Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
So now we have to keep track of anyone who ever gave Trump advice? Banon hasn't been part of the Trump administration for 3 years. Manafort was never in the Trump administration, neither was Roger Stone. The later was never even part of his campaign. The charges against Flynn are being dropped. The charges against George Papadopoulos are utterly bogus, and he was never in the Trump administration.

Your list only makes you look pathetic and desperate. How many people who were formerly part of the Obama administration who have been arrested/indicted for some crime? I'll bet the number is in the hundreds.

What don't you get? Trump is shady, and he surrounds himself with shady people.
Name a good president in your lifetime who wasn't involved in some scandal.... I'll wait

All so-called "scandals" are not created equal. Some are simply partisan faux outrage dressed up to look and sound worse than they really are. For the most part, the Obama administration had a very good track record regarding a lack of corruption and illegal wheeling and dealing. The one issue I remember is that a WH aide (whose name I don't recall) got caught doing something incredibly stupid. It was a high risk/low reward nonviolent property crime. The man went to a store and bought items. I don't remember the dollar value. Then he went back sometime later and put the same new items in a bag and then tried to return the items as if he'd brought the old items back to the store. I'm not entirely sure how he got caught, but with security cameras and scanners, it couldn't have been too difficult to catch the guy.

Meanwhile, the Reagan administration had the largest number of officials who were tried and convicted of much more serious crimes which involved their official duties and abuses of power. I'm sure the Trump administration will significantly top that number. Hell, they're well on their way already. If there's one thing I get a kick out of, it's how Trump has corrupted the saintly Christian, Mike Pence. Now, he's almost as big a liar as Trump.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
So now we have to keep track of anyone who ever gave Trump advice? Banon hasn't been part of the Trump administration for 3 years. Manafort was never in the Trump administration, neither was Roger Stone. The later was never even part of his campaign. The charges against Flynn are being dropped. The charges against George Papadopoulos are utterly bogus, and he was never in the Trump administration.

Your list only makes you look pathetic and desperate. How many people who were formerly part of the Obama administration who have been arrested/indicted for some crime? I'll bet the number is in the hundreds.

What don't you get? Trump is shady, and he surrounds himself with shady people.
Name a good president in your lifetime who wasn't involved in some scandal.... I'll wait

All so-called "scandals" are not created equal. Some are simply partisan faux outrage dressed up to look and sound worse than they really are. For the most part, the Obama administration had a very good track record regarding a lack of corruption and illegal wheeling and dealing. The one issue I remember is that a WH aide (whose name I don't recall) got caught doing something incredibly stupid. It was a high risk/low reward nonviolent property crime. The man went to a store and bought items. I don't remember the dollar value. Then he went back sometime later and put the same new items in a bag and then tried to return the items as if he'd brought the old items back to the store. I'm not entirely sure how he got caught, but with security cameras and scanners, it couldn't have been too difficult to catch the guy.

Meanwhile, the Reagan administration had the largest number of officials who were tried and convicted of much more serious crimes which involved their official duties and abuses of power. I'm sure the Trump administration will significantly top that number. Hell, they're well on their way already. If there's one thing I get a kick out of, it's how Trump has corrupted the saintly Christian, Mike Pence. Now, he's almost as big a liar as Trump.
So you choose to ignore all that the former administration was involved in, otherwise in it's quest to use the FBI and Intel to try to frame Trump before he ever got out of the gate eh ?????????? And yes they did it in order to hoist Hillary's big ace into the seat so she could play president, and so Obama and crew could keep the agenda going in the back ground.
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And who just plead guilty to filing false documents that started the Russia hoax? A DEM. Funny how the lefties here keep ignoring it. Their tears come November could fill a river.
It's amazing how stupid they think we all are, but the media has given them their false hope. Yes their propaganda campaign that has spanned for years now, was supposed to work, and the media was to play a huge role in it all.

Biden if he utters another damned race baiting word out of his mouth, then Trump ought to direct his DOJ to go straight over and arrest his sorry ace, and charge him with inciting a nation wide riot by way of using false rehtoric to do so. The constitution specifically says that you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater, and that is exactly what they've been doing everytime they utter their race baiting bullcrap, and they've been doing it for quite sometime now. Enough of the dam lies and race baiting by these demons already.

An investigation into this Covid virus needs to be very precise and thorough, and if it has Democrats finger prints anywhere on it, they need to be idicted and arrested big time. The timing of the thing was highly suspect, and if it weren't for everything else we've learned since 2016 about what the cratzi's were up too, then I wouldn't ever think like this, but what a coincidence it has all been.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.

So? Look who's talking Obama and Biden are going to be indicted along with their gang of traitors who tried to overthrow a sitting president. You people are going to need some ass pucker meds.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
They don’t admit it because corruption has been part of most republican administrations. The most corrupt before Trump was Reagan. The gop has a habit of worshiping the most corrupt of us.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
They don’t admit it because corruption has been part of most republican administrations. The most corrupt before Trump was Reagan. The gop has a habit of worshiping the most corrupt of us.
Politicians are insulated. Progs politicians have to be ten times worse then Repub ones to be indicted. Some won't be touched at all.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.

