russia need to find real peace...Not the fake shit Trump is trying as it is insulting to the American people.
The Sudan and all the nations of africa need to stop being violent in and out of their borders.

Get all of our leaders together and sign a treaty declaring peace!

Can it be done?
Maybe we can then set up a world frame work to work together on some things like sending humans to other planets, curing cancer and making fusion work.

Yes Matthew
and it starts with US. Can WE unite and make peace?
Quit bashing Trump supporters or Trump opponents.
Quit dividing left and right, pro and anti gay, pro and anti gun rights gun control,
right to life vs right to health care.
Quit demonizing and fearing each other as the enemy.

If we can learn the process it takes to overcome our own
fears and hateful barriers, then maybe we can reach out
and ask people in other countries to do the same.

If we can't even embrace each other, who are we to
tell anyone else what they need to do to change the world?

We'd have to agree on some core values and come together on some of this. Would you accept a right for healthcare if the left accepts a right to life?

EXACTLY Matthew!
I hope to propose to Texas lawmakers to separate tracks for developing these programs,
left and right, and give taxpayers a choice in funding and following either one.

Where these AGREE, of course, we can connect that with govt.
If we cannot agree, why not let taxpayers separate until the parties can develop
programs that prove to the public their effectiveness first, and then people can choose to fund
and develop them further. By free choice, by proving and troubleshooting programs first.
Not forcing any policies on people without first making them work right!

I think we are heading there Matthew!
Would it all be a waste of time???

It already IS a waste of time ... and TRILLIONS of dollars

We need more walls and fences.

The Great Goose MORE than that.
why not build military prisons and teaching hospitals along the border?
using resources and labor from restitution for trafficking crimes

Can you imagine a contest between the major parties,
each to organize build and manage a city-state for each border state,
and implement the solutions they propose to demonstrate which will work?

Why not use THAT to campaign for office: a living resume to PROVE
who can lead govt reform, clean up border crime, and create jobs and education
LEGALLY in cost effective ways.
You can't be serious.

What do you think about the possibility of something like this? Would it all be a waste of time???

It would be like sitting down and working things out with the other kid in school.

Yes it is a waste of time people are greedy, immoral and warlike.......not gonna happen. Utopian socialism is a fools dream

Then let them COMPETE for funding. buckeye45_73

Challenge BOTH parties to develop such effective plans that people WANT to fund them and give them their money and authority to represent them.

Just like parties competing for voters and donors.

But make them EARN it -- by actually SETTING UP the plans and programs. Not just promising them.

but DELIVERING on those promises if they want to get any campaign funds to promote and develop these policies further.

compete, just like businesses, to provide better services for the same resources. And better leadership mgmt and public service.

Make the politicians and parties beholden to the taxpayers.

Not the other way where taxpayers are at the mercy of whatever politicians "promise" to push through govt.

Either DELIVER and PROVIDE what you ADVERTISE or get sued for fraud and misrepresentation,

and be forced to provide what donors and taxpayers PAID FOR given what was STATED in the policies.


or withhold funding demand refunds and invest credits in other leaders and solutions that prove more effective!

We need more walls and fences.

The Great Goose MORE than that.
why not build military prisons and teaching hospitals along the border?
using resources and labor from restitution for trafficking crimes

Can you imagine a contest between the major parties,
each to organize build and manage a city-state for each border state,
and implement the solutions they propose to demonstrate which will work?

Why not use THAT to campaign for office: a living resume to PROVE
who can lead govt reform, clean up border crime, and create jobs and education
LEGALLY in cost effective ways.

I'm going to be blunt, Emily.

America is full. :D
I do not think world peace is a possibility. America in her past was the best hope for that and we've been corrupted (both sides) and are no longer even trying to work for peace within our own borders, much less on any global scale. Other countries have very little interest in peace, at best they want to be left alone, at worst they hate us.

It is absolutely pointless to even think about utopian fantasies like this. Especially right now, when we're sitting on a civil war powder keg.
You can't be serious.

What do you think about the possibility of something like this? Would it all be a waste of time???

It would be like sitting down and working things out with the other kid in school.
No, it's not like dealing with the other kid in school. It's more like trying to pet a wild animal and getting your arm ripped off.
You can't be serious.

What do you think about the possibility of something like this? Would it all be a waste of time???

It would be like sitting down and working things out with the other kid in school.

Finding common ground within the huge diversity of values (worldwide) would be near impossible.
The best to hope for might be temporary peace among a few.
We just had people not only protest but riot after an election, right here in Amurica. =)

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