Let's list the 2017 FAKE GOP Conspiracies they managed to convince a sad base were true.

Did Obama wiretap Trump? No, but it was just one of the right's top conspiracy theories in 2017

Fox & Friends, Ed Klein, an author who has been accused of fabricating claims about politicians, said that Obama and his aides were “setting up what they're calling a shadow government,” in the house. In February 2017, The New York Post reported that Obama was controlling “an army of agitators” and running a shadow government “from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.” The claim spread across far-right blogs and websites.

An Obama official confirmed that the former president wiretapped Trump Tower

President Trump has claimed multiple times that the protesters who took to the streets to rally against his victory, his refusal to release his taxes and more were paid to be there.

Hillary Clinton and Obama set up the far-right rally in Charlottesville (this has got to be my favorite)

Representative Dana Rohrabacher of California told The San Francisco Chronicle that it was a former Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporter who tricked “dumb Civil War reenactors” into taking part in the protest. “It was left-wingers who were manipulating them in order to have this confrontation.”

Roy Moore’s accusers were bribed

The FBI is organizing a coup

Uranium One - a false story about how Hillary Clinton engineered the sale of nuclear materials to Russia to get kickbacks to her husband's foundation.

College is bad for America.

The Hollywood Access tape was fake.


Can their misleading policies be defined as "conspiracies"?

For instance, no healthcare is the best healthcare, or it healthcare was better when people had no healthcare. Course, that one's not working. It's pretty much failed.

One that seems to still be working: Lost manufacturing jobs will be "coming back", what ever that means. We know for a fact that 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated and more jobs are being lost every day. Mining, dairy, automation is showing up everywhere. Those jobs are never coming back. And more are being lost all the time. Americans need to prepare. Republicans are making sure that doesn't happen.

Tax cuts for corporations:
Give big raises
Creates jobs
Is good for the country
Makes us competitive
Helps the economy.
Take your pick, years of these nonsensical policies proves that the GOP base is beyond gullible.

I think I covered the big ones, but there are so very many more..

Uranium One conspiracy held the top spot a few weeks ago--of course another Hillary Clinton conspiracy that FOX NEWS was pushing.

It's been thoroughly debunked.

This poor RNC representative had to wear a bag over her head and lead out the back door.

Shep Smith debunked it also

Why did FOX NEWS push this conspiracy--here is your answer. it also has something to do with Robert Mueller.

We listed the GOP and Trump conspiracies against Democrats.

And when Democrats question why children have been kidnapped by the Trump and the GOP, Trump and the GOP say that's not only a lie but also a conspiracy.

The problem is thousands of missing children. Traumatized for life. Many of them expected to never see their parents again.

The difference between Republican and Democrat conspiracies is that the Democrat conspiracies seem to come true. We are seeing that being played out now.

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