So? Look who's talking Obama and Biden are going to be indicted along with their gang of traitors who tried to overthrow a sitting president. You people are going to need some ass pucker meds.
Not sure if it will go down, as a truce between them all might be made. It's really why we haven't seen any real justice yet. They don't abide by the same rules or laws as the rest of us peons do. Double standards abound. I just hope the war will end, and people will go back to being good, caring, and decent hardworking American's trying to obtain their dreams.

We have to get our leaders attention though, and make them serve us the way that we should be served while in the positions they have to do so. Enough with the bullcrap already is mine and many other American's thinking, but to elect Democrats at this time in space would be a huge mistake I think. The corruption is just to great, and their rep's are just to radical.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.

So? Look who's talking Obama and Biden are going to be indicted along with their gang of traitors who tried to overthrow a sitting president. You people are going to need some ass pucker meds.
Not sure if it will go down, as a truce between them all might be made. It's really why we haven't seen any real justice yet. They don't abide by the same rules or laws as the rest of us peons do. Double standards abound. I just hope the war will end, and people will go back to being good, caring, and decent hardworking American's trying to obtain their dreams.

We have to get our leaders attention though, and make them serve us the way that we should be served while in the positions they have to do so. Enough with the bullcrap already is mine and many other American's thinking, but to elect Democrats at this time in space would be a huge mistake I think. The corruption is just to great, and their rep's are just to radical.

In all seriousness that whole damn town is so corrupt the politicians are pretty much above the law and immune. They won't rat on each other. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY that's why 90% of them ran to get elected, to CASH IN.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Such is the blind partisan right.

If conservatives don’t care about Trump’s incessant lying, then they’re not going to care about how corrupt this administration truly is.
Demoncrat's living in glass houses while throwing stones is a fool's game.
Conservatives will blindly support any Republican president no matter how wrong and reprehensible.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.
Obama's A.G. was responsible for shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and the subsequent death of a Border Patrol Officer. Holder quietly resigned and not a single ATF agent ever lost their job much less was indicted. Nobody was interested in indicting members of Obama's administration but today the left is literally working overtime to investigate every moment of everyone even remotely connected to the Trump administration and indicting for procedural crimes.

It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Such is the blind partisan right.

If conservatives don’t care about Trump’s incessant lying, then they’re not going to care about how corrupt this administration truly is.
Demoncrat's living in glass houses while throwing stones is a fool's game.
Conservatives will blindly support any Republican president no matter how wrong and reprehensible.

I personally will never vote for a Democrat, to infinity. I consider them unclean swine who lie and scheme. Democrats represent all that is wrong with the human species. It's like a branch of the human genome has splintered off creating blithering idiots.
Obama's A.G. was responsible for shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and the subsequent death of a Border Patrol Officer. Holder quietly resigned and not a single ATF agent ever lost their job much less was indicted. Nobody was interested in indicting members of Obama's administration but today the left is literally working overtime to investigate every moment of everyone even remotely connected to the Trump administration and indicting for procedural crimes.

But but but you are NOT supposed to hold Democrats accountable for anything, because well that's just a rule.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.


It’s amazing how this isn’t enough for republicans just admit how insanely corrupt this idiot is.
Such is the blind partisan right.

If conservatives don’t care about Trump’s incessant lying, then they’re not going to care about how corrupt this administration truly is.
Demoncrat's living in glass houses while throwing stones is a fool's game.
Conservatives will blindly support any Republican president no matter how wrong and reprehensible.
And Demoncrat's won't ?????

Bawahawahawahawahawahawa. You are one weird dude if you can't see the irony in your bullcrap.

The thing that blows my mind is how CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the leftist networks won't allow hardly if any conservative desenting opinions, but Fox News is eat up with it. So whose worse when it comes to being a boot licking sheeple ???? Not Fox News...... Better get your bullcrap meter checked, because it should have been screaming with that last post you wrote. LOL.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.


Translation, facts shut you down. Run away and hide.
Let’s not lose count: 7 of Trump’s advisors have been indicted for crimes

LET'S NOT LOSE FOCUS: This actually proves that Trump's people are not part of the deep state, because if they WERE, like Obama's people, they'd all be walking free of their travails, like Hillary, never even charged much less prosecuted, often for petty shit, while Obama himself should probably be behind bars.

Amazing wonders what being corrupt can do for you, when you are a Democrat.
Exactly. You KNOW Obama’s corrupt because NONE of them are in jail.

That’s some awesome conservative logic.

We know Obama is corrupt because he hates America and wants to transform it while praising China and giving billions to Iran. Hello earth to colfax.
It’s impossible to take you seriously as an adult if you think Trump isn’t corrupt.

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