Lets have world peace---Can it be done?

We need more walls and fences.

The Great Goose MORE than that.
why not build military prisons and teaching hospitals along the border?
using resources and labor from restitution for trafficking crimes

Can you imagine a contest between the major parties,
each to organize build and manage a city-state for each border state,
and implement the solutions they propose to demonstrate which will work?

Why not use THAT to campaign for office: a living resume to PROVE
who can lead govt reform, clean up border crime, and create jobs and education
LEGALLY in cost effective ways.

I'm going to be blunt, Emily.

America is full. :D

Dear The Great Goose
Look at how many people fill up our prisons and cost taxpayers while losing their ability to work.
Why not create a prison exchange policy.
For everyone who chooses NOT to get help for a criminal illness disorder or addiction,
and ends up costing taxpayers for a premeditated crime, require such convicts to work off the debt.
And they can "trade places" with an immigrant on the waiting list who WANTS the right to work for an honest living!

Plenty of women and children laboring like slaves in sweatshops would LOVE to trade
place with people who can do that work for them while serving prison time,
and allow people who WANT to go to school and work to access those opportunities!
Why waste these on people who don't want to work, while many people are DYING to have that chance to live and work in America!

For the length of the sentence, allow a guest worker to trade citizenship with someone who abuses their rights and freedoms to violate rights of others.
Reward law abiding citizens and residents with rights to citizenship,
and revoke citizenship from people who abuse that privilege to commit premeditated crimes instead of getting help to prevent that.

That should keep the population stable, while deterring crime by requiring either sick people get help, or people who deliberately choose to avoid help and commit premeditated crimes are held financially responsible for the costs, if it takes working in sweatshops to pay the debt to society. Why exploit women children and other trafficking victims with slave labor?
Why not reserve that work for people who owe restitution? Why not require all citizens of legal age to sign agreements in advance if they want rights to citizenship?
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We need more walls and fences.

The Great Goose MORE than that.
why not build military prisons and teaching hospitals along the border?
using resources and labor from restitution for trafficking crimes

Can you imagine a contest between the major parties,
each to organize build and manage a city-state for each border state,
and implement the solutions they propose to demonstrate which will work?

Why not use THAT to campaign for office: a living resume to PROVE
who can lead govt reform, clean up border crime, and create jobs and education
LEGALLY in cost effective ways.

I'm going to be blunt, Emily.

America is full. :D

Dear The Great Goose
Look at how many people fill up our prisons and cost taxpayers while losing their ability to work.
Why not create a prison exchange policy.
For everyone who chooses NOT to get help for a criminal illness disorder or addiction,
and ends up costing taxpayers for a premeditated crime, require such convicts to work off the debt.
And they can "trade places" with an immigrant on the waiting list who WANTS the right to work for an honest living!

Plenty of women and children laboring like slaves in sweatshops would LOVE to trade
place with people who can do that work for them while serving prison time,
and allow people who WANT to go to school and work to access those opportunities!
Why waste these on people who don't want to work, while many people are DYING to have that chance to live and work in America!

For the length of the sentence, allow a guest worker to trade citizenship with someone who abuses their rights and freedoms to violate rights of others.
Reward law abiding citizens and residents with rights to citizenship,
and revoke citizenship from people who abuse that privilege to commit premeditated crimes instead of getting help to prevent that.
That's so right wing! I'm really upset with you.

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