Lets pay off the dept congress

Nov 23, 2011
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?
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I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?

That would be 523 fewer members, wouldn't it? You said Congress not the House, so that should include 100 Senators, right? Actually, that would be 529, because there are also 6 non-voting members of the House representing various territories and D.C.
I have no desire to live in a Direct Democracy.

Neither did the Founders.
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?

"Abolish congress and put in a committee" ...shades of Joe Stalin.
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?
They'd be a lot more valuable to us if the people in their districts put an eyeglass to their budgetary excesses when they refuse to live within the people's means to pay.

Pass a law that says if a congresscritter refuses to balance the budget by voting in spending bills higher than the voters in his district can pay for, he is ineligible for running for any public office for 50 years.

That'll cure 'em.

If you don't do that, you will get nothing but grief from your own and others' spendthrift congresscritters.
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C'est impossible.
No it isn't I've seen it with my own eyes, a man standing up to big government and having them reduce spending 20% instead of raising a tax.

It is impossible, however, when people wimp out and leave every unpleasant detail to somebody else. When that happens, you get nanny government, and it is so expensive, it can get your country's credit rating lowered internationally.
Congress can't pay off the debt. Congress is too well endowed for life by its own laws and too supported by corporations and rich bastards to EVER do anything good for commoners.
C'est impossible.
No it isn't I've seen it with my own eyes, a man standing up to big government and having them reduce spending 20% instead of raising a tax.

It is impossible, however, when people wimp out and leave every unpleasant detail to somebody else. When that happens, you get nanny government, and it is so expensive, it can get your country's credit rating lowered internationally.

You'll have to cut much deeper. You'll have to stop waging endless wars for empire. Since that won't EVER happen there is no chance to reduce debt in a meaningful way. What is the personal debt per every taxpayer or potential taxpayer now? Something like 30K the last time I checked and subsequently vomited.
Congress can't pay off the debt. Congress is too well endowed for life by its own laws and too supported by corporations and rich bastards to EVER do anything good for commoners.

Support public financing of elections. The only way they'll start listening to US instead of "corporations and rich bastards" is if we foot the bill.
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?

why does the right keep hating on the constitution?
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?

why does the right keep hating on the constitution?

And what exactly is your evidence that this new poster is on the right?

He's advocating a more direct democracy. Isn't that something you favor?

I rather like the Republic.
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?

Firstly, that would be 73 million. Wow I've saved you 7.2 billion already.
Af far as worth what they cost us? Hell no, but changing over to a direct democracy is a stupid idea. We hire those 535 people because the citizens aren't informed enough to make most decisions. Hell! If we had a direct democracy, 99% of the voters would vote to confiscate the wealth of the other 1%.
That doesn't even take into account the strong possibility of motivated hackers deciding the fate of issues.
Monumentally stupid idea!
I have an idea! Lets get a consitutional amendment to abolish congress as we know it and put in a comitte of twelve to do all the debate. Then we will put there debated bills up to a popular vote online. Lets face it technology has out paced our goverment. This should save us 423(members) at an average salary of aprox. $174,000 for a whopping 7.3 billin dollars a year. Now, add in each of the 423(members) administration cost, including but not limited to housing, transportation, personel, offices, pentions, electric bills phone bills, laptops, etc. and we are probably looking at saving our govenment well of 250 billion dollars per year. What do you think? are our congress men and women worth what they are costing us?
They'd be a lot more valuable to us if the people in their districts put an eyeglass to their budgetary excesses when they refuse to live within the people's means to pay.

Pass a law that says if a congresscritter refuses to balance the budget by voting in spending bills higher than the voters in his district can pay for, he is ineligible for running for any public office for 50 years.

That'll cure 'em.

If you don't do that, you will get nothing but grief from your own and others' spendthrift congresscritters.

Why not pay them on an incentive plan? Reduce their pay by twice the percentage of deficit to revenue, and increase it by 4 times the percentage of surplus to revenue to a max of, say 20% bonus once the national debt is paid off.
Most businesses and personal budgets maintain a "prudent reserve" for use during hard times. Shouldn't we as a nation?
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